Sunday, June 28, 2015

Back to school I go!

Sunday morning was my last day to just lounge around until I had to go back to school. So since I had a ton of old bananas in the freezer, I decided to make  banana bread and muffins. 
May and Henry were at our house, so my kids were occupied all day. It was great, and I did get to lounge most of the day. 

We didn't do much Sunday evening. Jack was still not fully recovered, so down time was a must. 

I went back to work on Monday. I have missed nothing in my two weeks. 

I have missed a couple of sightings of the random camel train coming through the desert out by our school. That is about the extent of the action around our school at this time of year, especially during break Ramadan. 

Monday after school Clare asked me to go get a pedicure with her. I really don't do much with girlfriends here, other than Gina and Cathy, so it was a nice treat. 

Tuesday after a day of coffee and a meeting with our senior leadership team, I headed to the post office to collect Millie's Emirates ID. I was going to take it to Sunflower School, but called before I headed that way and was informed the lady who would need it would not be there until Wednesday, so I headed home. 

Once home Facebook lit up with rumors of hotel stays being canceled for those leaving. Each year, for those who are not returning with Abu Dhabi Education Council, there is a check-out process. With that process, you are required to sell all your things and turn off your utilities. Then, those leaving, are allowed to move into a hotel for their remaining 2 weeks in the country. Well, this year it started to unravel. In the end, it all worked out and everyone got to stay in their hotels. Seems things just happen that way here. 

We had the Griffiths and Richardsons over for Taco Tuesday. It was the Richardson's farewell to the Griffiths. We knew we would most likely see them again before their departure, but it is still sad seeing them say goodbye to others. We become a family, this expat community. 

Wednesday the kids were home having a chilled day. Jack was not recovering as quickly as I thought he should, but he hadn't had a fever so we just kept giving him his pain medication and were anxious for his doctor's appointment on the 6th of July. 
The kids decided they needed to set up beds in the living room. So we moved the coffee table over so they could build their beds. I love letting them do things like this. I hope they will remember their living room beds when they get older. 

Thursday the kids went to Henry and May's for the day. When I got to the Richardson's  house to pick them up, Jack was not well. He was complaining about his ears hurting. I had read about this on the Internet, and that because the nerves in your throat and ears are so closely connected. However, we wondered if this was a bit excessive and that maybe he had a secondary infection. 

Stuart took the Richardson's to the airport Thursday evening while Jack, Millie and I went to the mall. We got there about 6:30 pm and NOTHING was open. I hadn't been to the mall during Ramadan, as of yet, and totally forgot about the timing of everything. Shops are open in the morning and then close until 8 pm and are open until 1 am. 

On the way to the mall I told the kids we would go to church the following morning and then go to lunch at the golf club with the Murffs. I suppose this got Jack thinking about death for some reason. He began to ask questions about what happened to people when they died. Here was the conversation:

Jack: Mama, why do people go into the fire when they die? (Clearly he's been watching Star Wars too much)

Me: People don't go into the fire, Jack. That's a movie. In real life people are buried. They can also be cremated, which is when they burn your body and it becomes ashes. Ok, well maybe some people do go into a fire, but not the same as it is on Star Wars. 

Jack: Well, why don't they just go to Heaven. 

Me: Well, if you have asked Jesus to live in your heart and you love Him and try to follow what he asks you to do, then you will go to Heaven. But it won't be in the body you have now. 

Jack: Why?

Me: Just our souls will go to Heaven. 

Jack: What's your 'soul'?

Me (exhausted trying to explain things that sometimes even confuse me): it's the part of you that is filled with emotions. Your soul is what helps you to care about people and love other. 

Jack: Oh, ok, then that's what I want to do. I'll take that one. 

It was all I could do not to laugh. It's really kind of that simple, isn't it?

Once we were at the mall, we ended up shopping around in some of the stores that WERE open and just waited until Iftar (the meal time that breaks the fast of the Muslims). Once the sun set, everything's opened. 

We hit Fun City and the kids played a few games. 
The kids had a happy meal and I had a Diet Coke. We got home just before 9 pm and both kids were fast asleep. Fortunately I had for site and had bathed them before we headed to the mall. 

Friday morning we went to church. and went to the golf club for lunch with the Murffs. Because Jack was still complaining about his ear hurting, and he has an unusually high tolerance for pain, and in light of the fact that we would be flying out in less than a week, I decided to take him to the urgent care clinic to have his ears/throat checked out. 

We arrived and saw the triage nurse and then went into the waiting area. Once we were called in to see the general doctor, I tried to explain the situation. I told him Jack had his tonsils and adenoids removed on June 23 and he was still having trouble. I told him we had an appointment with Dr. Atilla  on the 6th of July, but since we were flying on the 9th I felt it was urgent to see someone about his pain. 

The doctor asked my if Jack had his tonsils taken out. What? Have you not been listening to me? I repeated most of the story, except for the appointment with Dr. Atilla that was coming up. He then asked if we had the surgery at this hospital. Oh Lord, please help us?  Fortunately there was a doctor's assistant in the room and he was trying to help the doctor understand. 

The doctor finally looked into Jack's ears and throat and said his throat was too red to be normal. I reiterated that the surgery was less than two weeks ago. This doctor was not the most 'in shape' person I had ever seen and he had Jack stand up and move towards him in order to do the examination. Lazy? Yes!

In the end he diagnosed Jack with a sinus infection, which I think was a bogus diagnosis. He gave us some antibiotics and we left the hospital, after a mere 2 hours. Ugh!  Once we were home I gave Jack his first dose of the three day antibiotic. I continued to pump him full of pain medication as well. Surely he will round the corner soon. 

As the weekend went on, he stayed about the same. We had the Griffiths over on Saturday for our final farewell to them. They came around 2 pm and left just after 5 pm. They brought lunch for all of us. The kids played and I could tell Jack was feeling better because he was a bit louder and more energetic than he had been since the surgery. However, I feared that with this activity, there would be a set back in the evening. 

He had his second does of antibiotics, showered, ate some summer and both kids went to bed. 

It was sad to see the Griffiths go, but we will see them again I'm sure. 
Jamie and I needed one last selfie! What memories we have created together! As I have said before, this is definitely the downside of the overseas, expat life. 

6 days until we hit the airport! We can't wait!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The tonsils!

Sunday morning I got up and went to Emirates ID place. Millie's ID has her birthdate incorrect. Because this effects her school enrollment I needed to get it fixed before she comes back to school in August. I went to the building at 8:30, but it didn't open til 9. I went at 9 am and was told the typist wouldn't be there until 9:15. I was told they would be open until 4 pm, but it is Ramadan after all so who knows. I had to come back because I was to pick Jack up from school to take him to his pre-op appointment. 

We had to see two doctors, the ENT and a pediatrician, the anethesiologist, and he had to have blood drawn. They took his vital signs and he weighed 27.8 kg (61 pounds) and was 130 cm with his shoes on (51 inches). When I told Jack he would have his blood drawn, the questions flowed. How will they do that? Will it hurt? Why do they have to use a needle? I just answered him as frankly as I could. Jack has always been the kid that wants ALL the details. He doesn't want any surprises, and if I ever even fudged the truth I would never be forgiven. So I have always told him all the facts, maybe too much at times. 

When the nurse started to draw his blood she told him how important it was that he sit still. She looked at me and then said, 'I will get someone to hold him', to which I replied, 'He's very compliant and there is no need for someone to hold him.'  I was right. He sat perfectly still. He when we, but he was super brave and did as he was told.  
He was super proud of his little hole in his arm. 

After his appointment I made him come to the grocery store with me. We dropped off the groceries and then, since Stuart  was home I headed back to the Emirates ID building. I went in, took a number, sat down for about 10 minutes, and then was told the system was down and I would need to come back tomorrow. Lovely!

When I got home our friend Rochelle came over with her three kids for a 'cuppa' and a chat. They stayed until about 4 pm. The kids then took showers and Stuart made supper. 

Monday morning we were all up and Jack had his hospital bag packed, even though we wouldn't be going until the following morning. Like mother, like son! It's never too early to pack. 

Once the kids and Stuart were gone I headed to the Emirates ID building. I checked in for the second time, saying the exact same phrase as before, 'I need to have the birthdate on my daughter's Emirates ID changed. It's incorrect.'  I was give a ticket and sat, waiting patiently. After about 20 minutes I was called to a window. When I got to the lady at the window, I repeated the phrase again, letting her know why I was there. She said to me, 'Oh, we do not do that here. You will have to go to the main office.' Really? I'm pretty sure at least three people heard me say the exact same thing and no one before the lady behind the counter directed me to the main office. Keeping my cool as not to get arrested, I said thank you very much and headed to the main office. Once I got there the process was pretty easy. The lady who helped me asked if I needed the card that day. She said if I did then it would cost me 150 dirhams. I said no thanks and got a receipt to pick up the card in a week at the post office, Inshallah! So, I may or may not have the card in a week. Then Millie will be set for school next year. What a pain!

I was supposed to come home and call the maintenance people for our villa because we have some repairs that need to happen before we come home, but I was so wiped by the ID experience, I totally forgot to do any of the things on my ' to do' list. Another day!

Jamie came over for a chat and then the kids arrived home. We decided we had to get out of the house so we went to the pool. I wasn't supposed to get in the water, but decided I was healed enough and it was too hot not to do so. I ignored doctor's orders. Oops!

After a good couple of hours we headed home. I actually made dinner, which never happens. The kids showered, ate and Millie headed to bed. Jack stayed up a bit longer and we tried to get him to eat and be very full before bedtime. The hospital had called and told us he could eat up until 2 am, but certainly I wasn't going to wake him up to eat. Silly!

When I put him to bed he had a million questions for me about the surgery. He said he was a little scared. He told me his teacher said it was okay for him to be scared. Clearly, he thinks his mother believes differently. I confirmed that it was fine for him to be scared but he would be fine. 

Jack was awake at 5 am and assured me he was neither hungry nor thirsty. We had told him if he woke up and went downstairs before us, not to eat or drink anything. I took him back to his room and told him he needed to try to go back to sleep for a while. 

When we were all finally awake Jack was already deep into the new game Stuart had downloaded on the iPad for him. He thinks that was the benefit of getting his tonsils taken out. 

Stuart took Millie to school and arrangements were made for Jamie and Joe to pick her up and take her with them for the afternoon. Jack and I headed to the hospital and Stuart was going to meet us there. 

On the journey to the hospital, Jack was asking questions again about what would be happening to him. I told him we couldn't go into the operating room with him but would be there when he was out of recovery and awake. He started to silently weep. I put my hand on his leg and teared up a bit myself. There is nothing more heart wrenching than seeing your children in real physical or emotional pain. I'm not the most compassionate person in the world, but with my kids I like to think I have a little more compassion than normal, although my mother may disagree:) 
Here he is not totally thrilled with what is about to happen. I also realized that these are the same clothes he wore to his appointment on Sunday. They are clean, but you know this bugged me. 

Once we were in the surgery unit and his hospital gown was tied, the iPad came out. They took his vitals, gave him a medication to make him sleepy, then he laid back and relaxed. 
The iPad is our best friend in times like these. 
Once the medication started to kick in, he laid back and Daddy read to him. He loves for Daddy to read to and so do I. 

The nurse came and asked Jack to get in the wheel chair. They wheeled him to the surgery door. I confirmed my signature on the consent forms and the he was wheeled away from us, but not before the anethesiaologist gave him her phone with a game running and he started playing it. Super clever, these folks! The game took his mind off of leaving us and we were settled because when we left him he wasn't upset at all. It was very comforting. 
This was just before he got the doctor's smart phone. 

A doctor came out with updates every 15 minutes or so. When Jack was in recovery they called me back to put on scrubs and go sit with him. He was kind of moaning and whimpering some. He rolled around in his bed and then about 20 minutes later they wheeled him back to his recovery room. 
Stuart took this picture. It made me cry. As a mother, you want to know you are caring for your child with enough of a balance of compassion and toughness. Obviously I have the 'toughness' thing down, but often question my abilities to be terribly compassionate. It's not my strong point. 

They gave him an ice pack to put on his throat. I couldn't help myself. I had to post the picture. Don't be mad at me, Grammie. I know I am a small child for doing this. 
Clever use for this thing, I suppose. When Jack saw it he said, 'This is like a balloon.' Um, yep!

Around 40 minutes after he arrived back in the recovery ward, and moments of him being kind of loopy, he woke up, said his throat hurt and asked if he could watch Paddington on the iPad. The boy was on his way to recovery. Thank the Lord!
After being in recovery for nearly 2 hours, I decided our boy has an extremely high tolerance for pain and is super tough. The boy who had the same procedure done just before Jack was next to us in recovery. Poor soul was still crying and crying and whimpering, while Jack was holding his arm with the fistula up as if he were some kind of super hero. This is also where it pays not to be a coddler. Kids just seem to get on with it. 

Once he was moved into a room he was able to have juice, yogurt, ice cream, milk and water. However, the one thing they failed to tell me was that I would have to bring all of those things for him. I am continually surprised at the differences in this country! I just wish someone would have told me. Even when I had knee surgery I got a meal. It wouldn't have anything to do with Ramadan because children can eat during the day. 

Stuart had brought some juice and ice cream. Since they don't serve food, they provide a microwave and refrigerator in every room. I popped out to get some yogurt, pudding, and something for myself to eat, although I had brought some snacks in a bag. Once I was back from the store, Stuart left to pick Millie up from the rugby club pool. The Griffiths had taken her with them. Stuart and Millie came to the hospital to visit. Millie bright Jack a Ninja turtle. Of course she had a new Barbie doll as well. Surprise!
Sassy jumped straight onto the bed with Jack and had her snack, as you do. 

Stuart and Millie left the hospital just before 6 pm and Jack watched Star Wars. Stuart had brought it from home. There was a DVD player in the room, which was a great, but the television was off set from the bed and the only way he could see the movie was to sit on the chair closest to the television. He soon pooped out and decided to go back to his bed and watch Paddington, on the iPad, for the second time that day. 

I went to sleep on the mat they brought me around 9:30 pm. I drifted in and out of sleep because there were kids running up and down the hallways, screaming and laughing. It was unbelievable that this behavior would be allowed. I complained a few times, but got no results. The noise finally settled down around 2 am. It is just a different world when you are intertwined with the local community. Crazy!

When Jack woke up on Wednesday morning he was in a lot of pain. They had given him suppositories for pain because it seems to get faster results for pain relief. But still yet, I knew he would still be suffering for a few days. He did his best to drink something but he just couldn't hardly. 

The doctor came in to check on him around 8:30 am. At that time I voiced my complaint about the food issue. He said because they are so used to it, he totally forgets to tell people there is no food service. Then he told the nurse it would be a good idea to have that information posted somewhere. Duh!  I then asked for a form to file a formal complaint about the noise late into the morning. I am sure nothing will come of it, but I had to get it off my chest. 

The doctor said as soon as Jack are some real food he could go home. He ate some yogurt, grapes and blueberries. I made him a peanut better and jelly sandwich, but he didn't really want that. He said he did feel better after he had eaten, so I was thrilled. The doctor came back in and discharged us to go to the pharmacy and get his medication. I paid our bill, which was the equivalent to $54 for the entire operation and care, and then we headed home. 

Once Jack was settled and I had put away all the stuff we had dragged to the hospital, I called the maintenance for our complex because we had some things that needed repairing. Jack just rested, which was good. He was very lithargic, but ended up eating the PBJ sandwich and started to perk up just as it was time for me to go to my follow-up appointment for my knee. 

Cathy rode with me to Dubai for my post operation appointment. Dr. Barry was pleased with how I told him I felt and his examination. He reiterated the fact that I had to drop my extra fluff. He then told me my outside joint was not in good shape. He said no knee doctor likes to do a half joint replacement, especially on the outside. So since the inside joint is really good, and much stronger by nature, when I can no longer stand the pain (which by the way, I do not have now) they will do a procedure which basically makes me a little bow legged by breaking my femur from the outside and putting a jack (like car jack, for lack of a better explanation) n the groove and crank it til the pressure is off the outside joint. Then they will bone graph it and put a plate on the outside of my knee for further support. Doesn't that sound like fun? I'm hoping I am about 75 when I can no longer stand the pain. 

After my appointment we stopped at Park and Shop, a favorite stopping by point in Dubai. I bought a few bits, a diet coke and some rice cakes. The plan was to eat and drink in the car on the way home, but we still had to be discrete because it's technically illegal to eat in the car as well. We got home around 7 pm, just in time for me to stick Jack's suppository up his hiney! Lucky me! I hope I get extra parental points for doing such a thing. 

In the middle of the night Jack woke up and wasn't well. I gave him another suppository and he went back to sleep for a couple of hours. He was better on Thursday but still not quite himself. We did have a great day together, though. We played a couple of card games and I taught him how to play Pass the Pig, which is a great game. The Richardsons came by for a visit. Jack went upstairs and played with Legos with Henry. He was very subdued and 'off', which I suppose is to be expected. 

After the Richardsons left the kids got ready for bed, had dinner and hit the hay. I left to go to our staff end of the year party. We had it at the golf club. The downside of being an expat is that other expats leave every year. We said goodbye to some of our colleagues and it was a bit sad. Around 11 pm I could hardly keep my eyes open so I left the party that was still in full swing. 

Friday morning we lounged around, as you do during Ramadan and when it's 115 degrees outside. Stuart and I made some food for our social gathering taking place at the Richardsons that afternoon. Gina showed up just before it was time for us to go to the party. She has been spending a lot of time with us lately and we love it. 

The party was an absolute blast. It seems before everyone leaves for the summer, either for good or just for the break, there are several gatherings to say farewell. This year the Griffiths are the people closest to us who are leaving. We will miss them dearly, but now have a reason to visit Michigan. 

Jack was restricted to the living room at the Richardsons, which was not to his satisfaction. However, he was still recovering and I really wanted him to not risk any damage we were told could be done if he wasn't a little subdued in his activities. 

We got home just before 9 pm and just put the kids to bed. They were wiped and needed baths but I couldn't be bothered. So we just chucked them into bed, and Gina and I proceeded with our House of Cards marathon. We finished the 4 remaining episodes of season 3. Sadly, now we will have to wait until sometime in 2016 when season 4 comes out. Boo!

Saturday morning came way too early, considering I stayed up until after 1 am finishing that silly show. Once we were all awake and dressed we decided to go to lunch at the golf club. Gina left after lunch, then we all had a rest. 

The Richardsons had a load of food left over from the previous night so we were invited there for dinner. Because everyone is leaving for several weeks, the last thing we want is a lot of food in our refrigerators. So now is the time of feeding everyone else's families. 

We were home early because, although the kids don't have to go to school anymore, they still needed to rest up for their guests, Henry and May. Clare still had to work next week so Henry and May were staying with our kids. Sunday is my last day home, then back to work I go. 

Celebration, Nursery graduation, Knee surgery, School concert and so much more.

The week started out with a total surprise. A PE teacher, who by the way looks nothing of the sort, from Egypt invited all of the staff to her house for lunch on Sunday. And, yes, we are supposed to still be at school, but this is how it's done in the UAE. We had decided that if our male staff, who are mostly westerners, couldn't come then we would do something different as a 'end of year celebration', and with Ramadan coming we would not be able to do anything social that involved food after the 18th, so we went to this teacher's home. 

Well, it was quite a show. Her house was set up like a banquet hall. She had catered the meal, which was traditional Arabic food, and even had Egyptian dancers to entertain. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. 

It's crazy, because every once in a while I think 'maybe I should stop writing this blog because I'm running out of interesting things to write about'. Then, low and behold a staff member throws a lavish party and my blog is suddenly interesting again, if only to me. 

We arrived at 10:30 am and went into the house gates. There was a huge circle driveway with a fountain in the middle. There were two sofa sets, which is an understatement, sitting out on the drive, and once we got into the house I knew exactly why they were out there. 
In the foyer was the catered food trays as seen in the picture below. 
Once we stepped into the living area there were tables set up for about 40 people. 
Yep, this is someone's house. Within about a half hour all tables were filed with people. Behind the screen to the right was where the men were allowed to be. The Egyptians don't have as much of an issue with men and women being in the same room for meals, but the Emiratis are more traditional and sometimes won't allow their wives to go to someone's house where another man might be. It is definitely a learning experience. Oh, and the men eat first! Um, excuse me?
The men's side!

Before we actually ate there was entertainment, an Egyptian dancer. He spins in a circle with this costume that lights up and twirls. He also does different things with props while he spins in a circle. He must have been spinning in a circle for 20 minutes. It was amazing. 
This picture is a little blurry because he was moving so quickly. 
This was when he turned on the lights. 

After this part of the 'show' was over, out came a costumed horse that looked so real, it was a bit scary. The horse danced around the room as well. Can you say 'over the top'? However, it was spectacular and we enjoyed every moment, of course. 
Doesn't that look like a real horse?

We finally ate just before noon. The food was traditional Arabic food with rice, falafel, Arabic bread (pita), hummus, chicken, and stuffed savory pastries. The food was wonderful and the whole experience was even more spectacular. Although we all thought by leaving school at 10 am we would be able to be doing our own thing by noon at least, we didn't leave the house until 1 pm, but it was all worth it. 

When I got home from the celebration, I had stopped at the grocery store for a few bits so I put those things away. I then organized jammies and snacks for the kids. Once they were home I bathed them and then we headed to Abu Dhabi to help Gina with a few things. Out to dinner we went to Cantina Loredo. Jammies on the kids and back to Al Ain we headed. 

I then drank all the water I possibly could before 10 pm because I was having surgery on Monday and had to fast 10 hours before the procedure. 

Because Jack is going to have his tonsils out in a little over a week, and Stuart only has one emergency day left this school year without getting docked pay, I asked Cathy if she would take an emergency day and take me to Dubai for the surgery. She agreed. So we were up and on our way to the hospital at 5 am. 

We arrived at 6:30 am and I was admitted. I was taken back to the surgical ward, which was basically a bunch of beds separated by curtains. So you could hear every conversation being had. 

They gave me a gown, which wrapped around like a wrap around dress, tying inside and out. Perfect! No butt shot!  Then I was instructed to put on the little cap and these disposable underpants that looked like a gauze wrap. Well they were not a 'one size fits all'. So when I put them on they were too tight around my legs. So I started to 'stretch' them, which actually caused a ripping sound. After getting dressed I asked if I could use the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and when I pulled down my lovely new knickers, I discovered that they didn't rip up the sides as I had hoped, they ripped in the crotch. So basically I had on a gauze mini skirt with a tiny thread holding the front and the back together, connecting it between my legs. I'm pretty sure the intention of this item had just been compromised. 

I came back to my bed and the details of surgery began. They did an EKG and put in the needle where the drip would be administered. That was a bit unpleasant because the nurse had difficulty finding a big enough vein. Well, duh, I was dehydrated from not drinking water for the last 12 hours. In the end a little blood spurted out, but there was no bruising so it was all fine. 

The anesthesiologist came in just before 8 am to let me know what he would be doing. He also let me know they would be putting a tube down my throat to improve oxygen during surgery. He told me that sometimes because of the tube I could experience a sore throat or a hoarse voice. He explained some of the other complications that could occur, had me sign a paper and the next time I saw him was in the operating room. 

It seemed I had about 15 people come in and fuss over me. It was great. Finally Dr. Barry came in and went over the details of the surgery, again. I signed some more papers, got moved to the operating gurney, and headed off to surgery. 

I saw the lights of the operating room, spoke to the anesthesiologist, saw him put the mask on me and I was out like a light. The next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. It read 9:45 am on the clock and I was told I had been in there for about a half hour. I was super loopy, but felt fine. 

At about 10:15 am I was moved back to my cubicle, and had to help move myself to my regular bed. Cathy was escorted in and was able to stay in the room until I was discharged. I was told I would not be able to have any water until noon, which was disappointing to me. My mouth was so dry and my throat was killing me. So I guess the anesthesiologist was right. My voice was scratchy and swallowing hurt! 
After surgery selfie! Lovely!

I kind of dozed off and on until they brought me lunch. I shared it with Cathy, which must have been the drugs because I NEVER share my food. 
Here is Cathy just watching me in the bed. I told her the disposable underwear story which made her laugh hysterically. We sat and chatted for a few hours, with intermittent bathroom visits, Cathy's trip to get us Diet Cokes, and me snoozing, snoring like a horse. 

The physiotherapist finally came in around 3 pm and taught me how to use the crutches. I was told I would have to use them four days, only bearing light weight on my left leg. Dr. Barry then came in, told me he shaved off some jagged bits off the back of my knee and removed the ground up torn meniscus. He gave me instructions for the next week before I was to come back and see him, then I was allowed to put my clothes back on and go home. 
I sat in the back seat on the way home so I could elevate my leg. 

Amazingly enough, I felt no pain at all. I was achy, but nothing was painful except my throat. Go figure!

While I was spending the day at the hospital, Millie was having a graduation ceremony at her preschool. Because she will go to a new building next year, they saw the need for a graduation. I'm sure everyone knows how I feel about any other graduation besides high school and college, but she did look adorable. Stuart was able to take time off and go, thank goodness. I'm sure every child had a parent there. I would have hated for her to have been alone that day. 
Our little graduate!
So glad Daddy could be with her on her big day. 

We got home just before 6 pm. Stuart had bathed the kids, and ordered curry. Because I couldn't walk upstairs, he had to read stories and put the kids to bed. While he did that I iced my knee. 

We ate and waited for some furniture to be delivered that we had bought. We got Jack a new bed. He is WAY too big for his little twin bed so we bought him a queen size bed. Finally he will not hang off his bed at night. Poor boy!

We also bought Jack a desk where he can do his homework. He was very excited about being treated like a responsible boy. 

The furniture was delivered just as Stuart sat down to eat. Typical! The delivery only took about 30 minutes, then it was back to eating. Cathy stayed around for a bit and then headed home. Strange as this sounds, I had a fantastic day!

I slept in the guest bedroom downstairs. Stuart made sure I had everything I needed and set up the bed with a pillow for my knee. I slept like a baby! I woke up a couple of times to go to the bathroom, but other than that I slept well. I think maybe my knee has been in so much pain for so long that whatever pain I do have now pales in comparison. 

I got up Tuesday morning and made the kids lunches. Jack was very helpful by getting out things for his lunch so I didn't have to move around so much. Since I was on crutches, moving about was a bit difficult. 

Once Stuart and the kids had left for school, our cleaner, Asela, showed up. I told him to just do every other part of the house except for the living room. Then when he was ready to do the living room I would go to the guest room. He worked fast and was gone by about 10:30 am. The rest of the day I just rested. Oh, and I continued to marathon with the second season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. I'm sure I could find something better to do, but I think I will stick with the trash I've already started. 

The kids got home around 1:15 pm and Jack went up to take a shower. His end of the year concert was Tuesday afternoon. He was so excited. His class was performing a circus act. One of the moms made them all circus clown costumes. They looked so cute, as you can see by the pictures. 
This is not the greatest picture, but he was a true ham throughout the show. 

After the concert we went to eat with the Griffiths, who are actually going back home for good this summer.  It just so happened that another family met us there as well so the time we thought we would have to catch up with the Griffiths didn't happen. The whole experience was a bit disappointing. The food was good, but the seating was only upstairs so it took me about 10 minutes to get upstairs. I wasn't even really supposed to be climbing stairs. When we got up there the air conditioning didn't work. Ugh!  When we left we were all a bit cranky. 

Wednesday morning I was up and feeling great. My recovery seems so smooth. I made the kids lunches and sent them off to school. The marathon of the Real Housewives of Orange County was interrupted when I received a message from the Vice Principal saying she and the other Head of Faculty, the Principal, and two of the Arabic administrators were going to come visit me. 

They showed up just before 1 pm. They brought me chocolates and flowers. I had snacks and coffee ready for them. The Arabic staff and the Principal left after about 10 minutes. Rania and Ronel, my buddies, stayed for another 45 minutes or so. We sat and gossiped for a bit and it made me know how much I miss hanging out with them each day. I have another week off and then will head back to work. 
Here are the flowers they brought. Beautiful!

Once Stuart was home he started putting Jack's bed together. Since he was often found hanging off his little twin bed we decided he needed a larger bed. I think he was happy. 
The Richardsons came over and brought sushi. I had made goulash for the kids, Stuart and Scott went to training, and Claire and I chatted until they came home. The kids had showers, got in their jammies, started watching a movie, and we ate the sushi. It was a great night!

Thursday we were all up a little later. Ramadan hours began in school so Stuart didn't have to be at school until 9 am and I was still off so we had a bit of a sleep in. Once the kids were off to school and Stuart was gone I started sorting out a couple of cupboards that had become over run. You know how you just start shoving stuff in a drawer or closet and before you know it things are bellowing out of said space? Well, although we have only lived in this place since February, there are some spaces that have become too stuffed. 

I got a text from Jamie saying she was going to pop by for a cup of tea. Since she and Joe are leaving for good in a few weeks, she has some last minute things to do at the Zone, and quite frankly if someone is leaving there is not a lot for them to do at school.  We had a good chat, and then I got back to watching my trashy television. 

By Thursday, my knee seemed to have made a full recovery. It's been awesome and feels much better each day. I was officially able to ditch the crutches, although I may have ditched them earlier in the week. You know you can't hold a cup of coffee and walk on crutches at the same time. Something had to give, and it wasn't the coffee. 

The kids got home a little early from school because of Ramadan. Because I had been told to keep my bandages dry, swimming was out of the question, at least until my doctor's appointment on the 24th, plus the rugby club pool is just days away from closing in order to remodel. Whatever will we do? The country really does shut down during Ramadan. 

The kids ended up going to friends' houses to play for a bit. Millie fell asleep on the sofa just after 5 pm and then Jack was in bed by 6:30 pm. It was an all too boring afternoon. I'm pretty sure we need to calendar some things in so the next three weeks aren't like this. 

Before Jack went to sleep on Thursday evening, we went through our normal question/answer session. 
Jack: What are we doing tomorrow?
Me: Well, we're going to church. 
Jack: (contemplating what I had just said) Oh, right, because it's Ramadan. 
Me: Um, Jack, Ramadan has nothing to do with us. It's a Muslim holiday not a Christian holiday. 
Jack: Oh, right. 

Conversations like this make me so happy to know that my children's beliefs and faith will come from a well informed, educated place. They will have the knowledge of different cultures and religions and be able to work out their own salvation, as the Bible teaches. I wish the world could know more about each other's belief systems in order to not have the fear of what we don't know. Every person has to decide for themselves. I know we are doing what we are called to do by teaching our kids in the way they should go so that when they are older they will not depart from it. 

We got up and went to church on Friday morning. When we got home we literally did nothing the rest of the day. With the temperatures hanging around 120 degrees each day, it's a bit disgusting to think of getting out and sweating to death. So movies and popcorn and kids playing in their rooms was our day. 

Saturday morning we got up and lounged some more. Stuart made a breakfast of sausages and eggs for himself and he kids. Around 3 pm we went to the Richardsons. The kids swam in their pool while the adults visited and made a roast dinner. Stuart brought leeks and a pork loin, and Clare made chicken and other vegetables. We are just after 5 pm. Jack showered and we didn't bother with Millie. Both kids had on jammies before we left their house. Driving home Millie would not stop screaming and talking. She is a bit at that frustrating age where she does NOTHING we ask her to so. Oh help me get through until she turns 4. I'm hoping she magically turns the corner the day she turns 4. She's killing me and I have no answers. 

But we are still loving life in the Middle East!

Just 19 days until we arrive in Arizona!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

School's out for summer!

There were no kids at school on Sunday so our work hours have been cut by 30 minutes on either end of the day. So now we arrive at 7:30 am and can leave at 1 pm. Not bad hours if you ask me. However, keep in mind, when Ramadan starts the work hours will be from 8 am to noon. Those are tough days😀

Our Arabic staff had a goin. Away party for one of our teachers transferring to Abu Dhabi next year. The picture below is of a cake and some 'candles'. No words could describe what I felt when I saw the flames going toward the streamers they had also slung around the room. Only in the UAE. 
Sunday after school I headed to Dubai to see Dr. Barry, my orthopedic doctor. After looking at my MRI it was decided I would have orthroscopic surgery. Most likely the surgery will be Monday, June 15. The doctor said all would be well by the time we were ready to travel home. Inshallah! My friend Cathy is going to take me because Stuart only has one emergency day left and I would rather him take that when Jack has his tonsils and adenoids taken out in a couple of weeks. My surgery is an out patient surgery so it should be rather routine. I'm just glad I have a friend willing to go with me. Our family away from our families really do come through when we need them. 

I got home from Dubai just in time to bathe the kids and put them to bed. I feel as if I was still exhausted from our weekend at Atlantis. I was really tired Sunday night. 

Monday morning we hit a milestone with Millie. She asked me to braid her hair for school for the first time. I was told she took it out before she even got into the carpool car to go to school but we are making progress. 
After school we took Stuart's car in for a service. There was a recall on his air conditioner so they would need to keep his car for two days. I knew there was a good reason to have that third car. 

We also had Jack's parent teacher conference on Monday afternoon. His teacher is our good friend, Clare Richardson (Henry's mum). She had nothing but great things to say about him and his progress. He is above grade level in all subjects. The only thing she suggested he work on was cooperation when he is doing projects with others. In essence she was saying he is a bit bossy and takes over. Wonder where he gets that from?

Even though we had no students at school all week, we were still very busy making our school improvement plan for next year. So although I thought there would be a little more down time this week, turns out I was needed to work a bit after all. 

Monday evening Stuart found out the rugby club pool would be closed during Ramadan for renovation and so they could build a new pool as well. Holy cow! What on earth will we do on these hot days if swimming is out? We will have to come up with a plan for sure. 

Tuesday afternoon boredom starting setting in with the kids. It's so miserably hot that they can't go outside, and we don't want to go anywhere because to get in and out of the car you must accept the fact that a body part might actually melt off. After bathes, movies and dinner, it was a relief to put them to bed. 

I headed to get a much needed pedicure. It was a scene from Dumb and Dumber. Remember when Jim Carry was getting a pedicure and they used a sandblasted? Uh huh, that was the look. These poor ladies doing my feet (yes, one on each foot) must have been totally disgusted. But 'smooth as a baby's butt' would totally describe my feet now. 

Wednesday we went to the pool after school, then decided to eat at the rugby club. Jack, Millie and I departed earlier than Stuart because the wheels were falling off the bus. Once we got home bathes and beds. Khalas!

Thursday at school we had a celebration for the students who had memorized portions of the Quran. I nearly fell asleep. I understand how second language learners get overwhelmed in the brain and fall asleep during a presentation in a foreign language. It was exhausting doing nothing at work on Thursday. 

Thursday evening Gina was supposed to come to Al Ain for the weekend.  However, she fell asleep on her sofa and decided to wait until Friday morning to drive down. 

Once Gina got into town on Friday morning, we, along with DeDe and Cathy, headed to Dubai to an art festival. We bought some unique items from artists all over the world who are based in the UAE. We ate lunch at a little cafe just a bit up from where the art festival was.
This was the blackberry and cucumber tea I had at lunch. 

After lunch we decided to look for a place called The Emporium, which is a furniture store we had seen advertised on Facebook. It has always intrigued me and I was insistent on going to see what they had to offer. We drove around for FOREVER!  The GPS coordinates on the website were wrong and the map drawn on the website was wrong as well. We called the owner three times, and after an hour of driving in a two square mile area, we finally found the store. It was not at all what I had expected. The pictures were a bit deceiving. Although he had some unique and wonderful pieces, it just wasn't what I thought it would be. It was a warehouse and not a store. 
Here is where we parked. 
This was the entrance. Not impressed! But at least we found the place that I have drooled over for the past several months. Not worth the bother. 

Because our furniture hunting experience was a let down, it was decided that we needed a slice of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory to lift our spirits. So off the the Mall of the Emirates we went. 
Bugatti Veyro is apparently a very expensive car. 

We decided to valet park at the mall because of the time of day. There were no parking places to be had. If you arrive at a mall in the UAE anytime after 4 pm, you are fresh out of luck for a place to park your car. So the valet was our best choice. We saw all types of really expensive cars. Everyone was taking pictures of the cars so of course I joined in. Then I took a picture of Cathy's Kia just to be obnoxious. 
We had our cheesecake and then headed back to Al Ain. 

Stuart had spent the day in Abu Dhabi at a stag do (bachelor party), so Claire, Cathy's daughter had been with the kids all day. We got home before he did and the kids were asleep. The art festival provided me with teacher gifts for Jack's and Millie's teacher and a special gift for myself. If you know the book Elmer, this camel will make you smile. The kids loved it. 
This artist is from the U.S. And has made a killing with my friend DeDe. I am sure this won't be the last camel I purchase from her. Isn't he cute?

Stuart's stag do seemed to be a lot of fun. Stuart just raved about the brunch they had. Brunches are a very big thing here in the UAE and every hotel seems to have one. We have not hit the 'brunch' scene very hard, but after Stuart going on and on about it we may start checking them out more often next year. 

Gina and I stayed up and watched several episodes of House of Cards. We are trying to get through season 3 before we go home in a few weeks. Saturday morning we got up and were able to watch a few more espisodes before she had to shoot off for her brunch plans. Hopefully we will finish the last three episodes in the next few weeks when she comes to stay. 

The kids and I went to the pool after Gina headed back to Abu Dhabi. Stuart had a rugby coaches meeting at the club so we swam with some of our regular crew.  

Jack had woken up with a fever and swollen tonsils. Since we can buy antibiotics over the counter and I knew he had strep throat for the 7th time since moving to the UAE, I sent Stuart to the chemist to get medicine for him. He had his first dose before we went to the pool. He also had Tylenol before the pool, but while we were at the pool he sat on the lounge chair because he said his eyes were burning. We left immediately because I knew his fever had returned. We headed home and watched movies the rest of the afternoon. 

Stuart got home and I went to DeDe's for her 'My Favorite Things' party. The directions were to bring 6 of your 'favorite things' under $10. We all had to explain why these were our favorite things. I had Stuart pick up 6 zipped coin purses when he was in Thailand. I love little coin purses and try to buy them when I travel. 
Here is the coin purse. I put a pair of antique looking earrings that I bought at the art fair the day before. They were very unique, also something I like to purchase when traveling. 

We each wrote our names on 6 cards and placed them in a basket. Then we picked out 6 names, but couldn't have our own name or duplicates. We gave a gift to each person we selected. There were some really clever ideas. I love my lady friends. I got a candle with henna painted in a design, a large candle from Bath and Body Works, note cards and a wish bracelet, a oil that can be used for many things, a Starbucks gift card, and a glitzy mirror. It was a great afternoon. 

When I got home the kids had eaten dinner and were about ready to head up to bed to read books. I took them upstairs and put them bed. 

Because I had not had enough activity for the day, I headed to Mandy's house for a birthday celebration for Cathy. 
Cathy is on the left and Mandy is on the right. They were trying to light the candles with a big swamp cooler blowing behind them. It wasn't all that successful. We had a great time. We stayed until 11 pm....on a school night! 

Another great week in the UAE! 26 days until we hit Arizona!