Sunday, August 28, 2016

Brighton College Al Ain, and a new year has begun

Jack was up extra early on Sunday. Both kids were nervous about school, but also excited. They came downstairs and put their uniforms on. Millie's back pack zipper broke on her new bag when she tried to zip it. As irritating as it was, in the end we decided it was for the best because it was too big anyway. 
Look at our dapper dude and pretty princess. 

I took the kids to school because it was their first day in their new school. As we were getting things in the car I decided I needed something out of my Kia, which I had sold two days before. I couldn't get the automatic lock to work. Yep, the battery was dead. And the date on the one year warranty? August 22, 2015, of course. We were 6 days out of warranty. Beautiful!  
Millie's teacher, Ms. Venter, was a hit from the first moment of the day. 
Here Jack, in his head, is saying 'Mama, take the picture already. You're embarrassing me'. Oh well, that's my right as a Mama. 

Once I dropped them off, I did shed a tear, but had to get on the road and head to school.  I ended up being about 45 minutes late, but my principal was very understanding and accommodating. 

I covered a boy's class and a girl's class. We have a teacher who had a death in the family. So in order to be consistent the principal and I decided it would be best if I covered those 6 periods. We only had about half of our students, so on Sunday it was relatively easy. However, I quickly discovered that I would not be able to do that schedule for 2 weeks as originally intended. It was too much to teach 6 periods and try to do my Head of Faculty position as well. We have 5 new teachers who need my help. They are going to be excellent additions to our staff, but they don't know what they don't know. Those of us who have been here for a few years forget what it's like to be new, and all the questions that go along with newness. Everyone survived the first day, thank goodness. 

Once I was home, I anxiously awaited the kids' arrival to hear about their day. They got home around 2:30 pm. They both claimed they had a great day, but Millie had blisters from her new dress shoes. When your kids don't wear closed toed shoes, blisters are bound to arise from time to time. We decided to go to the mall and return Millie's back pack as well as look for new shoes. Never mind that the ones that gave her blister were Clarks and not cheap. In the end we got some from Payless for half the price, and a half size bigger. We decided that once her blisters healed we would attempt the Clarks again. Otherwise it would be a total waste of money. I'm sure she will still be able to wear them at some stage.  
We stopped at Starbucks for a pre-dinner/first day of school treat. Jack ate the carrot cake but left the icing. Who does that?
And then this is what exhausted from the first day of school looks like. Poor guy. 

We got home, the kids ate and then went to bed. We have tried to get back on a schedule of eating and going to bed at the same time as we did last year during the school year. 

Monday the kids were picked up just before 7 am to go to school. I was late to school, but have come to realize that will be the case for the entire year. Hopefully, once I am no longer in the classroom the entire day, this will not be as stressful. 

Once I was at school I taught grade 4 girls in the morning and grade 4 boys in the afternoon. The boys were out of control in the afternoon so I knew I would need another game plan for Tuesday. 

Monday after school I went to the mall to get treat bags for Millie's birthday party. I got some cut little bags as well as a notepad and a necklace/bracelet combo. Done! I also stopped by the grocery store to pick up a brownie mix. How does the need for a brownie mix produce this?
That is more than a brownie mix. I think I traded one disorder for another one. 

In the evening Stuart had training, but before he went to training he took the cats to the vets. We needed to get their shots and Oreo was getting the ole snip, snip on Tuesday morning. They stayed overnight because they recommended they stay together. They both had ear mites so had to be treated for that as well. These 'free' cats have in no way been free. 

The kids had an early night again and I chilled in front of the television for several hours. It was nice to relax after a reasonably hard day's work. I made dinner for when Stuart was home and fell asleep on the sofa, which is typical. 

Tuesday morning I had a bit of a mental breakdown. I had a falling out with one of the Arabic staff members and ended up having to eat a little crow, as a result. It was a tough day. However, the boys stayed in their seats, raised their hands to speak and were generally attentive. That was nice. 

Fortunately, I was told Monday morning that I would be able to give up teaching the following week, but would have to teach grade 3, for 6 periods a week. The grade 3 will be all girls, and I'm only teaching English so all should be okay. 

By the time school was over Monday, I had had enough. It was time to go home and relax. I decided I was going to either have to get over all the things that were bothering me, or I was sure to go crazy. 

When we were all home, we went to get cats from the vets. Poor Oreo was so lethargic the entire evening. They were both less scratchy, which was good. Oreo laid around for the rest of the evening and Pumpkin wasn't really sure what to do without her playmate.  

Stuart had an emergency committee meeting at the club. So the kids had pasta, watched some television and then went to bed. They seem to be back in a routine, which is nice. My OCD really likes routine. 

Wednesday morning I decided to take on a new attitude. I messaged my teachers and told them I was turning over a new leaf and just getting on with things. Things were a little better on Wednesday, at least in the morning. But in the afternoon the boys were a bit off the wall. However, compared to last year's boys, they are angels. 

We had a short meeting after school. I feel so out of touch with what the senior leadership team was doing because I have been teaching all day. Hopefully that feeling will go away once I am only teaching 6 periods a week. We shall see. 

I got home and the crock pot meal I was planning on eating for dinner had burned up. I, being the one who never wants to waste, decided I would eat it anyway. It was chicken with taco seasoning and cream cheese. It was quite tasty, I thought, but didn't look super yummy. Stuart and the kids opted for something different, which wasn't that shocking to me. 

I also discovered that Jack lost his belt at school. It seems that no matter how many times we tell him he doesn't have to take his belt totally out of the loops when he goes to the bathroom, he still insists on doing so. He hangs it over the large toilet paper dispenser. Well, apparently he left it there on a visit on Wednesday. Super! So, needless to say, he will either be buying himself a new belt, or letting his shorts slide down to his knees each day. It's entirely up to him. 

After calming down from the crock pot mess and the loss of a belt, at 3:30 pm the kids and I headed to the dentist. They were having their 6 month check up, and I wanted to ask the dentist about Millie's loose teeth, one of which should not be loose (the tooth Jack knocked loose last week as they were wrestling). 

Jack went in first and was by himself. He was a brave soul because the last time he hated the cleaning gel. His teeth were perfect!  He made it through and then it was Millie's turn. The doctor looked at her teeth, told me we could root canal that loose top tooth or just let it die and let her have a gap for much, much longer than necessary. We opted for the gap. Poor Millie! Sadly she also had one cavity and another tooth that had potential of a cavity if Millie didn't start brushing better. Because I struggle with her on this issue, the dentist proclaimed that Mama was to brush her teeth at night and Millie could brush them in the morning. Done!

Once we were home from the dentist, the kids showered, ate dinner and went to be. Cathy came over for a chat and a few cups of tea. It's always so nice when she comes over for a chat. Three years into our stay in the UAE and our friendship is as strong as ever. 

Thursday was my last day to teach all six periods of the day. Thank goodness the day went quickly. I had the boys at the end of the day, which is the worst part of the day to have them. I made it through, though, and started to get excited about teaching my grade 3 class starting on Sunday. I will be with them 3 periods on Sunday and Monday, and then khallas (finished). 

Once I was home it was time to relax for the weekend, but they always go too fast. I had a doctor's appointment at 7 pm so left the bedtime routine to Stuart. My doctor said I looked like an entirely different person. I go back to the fact that this 'tool' and decision was the best choice for me, for sure. 

Friday morning the Richardsons came for breakfast. They had invited us for a curry the night before, but Stuart already had dinner in the oven and the kids were settled in for the night, so breakfast at ours only made sense. After breakfast they took Jack for the day and he ended up having a sleepover as well. 

Friday evening was Open Day at the rugby club. The kids had activities and demonstrations. The men and women played a match and the spectators sweat their butts off. The Richardsons and Jack were there and then left just before 7 pm. Millie played with her little friends and then came reporting to me that 'the big kids' had put ice on the bouncy castle. So I marched out there, ready to give the 'big kids' a piece of my mind. As I asked what was going on the big kids pointed the finger at Millie. Apparently SHE had put the ice in the bouncy, but said her friend had told her to do so. Conveniently, said friend was already gone. She was grounded from the bouncy the next time we went to the rugby club. She's a tricky one for sure. 

We finally left the club just after 10 pm, showered Millie, gave her a bite to eat and then went to bed ourselves. Millie's birthday party, and the birthday that never ends, would come too quickly. 

I was up early because at 5 am the cats were reeking havoc on Millie's bedroom. She has so much stuff to play with in her room that it seems to be the perfect playground for 2 five month old kittens. I tried to close her door but she wasn't interested. She went back to sleep for a couple of hours, but I ended up getting up and fixing some coffee. 

She was very excited because Saturday was finally the day of her official birthday party, although during the summer she had about 3 unofficial parties. We went to Fun Block and invited about 9 of her friends. Jack, Henry and May were there as well, but that's because Jack wanted someone to climb with and Millie and her friends are all too short. 

We decided not to hire out the place because it was a lot more expensive that way. Instead we decided we would pay for their entrance, order pizza in the food court and bring brownies for dessert. It was perfect. All of the kids had fun and it didn't break the bank. 

A few of her friends are missing, but this was the ones who were there on time. 
Playing basketball was a popular thing to do. 

After the festivities, we ran to the super market for provisions for dinner. I've decided the only thing worse than taking 2 children to the grocery store is taking 4. Henry and May rode with us so of course they had to go to the store with us as well. 
They did the conga line through the grocery store. It was actually kind of funny. 

I took the Richardsons home, and stayed for a cup of tea. Then it was home ourselves, bathes, Skype with the grandparents, dinner and bed. 

It was a very busy week with great things that happened, and some not so great. Next week will be more of the same, I'm sure. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Teachers have returned!

I had hoped to get up early and go for a walk, but to no avail. I was still exhausted from getting home and having company the following day, not to mention staying up late to try to complete the Bachelorette, which I had missed while traveling. 

I got to school and we had all the teachers we needed except for a part time grade 3 teacher, which I was informed may eventually be what I will do. Boo! It was so nice to see 5 new faces waiting, anxiously for their assignment. It's so difficult to start without teachers, as you would guess. 

The day went by quickly and before I knew it we were all heading home. I stopped to get two roast chickens for dinner. Once I was home, we prepared ourselves for the animal owners world. 

We left the house to get our new cats. Once we were at the house where they had been living, we tried to get to know them. They were a bit skiddish, but we then decided we had to just put them in their carrier and get them home. 

The air conditioners in the house had still not been fixed. They were worried about getting the empty villas ready for the new people and it seemed as if they had abandoned the current residents. Stuart didn't go with us to get the cats in case maintenance came by. 

Once we were home with the cats, we spent time letting them get used to us and I spent time shooing the cats off the furniture and the tables. The dryer scared them to death and Pumpkin pretty much hid from us. It upset the kids, but we reminded them again that cats are in charge and do only what they want to do. We also reminded them that the cats would eventually get used to their surroundings and become a part of the family. 
Meet Oreo!
Pumpkin came out, at night. 

Once we had played with the cats as much as they would allow, the kids went to bed, but not without a lot of drama. They were both tired and over stimulated by the new arrivals. Eventually the kids settled down and went to bed. 

We had decided that we would keep the door to our room closed during the day and at night. Cats jumping on me at night does not appeal to me. But the kids' doors were open all night. The cats meowed all night. I was awoken a couple of times, but nothing major I suppose. 

Kayleigh was staying with our kids during the week, as well as the O'Reilly's kids. On Monday the cats were very nervous and no one saw Pumpkin all day. She was hiding. 

At school, I met with the teachers. They each shared a piece of advice to the newbies. I think we made them feel welcome.  No one got a lot of work done, but we got to know each other better, which I think is a vital component to your teaching staff working well together.   I had two new teachers who wanted to switch places. One had been assigned to grade 5 girls and the other was assigned to grade 3 boys. The both were convinced they wanted to switch. Believe me, we have NEVER had ANYONE request to be moved to the boys' side. But we granted their wish. I hope it works out the way they expect. We shall see. 

Shortly after school on Monday I headed to the mall to meet Leanne for dinner. Stuart had a coach's meeting at the rugby club, so the plan was for him to take the kids with him and I would pick them up when I was finished. But before he could even get them to the club, Jack and Millie were wrestling, which we'd warned them about several times before, and Jack's head hit Millie's top tooth, knocking it loose. Yikes!
Yep, knocked it loose for sure. She's lost no teeth, but the bottom 2 are barely even loose. If that top tooth comes out now, she will be a snaggle tooth for a very long time. Better get those family photos done quickly. 

Dinner with Leanne was wonderful. We had a good catch up over shrimp dumplings and lettuce wraps from P F Changs. I went to get the kids at the rugby club. Jack wanted to stay with Stuart so Millie and I came home and called Grammie and attempted to show her the cats. Jack and Stuart got home around 9:30 pm and it was shower and bed for Jack. 

Tuesday I had meetings all day at school and stayed a little later than normal because I was going to Abu Dhabi that evening to pick Gina up from the airport. She was just finishing her 18 day trip to Kenya. Before I met up with Gina I decided to have a shop at IKEA. I wanted to see their latest gadgets as well as get a few storage things for Millie's room. She has way too many toys. 

After I had spent a wad of dough, I headed to Rania's house. She was my Vice Principal my first year as a head of faculty, and was the one who had come with Gina's group. Anytime Gina was in Abu Dhabi this summer, she stayed st Rania's. She had left a few bags there and was planning on picking them up that evening. 

In the meantime, this was the picture Stuart sent me. Apparently, the kids had a shopping experience that left them exhausted. They had gone to the uniform store to get the rest of their things they needed for school. Then they went to the mall to buy Jack some tennis shoes and Millie a backpack. 
Back at Rania's house, we sat and chatted for a little over two hours. When Gina finally texted me, she said she would catch a cab to Rania's because she was nearly through customs and would get to Rania's probably faster than I could get to the airport. 

When she showed up, we ate and chatted for a long time. Once we headed to Al Ain it as nearly 12:30 am. We didn't get home until almost 2 am. Needless to say I simply showered and went straight to bed. 

Wednesday morning came WAY too early. Stuart and I had training in Al Ain so at least I didn't have to think very much. The training we had probably could have been sent via email, but we did get to hit Starbucks before the meeting so that was worthwhile. The training was riveting, as always, but we were released around noon so that made it all better. 

When we got home, Stuart headed out for lunch and Gina and I started out marathon of House of Cards. Since she decided not to change her flight, and would leave on Thursday morning, we would have to stay focused so we could get as many of the 13- one hour episodes in as possible. I am happy to report that we watched 11 of the 13, and still were in bed by midnight. 

Thursday morning, Stuart and I were up and off to work just after Gina's can picked her up to take her to the airport in Abu Dhabi. My day at school consisted of getting ready for students to arrive on Sunday. I tried to help the new teachers with little things, but remembered that I was to teach all day for the next two weeks, come Sunday. One of our teachers had a death in the family so I said I would take her classes until she returned. 

I left school at 11:30 am because Jack and Millie had a 'new student' orientation at Brighton College. They met their teachers, did some activities, and met some of the other new students at the school. The program ran from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm, but we ended up leaving around 2:00 pm. We decided to hit the new fancy McDonalds on the way home. We all made our own gourmet burgers that cost a small fortune. But the kids got to play in the PlayLand. Yahoo!
Here they are in front of their new school, Brighton College Al Ain. They were so excited. 

We headed home to chill for a while before heading to the rugby club for a farewell party for Vic, one of the rugby gals I played with a two years ago. She is opening a cafe on the beach in New Zealand. It was a fantastic night. 

The rugby club restaurant is being renovated so all of us meet under the canopies by the pool. We had food and drink while the kids swam. Everyone was having a wonderful time, so much so that we didn't leave until almost 11 am. It's a good thing our kids are so resilient. Naturally when we got home I insisted everyone had a shower. I helped both of the kids get clean, then it was bed time. 

Friday we lounged around most of the day. Clare had picked Jack up at 10 am to go ice skating, so Millie was at home with us. We let her select a movie to buy off of iTunes so she was thrilled. We headed to the club around 4:30 pm. Stuart had a team building activity, which is why we went. However, it was a bit of a bust. Not a ton of team members showed up. The kids swam and ate dinner, so it wasn't a total loss. We were home by 8 pm, and the kids were in bed by 8:30 pm. 

Saturday Stuart had a coaching class to attend at the rugby club, while the kids and I enjoyed 'The Realf Life
Of Pets' with Leanne and Xavier. What a cute film that was! We had a bit of shopping to do after the film, but not a lot. I discovered that my sugar free Coffeemate may not be available anymore, but will continue to check every week. 

Once the shopping was over, the kids and I got back to the house just in time to get our swimmers on and head to the pool. We met up with the Turner and Richardsons. We only stayed for about an hour because it was so blasted hot. Jack ended up going home with Henry and Millie was fine to go home with me when she knew she would get an ice pop. She's pretty easily satisfied. 

Stuart arrived home just before 5 pm and we were off to the Richardson's for dinner. It was a lovely roast dinner, with the kids showered and ready for bed by the time we left their house just after 7:00 pm. Millie fell asleep on the way home, and Jack was easy to put to bed once we were home. They were both knackered. 

Stuart and I stayed up and watched some television, but went to bed earlier than normal. We all had big days to confront. School is about to begin for our 4th year in the UAE. We are excited to see what this year brings us. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Last week of holiday! 😭😭😭

We left the house just before 10 am to head down the mountain to the beach. We wore our swimmers because Grandma wasn't sure there would be a place to change once we got to the beach. 

We had breakfast at a little shopping area where we also shopped for a bit. The coffee was delicious, and Jack enjoyed the hot chocolate, free donuts and pastries, while Millie drank her fresa (strawberry) slushie. 
After I bought a couple of t-shirts we drove down to the beach area and it was packed. We decided to continue on to Vera to see what our prospects looked like there. The red flags were flying all along the beach, which meant it was unsafe to get into the water. Jack was very disappointed, but grew to understand it was out of our control. 

We decided to have lunch down by the marina. Jack had mussels, but because they were a bit bigger than he was used to, he wasn't as keen on them as he had hoped. In fact, after the second one I could tell he was about to gag. He's not one to let any food defeat him, so I stepped in and insisted he didn't have to eat them. Grandma and Daddy happily ate them for him. I'm not sure he was very hungry anyway. The donuts, pastries and a fourth of Daddy's bacon baguette had only been a few hours prior. 
The marina was just behind Stuart. It was a lovely setting. 
I was helping to pull the seaweed out of the mussels, which made me know they were just out of the sea. I'm not sure that set well with Jack either. Bless him! He so adventurous with his food, so I think he was disappointed with himself when he couldn't eat these. Silly boy!
Grandma and Daddy at paella. 

Realizing the beach was out, the kids played on the play for about 30 minutes on the structure up from the water. We were going to get them ice cream but they decided they wanted to play an extra ten minutes. 

Once we were back in the car we went to a local town to see if we could go to the grocery store specializing in UK products. It was closed but they let us go in and do some quick shopping. It was very kind and unusual. They were waiting for a delivery so the manager, I assumed, wasn't bothered by us coming in to shop. 

When we got home, the kids swam and I laid out by the pool. It was still too cold for my taste so I didn't get in. The kids could care less how cold it is. They are getting in no matter what. 

The kids had sausages for dinner. We 'grubbed' it, meaning every man for himself. Our two earlier meals in the day should have been enough to sustain us until Monday morning, but it wasn't so we had more food. 

The kids were in bed by 8 pm and we stayed up to watch the Olympics tennis match between Murray and Del Potro. I couldn't stay awake longer than the first set, so headed off to bed. 

Monday was a national bank holiday in Spain. We did some yard work, picked almonds and shucked them, and Millie was stung by a wasp. Poor little thing. She handled it fairly well, but did have a bit of a welt on her arm. Fortunately she didn't have an allergic reaction. It didn't deter her. She went right back outside after she settled down a bit.   
The kids really got into helping pick the almonds. 
They also helped Grandma shuck them. Well, at least for a bit. 

We all got in the pool in the afternoon. I only got in to my ribs, but I did get in. After an hour or so we headed back into the house. The kids went through their normal routine of baths, dinner, movie and then bed. Millie, once again, had an issue. This time she told me she didn't want a story. After several time giving her a chance to change her mind, she said 'I don't want a story'. So, I took Jack in my room to read a story and she didn't get a story. She's learning the hard way. 

Paella was the dish of the evening for the adults, even though Grandma and Daddy had this same dish on Sunday, they still were existed about the meal. 
Our master chef was at the paella dish. 
We kept picking at it until all the seafood was gone, but there were still a lot of rice, chorizo, and veggies left. We put it in the refrigerator for a snack on Tuesday. 

We ended the evening with a game of Pitch. Grandma and Stuart won, again. Barry and I will have our day, we just aren't sure when that will be. 

We awoke to rain pittering and pattering on the back patio. Our plans for the lake on Tuesday were changed immediately and postponed to Wednesday. 
It was a nice rain and reminded me of a spring day in the Midwest. I wanted to cuddle up, pop some popcorn, and watch movies all day. However, a busy 5 and 7 year old are not really up for that kind of day. So, in the end, we ended up sitting around until just before noon, when the sun came out and the need for a lazy day in front of the television become a vision of the past. 

The kids played indoors most of the day. And just after our lunch around 2 pm, Millie and I went into my room and laid on the bed. She was watching Peppa Pig on her electronic devise and I fell asleep. I wasn't especially tired, but I was still on holiday, so there you have it. 

Once I was awake, it was time to head to Sheila and Chris's house for Teddy Edward's birthday party. This is their little dog and we just needed an excuse to see the animals one last time before leaving Spain. The kids, Grandpa and I walked down to their house, while Stuart and Grandma took the car. 

We arrived and then the dogs were let out. The cat, Nala, was also around but a little more coy than the dogs. Again, the kids wore them out and had a blast. We had some pickies and tea (well, that's the beverage I had at least), and I commented on Sheila's trousers, which were gauzey-like balloon pants. She went into her bedroom and came out with a pair for me. She said she knew I would probably not have time to go to the market, which is where she got them, so I could have her other pair and she would get some the next time she went. How thrilled was I?
Their back garden provided a great deal of fun for the kids. Not only did they play with the dogs and cat, but also helped feed the fish and Jack stuck his finger is Jaws's mouth. When we left, Jack had cat hair all over his black shirt, but he wasn't fussed at all. Kids love animals. I'm glad mine are sweet to animals and know how to treat them. 

Jack ran ahead of Grandpa and myself, and Millie decided to hitch a ride home with Daddy and Grandma. When Grandpa and I finally stopped gabbing with Sheila and Chris, we followed Jack home. By the time we got there Jack had already showered and was ready for bed. It was a little after 7 pm and his and Millie's dinner was in the oven. Millie, on the other hand, was in time out. Time to google search 'how to handle a sassy child'. Seems she has increased her belligerence the longer our holiday has gone on. Maybe she will settle down once we are back in a routine at home. 

She finally took a bath, and ate quite a bit for dinner. When it was time for bed, both kids were very compliant. However, Millie is the staller. This too shall pass, I keep telling myself. Please, dear Lord, let it pass sooner than later. 

Our ribs were not ready in time to eat with the kids so we ate after the kids finally settled down to sleep. We ate outside on the terrace, which was lovely. There was a bit of a breeze, but just enough to keep it pleasant. 

After clean up of the meal, we all decided it was time for bed. We would be up and out to the lake on Wednesday. 

I got up earlier on Wednesday because I had decided my laziness would have to come to an end on Sunday when I had to go back to work. I was up at 7:30 am, tea in hand. Everyone else was up around 8:30 am. After a load of towels in the washer and hung on the line and our next to last load of wash in the washer, we headed to the lake for the day. 
Once we were at the lake, we had a drink at the restaurant while the kids played on the playground.
We then set up camp on the beach. We were at this lake two years ago but the water was much closer to the restaurant than it was this year. There was less rock to walk through once we were in the water and the water was much warmer than Grandma and Grandpa's pool. 
There was fun to be had on the dingy and along the shore with the bucket and spade. The kids also skipped rocks, or attempted to do so. 
After a little over an hour in the lake, we headed to the restaurant for a bite to eat. Lunch for me was salmon, which Jack ate half of, some delicious green beans, and potatoes, which Jack also ate. He had spaghetti with meat sauce and Millie had spaghetti with butter. She so boring in her food selection. The food was divine and we sat where we looked out at the lake, and could conveniently look after our dingy, sun chair, and tent that we had left out on the beach. 

We went back out to the lake after lunch for another hour, but by this time the wind had really picked up so there was no more dingy boat fun to be had. I got in only for the photo below, but the kids continued to enjoy the water. 
We got back to the house around 5:30 pm. The kids had been maniacs on the way home, so lost the privilege of pool time, but instead they played a ball game on the terrace. They also watched a movie, took baths, and then we all ate, one last time for this holiday, as a family. 

After dinner, we let the kids stay up a bit later because we would be in a car, traveling to Madrid, on Thursday for almost 5 hours. We knew they could take a nap if they needed to do so. 

Once the kids were in bed, we decided to play one last round of Pitch. Barry (Grandpa) and I lost, yet again. Clearly, Karen (Grandma) and Stuart are superior card players. I hate losing!  We final went to bed just before 11 pm. 

We were up and finishing the packing by about 8:30 am. Stuart was a stress ball about the baggage, but in the end there was nothing to worry about. Glad only one of us stresses. No need for both of us to develop an ulcer. 

There was one last load of laundry hanging on the line. One of the perks of going to see family on holiday is that once you get home, if you have family as generous as ours, you really don't have any laundry to do. 

We left the villa around 11:30 am to head to Vélez Rubio to eat at Asador Espadín, a lovely restaurant. In fact, it was probably the best restaurant we ate in all summer. We ordered several starters that really would have been enough, but we didn't know that until we saw the plates and we had already ordered the main meals. 

We had a delightful plate of grilled vegetables, including eggplant, corguette, asparagus, onions, tomatoes and a round of goat cheese. Delicious!  Millie ate croquettes, while Jack had patatas fritas and a tortilla (which was really an omelet). 
I had sea bass, which was lush! I'm normally put off by bones and tails and heads, but this time I made an exception. Jack ate half of it, but kind of slowed down when he got a bone in his mouth. 

We spent almost two hours there for lunch, and then headed on to Madrid to catch our flight back to London. It didn't seem as difficult to say goodbye this time, primarily because it would only 14 weeks until we saw Grandma and Grandpa again, in Dubai on their way to Australia. Then only three weeks from that time when we see them in Sydney. And finally, they come back through the UAE to see us in March on their way home from their 'world' tour. It has been really nice for us to be able to afford the travel we do now. It's made our visits with the Telfords and Atkinsons a lot more often. I know it makes Stuart so happy and the kids and I love seeing them as well. 

Our drive was relatively uneventful, but long, almost 5 hours. We returned our rental car and headed to the bag drop. Once we had checked in and dropped our bags we were off to passport control.  We found the gates we would be leaving from and decided to get a bite to eat at Burger King, a real let down from Asador Espadín, but it filled he hump. 

We got a coffee and a Starbucks mug that said Spain on it. We have about a billion now and are going to have to start taking them home at some stage. Although I think we've resigned ourselves to the fact that we are going to have to send a container of goods back to Arizona once we leave the UAE. 

We got to the gate just after 8:30 pm. Jack and Millie began playing Kung Fu Panda, which ironically was the movie they had watched at Grandma's before we left Thursday morning. It was quite a site. Since there were few people at the gate I didn't really care if they got out a little bit of energy. After all, they had been sitting in a car for 5 hours. 

The flight to London was short and sweet, and of course Millie fell asleep as we were landing. After rousing her, we rushed through the airport to customs and were able to use the 'other passports' line, which is always beneficial when coming from Spain back to London. There was no one in the line. We headed to baggage and were out of the airport and to our hotel room, which mind you was only a mile from the airport, by midnight, just a little over an hour after we landed. Record breaking!

The kids were showered and in bed shortly after our arrival, while we reshuffled some items into a different bag. We then showered, had a cup of tea, and hit the sack for a mere 4 hours. 

We had decided to buy the breakfast at the Premier Inn. It was a full English breakfast, the perfect way to end our holiday. We then got the shuttle to the airport and the fun really began. The queues were unreal, but again Gatwock airport surprised me. We were through security in 15 minutes. Looking at the crowd when we first arrived, I had predicted we would not get through for at least an hour. 

We did a bit of shopping at Duty Free and I bought a dress at Fat Face, one of my favorite stores in the UK, and of course we had to have a Starbucks! 
Naturally going through Duty Free requires new stuffed animals. When does that obsession stop with kids?

The plane we traveled on was an A380, which meant nothing to me, but to the nerd in my life it meant a great deal. He was so excited. We flew Emirates, and there was a bit more room in Economy, and the seats were actually more comfortable. Stuart and the kids liked their food, but I had a gluten free meal which was dry and crappy. Oh well, no need to fuss. 
Here we are on the last of 9 flights this summer. It was definitely time to get back home. 

Millie slept nearly half of the 6.5 hour flight. She missed her first meal, but we saved it for her. She ended up eating half of one of my protein bars. Her diet at the end of our holidays has not been the balanced. 

The flight was relatively uneventful. We got to customs and decided we would sign up for Smart Gates, which is intended for residents. It's meant to help people get through customs faster. That's all well and good, but if there is only one person unloading the 2000+ bags (or at least it seemed that way) on a flight, then that speedy customs lines has no purpose. We waited 45 minutes for all 6 of our bags to come out on the belt. Scott came to get us and was waiting at the exit when we finally made it out. 

We traveled back to Al Ain, stopping for milk so we could have coffee Saturday morning. We arrived home at 11 pm. We got the bags in and sent the kids to the showers. Our house cleaner, Asela, had come in earlier in the day to turn on our air conditioners. Each room has a separate unit. Now wouldn't you know that of the 9 units, 2 were blowing hot air, and 2 were not very cold. Millie's bedroom and our bedroom were the ones blowing hot air. Lovely!

We decided we would sleep in the guest room, which was no big deal. The kids were in bed, well, at least Jack was, and I was unpacking. Millie sat on the sofa in the loft while I unpacked. Her sleep on the plan clearly screwed up her time clock. 

Stuart helped unpack until just after 1 am, and then I finished the job around 2:30 am. I can't go to bed knowing I have a huge job ahead of me the following morning. Plus, we had invited all of our friends over for sandwiches on Saturday at 3 pm. I'm crazy, I realize, but I hate the let down of a vacation ending. Therefore, a friend gathering helps ease the pain. 

I was up and out of the house at 8 am to do the Spinneys and Abelas grocery shopping, as well as the pork shop. I got home around 9:30 am and Jack was awake. Millie woke up shortly after that and we headed to finish our grocery shopping. 

On the way, we decided we would let the kids in on our secret birthday gift we had planned for them. They are at an age where we feel they need a little more responsibility in their lives, or maybe it's just time for them to have something to care for other than themselves. We have them hints, but they couldn't guess. Once we were at the grocery store and started looking at the supplies needed for our surprise, I thought Jack was going to cry. 

Meet Pumpkin (pronounced 'punkin', of course) and Oreo. 

I'm not in love with cats, but having a dog right now would not be fair to the dog. We don't have an outside area for a dog to run around and cats just kind of take care of themselves and don't need to be walked. Plus, Stuart and I had pets growing up and we want that for our kids. We will get over the cat hair. Well, no, I won't get over it, but I will deal with it. 

We bought every supply we could think of, preparing for the arrival on Sunday of Punkin and Oreo. We then headed back home, stopping at the liquor store and the gas station. Once we were home Stuart headed to the club for a committee meeting. I unpacked all of the shopping and finished up the load of laundry in the dryer. 

Jack and Millie played, watched television, and fussed most of the morning. Ah, sibling love. I fixed them lunch and then insisted they go upstairs and play for a bit while I had my lunch and a little relaxation. I chose to watch one of the last episodes of the Bachelorette. I hadn't seen it or even seen anything about it since I left the UAE. I didn't even get through one episode because our internet was so slow. It will probably take me a week to watch that one episode. I think I have 5 left. And then I will move on to that trash, Bachelor in Paradise, but I digress. 

Around 3 pm the company began to arrive. Scott and Clare brought my car up with them. It had been staying at their house all summer. It was filthy, but actually ran, so that was a good sign. We were convinced that all of our car batteries would be dead when we got back because of the intense heat, but that wasn't the case. 

The Rouvis showed up next, followed by the O'Reillys and then the Turners. The kids played outside, although it was super hot, while the adults housed themselves in the kitchen, snacking on hor devours. I brought out the sandwich stuff around 4:30 or so and the feast began. We sat, ate, drank, and conversed until just before 8 pm when the crowd left. The Turners had left about an hour before that because they were still struggling with jet lag. 

I was convinced that we had bypassed jet lag because Spain was only 2 hours behind the UAE, but about 2 hours into Jack and Millie's night slumber, they both woke up. It was just before 10 pm, Stuart  and I were watching a Dr. Who episode, and Jack came downstairs to sit on the sofa with me. I quickly walked him back upstairs, hoping he was sleep walking, but he wasn't. Then, we had put Millie to bed in the guest room (she might have been messing around in Jack's room as I was trying to get them to go to sleep), and out she came as soon as I got Jack back in bed. I took her upstairs and laid her down with Jack, who was still awake and asked how many more minutes he had to sleep. When I told him he had to sleep 8 more hours, he wasn't impressed. So maybe jet lag didn't escape us like I had hoped. Time will tell. 

I finally left Jack's room at 10:30 pm. Jack was nearly snoring and Millie was wiggly, but almost sleeping. I returned to my comotose position on the sofa and watched tv for a few hours. 

School was upon me whether I wanted to admit it or not. We are embarking on our 4th year. It's hard to believe. We are very excited about the adventures this new school year is bound to bring. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Our farewell to England and hola to España!

Sunday we were up and fed by 8:30 am. We had put a wash on Saturday evening so I went to hang it on the line. It clearly had rained during the night which made me wonder how long it would take for the clothes to dry. As long as they were dry by the evening it would be no big deal. 

Jack was finishing the Lego he had received for his early birthday present and Millie was playing with her gifts. I had a couple of cups of tea and then went out to hang out the second load of laundry. It was still cloudy, but wasn't raining. 

We had a cooked breakfast just before 11 am and then headed to the horse reserve where abused and unwanted horses were housed. The kids had a pony ride and then we had a snack in the tea room. Jack and Millie were able to pet horses and donkeys as well
The little ponies were their favorites, of course. 
£2 for one time around the ring. 
Millie was a little more lopsided on her ride than Jack was. 
The donkeys were not as easy to pet and actually looked a little more sickly, unfortunately. 

We got home just after 2 pm and the kids watched the rest of Paddington. Then they went to play out in the tent. They moved their 'family' play up to their bedroom where Jack proceeded to get on the antique hobby horse and break its stirrup. As he put it 'I wanted to get on it like a real man'. He forgets he weighs 75 pounds and is a bit too large for the tiny horse. I made him go tell Grandma and apologize. She said it was inevitable that it would happen. However, why couldn't it have been someone other than my kid? 

All the while Stuart is on the phone with Expedia trying to sort out why we haven't been issued tickets for the last flight of our summer. It seems that the tickets for the flight from London to Dubai on the 19th of August hadn't yet been issued. He went back and forth for nearly 4 hours. Because we had flown different airlines, each tried to pass the buck. Air Canada said the tickets had been issued in March, but when Stuart had gone online there was no record of a ticket. What an absolute pain in the butt that was. 

In the end, Expedia miraculously found the tickets and when Stuart refreshed his page there were tickets issued for us. Now, did it have to take that long to issue the tickets? Or could it be that no one wanted to deal with the mistake, and finally decided after Stuart wouldn't hang up that it was just easier to do the work? I tend to think it was the latter. 

We relaxed in the conservatory while the kids watched some Netflix. They went to bed just before 8 pm, after their bath and dinner, and we had dinner once they were settled. Our intention was for them to get a good night's sleep before having to wake up at 4 am and head to the airport, but 7 pm would have been more reasonable than 8 on. Oh well, they can sleep in the plane and as well as the car ride to Oria from Madrid. 

4 am came much earlier than I liked, but traveling has its sacrifices. Grandad got up and fixed us coffee and then we were off to the airport. We couldn't figure out what to do with our rental car keys, but eventually found a drop box and placed them in it. 

The airport was manic and getting a full English breakfast was not possible. Jack was randomly selected for additional security, so there was a bit of excitement. He stood there and waited for the pat down as if he'd been frisked before.  

We got on the plane with no drama. The flight was only 2 hours, but we were a bit delayed taking off. When we landed, we went through customs, collected our bags, and went to pick up our rental car. We were headed to Oria from Madrid by 12:15 pm. We would arrive just before dinner time. Perfect!

We stopped a couple of times for some food and a wee wee. The kids slept off and on throughout the 4 and a half hour journey. About the last 15 minutes of the trip they got a bit punchie and on my nerves, to be honest. We arrived before Grandma and Grandpa returned from Espiranza's bar just up the road. 

When they got home we unpacked and settled in. The kids were dying for a swim, so of course, before dinner, a swim was had. Grandpa decided to join them, while Grandma, Stuart and I watched. 
This was my view for the evening sunset. 

Once the kids were out of the pool they bathed and we're ready for dinner and then bed. We ate out on the patio and then the kids were off to bed, but not without a little fussing. They were excited to be in Spain and with Grandma and Grandpa. 

We all retired around 10 pm and had a great night's sleep. My intention was to get up and go for a walk, but when I awoke at 7 am, I quickly rolled over and went back to sleep. I have decided that maybe a true holiday is okay and I can wait to start my walking again once I return to Al Ain and a routine. 

The kids were up and itching to go into the pool after breakfast. Grandma filled the small paddling pool and even out a kettle of warm water in it for them. 
This fun didn't last long. The urge for the big pool was too strong. So out we went. 
Grandpa went to blow up the crocodile and the airplane, which the kids proceeded to race, all too quickly falling off and into the cold water. Millie began to shiver and shake and had to have a time out to warm up. 
However, Jack continued to wrestle the wild croc. 

We had a pool break and had some nibbles for lunch. We all kind of did our own thing after lunch until about 3 pm, then it was back in the pool for all of us, this time. And, boy was that water cold! Wow! I dipped in long enough to say I got in. 
Around 4 pm we went down to the bar, Esperanza's, for some cold beverages. After our time there, some gummies and a Fanta, we decided that our kids lose their wad after a fizzy drink or sugary sweetie. So on our walk home I told Jack that once holiday was over we were limiting the sodas and sweet treats. He said, 'Forever?' After I said nothing, Jack piped in again and said, 'Maybe we can have that stuff when we go to a place and it doesn't matter how crazy we get, like the rugby club.' I'll have to admit that he does have some good logical thinking skills. 

We made the kids' dinner and they ended up eating before us. It was around 7:30 pm before they ate, so bed followed shortly there after. Because the sun sets so much later in Spain, we forget what time it is when really it's their bedtime. Millie has been much more difficult to get to bed the last few nights, which may be our indicator that we have been out of a routine for too long. Just a few more nights and then they will be back to their regular schedule.  

Dinner of ribs, chicken and sausages awaited me once the kids were settled. All of us seemed especially tired on Tuesday evening, so it was an early night for all of us. 

I woke up in the night to Jack's shouts of my name, which in turn woke Millie up and that is ever so difficult when she's awake. But about 45 minutes later everyone was in the beds they started in and a few more hours of sleep happened for all of us. 

Millie was the last one out of bed on Wednesday morning. The skies were dark and rain was inevitable. So what do you do after breakfast when it's going to shower?
You watch Peter Pan, of course. Grandma was decorating the birthday cake for Millie, and she was preparing the food for the birthday lunch. Sheila (Grandma's bestie for a long time) and her husband Chris were to arrive around lunch time for the festivities. 
It seems that the Frozen characters made their way to Spain to celebrate Millie's birthday with us. 

We had a wonderful lunch and Millie received many gifts, which was totally unnecessary, but she loved them all. The presents were themed around Frozen as well, which thrilled her even more. Naturally, after eating, the kids needed their pool fix. Since the weather was not ideal pool weather, the adults decided not to get it. However, the weather did not deter the kids one bit. 
The temperature outside was only 70 degrees and the pool wasn't much warmer at 75. But it is a pool, it is summer, and there must be swimming. I, on the other hand, was in a 'light sweater' poolside. 

The kids were blue and freezing by the time they came in, but they had fun. Once they were in and dressed, they headed to our room (Grandma and Grandpa's room) and watched Jack's iPad. They bathed a bit later, had fish fingers and chips for supper and then were off to bed. Thank goodness Millie actually didn't kick off on this particular night. 

Grandma was not feeling well so had gone to bed before the kids. Grandpa, Stuart and I ate around 8:15 pm and spent the rest of the evening watching the Olympics. We watched men's synchronized diving, women's jujitsu, and men's individual gymnastics. We hadn't seen television since leaving Arizona, and even there we didn't watch much. I hadn't missed it at all. I finally went to bed around 11 pm and Stuart followed shortly after that. 

We were up and out of the house after breakfast. Grandpa had to take his car to be serviced so Stuart followed him and brought him back to the house. Then everyone had breakfast. Since Grandma was not feeling well, Grandpa, Stuart, Jack and I walked up to the castle, which turned out to be 4 miles round trip. Millie stayed with Grandma and painted. 
On our way up there were many photo opportunities. We wandered past a church and a basilica, and rested for a cold beverage at a bar on the trek down hill. The big house in the middle of the almond trees is Grandma and Grandpa's house. It's the biggest house in the area, and a beautiful place for a relaxing holiday. We feel so blessed. 

Once we were back at the house, with a fresh loaf of pan (bread), we had a bit of lunch. We did our best to clear out the leftovers. Around 3 pm, after bringing in some wash, the kids and Stuart got in the pool. Because the temperatures were not much warmer than Wednesday, the water was just as cold as the previous day which made it impossible for me to get in. I simply sat on the lounger and soaked up the sun. 
See? I look perfectly happy, don't I? It was the most comfortable place for me. 

After about an hour of swimming, everyone was like an ice cube. I finished hanging the laundry and put the kettle on. When the kids had dry clothes on, I decided I needed a shower. The wind was blowing and the weather was nice and cool, so after my shower I sat outside for a while, drinking my cup of tea that Stuart finished making for me. I had started it, then my ADD took over, I forgot about it and ended up in the shower. Fortunately, I have a husband who follows up after me to make sure my commitments are fulfilled. 

The kids watched a movie while dinner was being prepared. Millie tried chicken pie and all was right with the world. Another episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks for Jack and Millie, and then it was bedtime for them. Was there a fit on Thursday night? Not much of one, but she didn't go to bed like she normally does. Hmmmm. 

We introduced Barry and Karen to the game of Pitch on Thursday evening. Barry and I got slammed by Stuart and Karen. I'm sure we will get our revenge at some stage. After cards, Karen went to bed while Barry, Stuart and myself watched some of the Olympics. I finally headed to bed around 11:30 pm. Life is not easy going to bed just before midnight and getting up after 8 every morning. 

Friday we were up and just chilling for a bit. Then the roaring game of Snakes and Ladders ensued. 
The wind was a bit of an issue, causing the board and die to go everywhere. The game lasted almost an hour, with Millie being the victor. 

After the game we headed down the hill for some tapas and a grocery store run. I always love to go to the grocery store in other countries. It's so intriguing to me to see the different products and what they house he most. I have discovered that the Spanish house pork products more than anything else. Yummy!

Once we were back and unpacked we went to Esperanza's for drinks and nibbles with Sheila and Chris. Teddy, their dog, joined us, which thrilled the kids. 
Jack and Millie took Teddy on a walk and say under the table with him for the entire time we were there. Grandpa commented that was the quietest he had heard them since arriving. It was true. The dog kept them very occupied. Sheila was kind enough to let the kids go on two small walks with her and Teddy. I said she was actually 'walking' the kids as well as Teddy. 

We left the bar around 8 pm, fed and bathed the kids, then they were off to bed while we snacked on leftovers and crisps. We stayed up for a bit and played trivia on Stuart's phone. Around 10:30 pm we decided to watch a bit of the Olympics and then we were off to bed. 

Saturday morning we got up and headed to the cathedral up on the hill, called Virgen del Saliente. We had visited here two years ago but the cathedral nor the  restaurant   was open. This was not the case this day. We not only saw the inside of the hitch, but also had a coffee at the restaurant. 
The front of the cathedral was gorgeous. 
The required selfie at each stop was a success again. 

Once we had our drink and our look around we headed back down the hill for a meal at this garage. 
It sold petrol at the front and delicious food inside. Jack, our adventurous eater, ordered the pescado (meaning 'fish' in Spanish). Thinking it would be some fried fish on a plate, wasn't he surprised when the plate came out like this?
Calamari, fish and white bait (similar to whole sardines) was fried up with a side of patatas. He ate almost all of it. He said the white bait was his favorite. He was not keen to eat the little calamari that looked like the actual animal with tiny tentacles, but I couldn't blame it. So Grandma and Daddy got those bits. 

After the kids were finished eating, I took them out to the little playground by the petrol station to let them run around for a bit. Once everyone else was finished eating they came out and we headed back to Oria. Sheila and Chris were due to bring their three dogs over for a playtime with Jack and Millie. 

Once we got home, the kids put their suits on and headed out to the pool. I hung out laundry and didn't even pretend I was going to get in the pool. It was still too cold for my blood. The kids lasted a little longer on Saturday because the outside temperature was warmer than it had been the previous days. 

The dogs arrived just before 6 pm and Jack and Millie wore them out. Those poor dogs couldn't catch their breath. For well over an hour the kids played, actively with Teddy, Izzy, and Missy, the dogs. It was so cute. 
We ended up walking the dogs back home just so the kids could use their leads and be dragged along. It was thrilling. 

On the wall back, Jack and Millie walked in front of me and by the time I got home they were in the shower. Jack wanted to make it a point to show me he could be responsible and do as he was told. He had a few rough days in the past week and I had felt I was always jumping onto him about something. After their showers he pulled Millie into their bedroom to turn down the beds, close the shutters, line their shoes up, and put their towels on the back of the door. He then led me into the room, so pleased with himself. I was so proud of his efforts. He is such a good boy! 

The kids ate dinner and then went back into our room to watch an episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks. They came out and told me when the show was over, which doesn't happen very often. Again, I complimented them for being honest and coming to me once the show was over. They told everyone 'Good night' and were off to bed. 

The adults had a bite to eat and then sat down for some other Olympic events. Cycling seems to never be over. We also watched some tennis. Because we were watching BBC, only the British participants were highlighted. It was okay because I had been reading about the US athletes. 

Another fun week of summer is over. Just one more week before we head back to Al Ain and work. We will make the most of it with Grandma and Grandpa.