Sunday school was manic, but I managed to enter all of my walkthroughs in the computer evaluation system and actually do another walk through. Too bad I didn't do the other four I was scheduled to do.
I picked Jack up from swimming. Once we were home, the kids did their homework and then got ready for rugby. At the club, I rode the exercise bike. When I finished, I was told by one of the dad's that Millie had hit him, the previous practice, in the privates. Ugh! Now, she does know him and he teases her from time to time. However, I really don't want her to treat him exactly as she would family. So when rugby was over I asked him to speak to her about it because I thought it would mean more coming from him. He did so and she cried. When she cries we know she has heard the issue and feels badly about her behavior. Hopefully we won't have this issue with her again.
The kids didn't play after rugby because the past two times we let them play after rugby they were retched to get to bed. So we went home immediately after training, got them food and they went to bed.
After the kids were in bed, I found a new show. This Is Us! Woah! Awesome! There are so few things to watch here so I rely on Netflix and Hulu. I get excited about the smallest things.
I got up to walk. It was so windy that Lara and I turned right around and came back to our house for coffee instead of walking. I messaged Stuart from downstairs to tell him not to come down in his undies since Lara was here. This may be a bad habit starting.
Jack had a school trip on Monday and brought home a rock collection, which you can guess did not thrill me. Monday afternoon I headed to the doctor to get a treatment for this endometrial issue I have. Then I headed for the haircut I never received in December. Finally, I met up with one of my bariatric friends for my celebratory sergiversary! It was one year ago the 23rd of January that I had the gastric sleeve surgery. It's hard to believe it's been a year, and a great year at that. After a couple of hours with Kendra and a few cups of tea later, I headed home and ate dinner, quickly falling asleep on the sofa. Stuart had been at training and Kayleigh had been watching the kids.
Tuesday I awoke at 4:20 am to the sound of thunder and rain. Yahoo! Usually this means our students have a day off, but things must really be changing because the majority of our students were actually at school. It rained most of the day but not enough to send anyone home.
Rugby training for the kids was on as usual. We decided to eat dinner at the club and Scott, Clare and the kids joined us. Stuart had a committee meeting, dot he Richardsons drove us home after we ate.
Wednesday I ended up staying home from school. I had a migraine and the thought of trying to explain the words 'extinct' and 'endangered' to my students was more than I could bear. I headed to the doctor for my sick note right after the kids left for school. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and trying to shake the headache. When the kids got home from school they played outside. Both kids have been on edge with their attitudes and behaviors lately. They ended up having an earlier bedtime because of aforementioned attitudes.
Thursday I did my three periods of teaching. During that time I pretty much gave the students the answers to their weekly assessment, which still didn't help some of them. Shame! The rest of the day I was to be doing walkthroughs, but instead I stayed in my office and caught up on paperwork I had been ignoring. I'm doing two jobs with the same amount of hours that I used to do one job, and I've realized I'm not doing either job very well. Hopefully we will get a cover teacher soon.
After school on Thursday I treated the teachers to pizza at the rugby club. Morale has been really low and it seemed they needed a boost. Only 10 of my 21 English teachers showed up, but we still had a great time. Stuart and the kids joined me around 3:30 pm, as did Cathy and Mandy. We stayed for most of the evening and ended up dominating the karaoke machine once again.
We were up early Friday morning for a rugby tournament in Dubai. Both Jack and Millie were playing, but on fields too far away from each other for me to be able to see all of both of their matches. Since Stuart was coaching Jack, I was obligated to stay at Millie's pitch and watch her games. She actually played quite well, paying closer attention than in previous matches. Her team ended up losing in the cup finals, but she got two medals because of it, which thrilled her to death. Jack's team played well, but still have a lot of growing to do in tackle. Jack had some great plays. There was one series that he tackled every kid that touched the ball. As soon as he would tackle one player, he would get up and tackle the next. It was kind of crazy and unbelievable. He's a smart athlete who knows the game well enough to predict the moves of the other team. I know I'm bias, but he is really good.
After the tournament Stuart headed off to Abu Dhabi to play for the men's team and the kids and I headed back to Al Ain, stopping at the supermarket for our weekly needs. Once we were home I let the kids play outside for the afternoon. They were wiped from the day's events, so they came in just before supper, had a shower, at some food, then laid down to watch a movie. Millie was in bed by about 6:30 pm, whereas Jack stayed up until about 8:30. Stuart got home just about the time Jack went to bed. Stuart had food delivered in, and then we were off for much needed rest.
Saturday morning we were up, Skyped Grammie, Pop and Uncle Mitch, and then decided to run to the mall to let the kids play at Action Zone. We haven't been to that money pit for a long time, so we decided the kids needed a little treat. They played games and rode a couple of rides. It was pretty quiet there, so that was nice. After they finished, Millie had her hair cut and we got them some lunch at KFC. We got home around 2 pm, then headed to Scott and Clare's at 4 pm for dinner.
The tilt-a-whirl is not my favorite, but they love it!
Anthony, our new friend from Arizona, came with us for our weekly English roast. Clare had invited her co-worker, Victoria. Dinner was delightful, as usual. The kids played outside and the adults chatted and laughed for a few hours. As usual, the kids took a shower at the Richardson's. We got home around 7:30 and the kids were immediately off to bed. The weekends always just fly by, but are always a lot of fun.
Another week of fun in the UAE.
School pictures this week.