Sunday was a good day at school. I discovered I was covering for a grade 4 teacher in math, during one of my periods off on Monday. Of course I started to stress about that.
We left school just in time to get to rugby training. Once we were back home, the kids showered, ate and then were off to bed. The fire stick started working again. Thank goodness! I was able to watch some of my trashy television, as a result. I had decided I wouldn’t be playing netball this year after all. This new job is enough ‘new’ for me for this school year.
Monday morning was swim squad for Jack and it was then that I discovered I had made some mistakes when entering the learning objectives in my English and Maths books. Whoops! I started to correct all of them, but my team leader told me it wasn’t necessary, but that I just needed to correct it from this day forward.
I covered that Year 4 Maths class and.....I loved it. I’m thankful for my new job, but I’m pretty sure I will need to move up to a higher grade level next year. I think my patience is a bit low for the little ones. I haven’t burst a blood vessel yet, but it’s still a bit early. I did really enjoy teaching the class.
After school on Monday I got home in time to leave for a meeting at the rugby club about the youth tournament in December. The kids showered, ate and brushed their teeth. Stuart brought them to the club just after 6 pm, and the three of us headed to the dentist while Stuart was at training.
Neither child had a cavity, thank goodness, and the dentist said Millie’s teeth will eventually grow in, even though one of her front teeth has been missing since last October, a year ago. The dentist told me not to worry. Jack, on the other hand, was referred to an orthodontist. It seems she is worried his pallet is too narrow. It doesn’t surprise me, as his mouth is built just like my nephew’s and he has had all kinds of work done.
We were home just after 7 pm. Millie had a snack and then went to bed. She feels so cheated when we get home and she goes straight to bed, but really she stays up later on those nights. She just doesn’t realize it.
Jack stayed up for about an hour and then was in bed. Stuart got home from training just before 9 pm. He went to bed, while I stayed up and watched television.
I didn’t sleep that well. I woke up at 4 am realizing I hadn’t put the laundry in the dryer. Said laundry had Jack’s PE kit and swim gear in it, which he would need on Tuesday. I went downstairs and put the clothes in the dryer. Then, naturally, I couldn’t go back to sleep. I just dwelt on the fact that in a week I would have my observation at school and I wasn’t terribly sure what I was going to do.
When I did finally get out of bed, the normal morning routine commenced. We were out the door at 6:20 am and at school in time for swim squad. Tuesdays are long days for all of us. Jack has swim squad before school, basketball right after school, rugby training from 5-6:30, and then his touch match from 6:40-7:15. Millie has dance from 4:40-6:15 and then we go to Jack’s match. His team was beat on Tuesday by the Brighton College team. His kid’s team is really good and going up against all these adult teams, which I think is admirable. They can pretty much keep with them as well. He was voted Man of the Match.

Millie decided she only wanted French fries for dinner. But she didn’t even eat those. Then when we got home and she was showered, at 8 pm, she decided she was hungry. Then she threw a fit from her bed. I ignored as best I could and she finally fell asleep. Jack was in bed by 8:30 and again, Stuart and I questioned what we would eat for dinner. We continue to say we need to make crock pot meals on Sundays and Tuesdays, but have we done it? Nope. I am hoping to get organized soonish.
Wednesday morning I was supposed to walk with Lara but I got a message saying she hadn’t slept well. So of course I went back to bed.
School was status quo on Wednesday. It’s starting to feel a bit more normal now. I did speak to one of the Deputy Heads about some feedback I received from another senior leader, saying my wall space wasn’t as advanced as Mrs. Weir’s, which is my team leader. Now, because I get along with Mrs. Weir, there was no real issue, but since when do you ever, as a leader, compare one person’s work to another? Clearly she hasn’t been in the same leadership classes that I have been in.
After school I took Jack to the orthodontist. He said Jack wouldn’t need work until he was about 13. That was good and bad news. Good news because he wouldn’t have to go through the pain right now. Bad news because by the time he is 13 we will be back in the states and it will cost us at least twice the amount it would cost us here.
After his appointment we went downtown to look for a costume for his assembly the following day. I ended up having to make part of it. I didn’t know that they had implemented a pay and display parking in downtown. Therefore, guess who got a parking ticket? Yep. That might have been the most expensive homemade costume ever! We came home, the kids showered while I made them something to eat, and then I purchased The Greatest Showman. It’s definitely one of our new favorite movies.
Thursday morning we got up and Jack got his costume on. It was pink day at school in observance of breast cancer awareness. So Jack has to take his pink stuff, his swim gear, and wear his Viking costume. I was able to go and watch his assembly. It was really cute. Sometimes I fear academics may take a back seat when teachers start working on these assemblies. However, it kind of reminds me of how I grew up and I feel these things help to round out a child.

Also, Thursday, Millie was told she was elected to Pupil Council. She was so excited. Unfortunately, Jack was not elected to Pupil Council. He was disappointed but said it was okay. After thinking about it, I was kind of glad he didn’t get it and she did. He seems to have a lot of accolades for his sporting events. So I think it’s ok that she has something special that gives her some recognition.
We left school around 3:30 on Thursday. I brought a ton of stuff home so I could make sure I was ready for the following week and my observation. We ended up having people over on Thursday evening. Stuart made chili and Lara made a green chili. People stayed late and we had a good laugh, as usual. Jack had two friends spend the night, and who knows what time they finally stopped giggling.

Friday morning we were up and at the club at 8:30. Jack had a match that he won. After, the players stayed to swim, so Stuart and I had breakfast.

We had driven two different cars so Stuart headed home around 11:30 am as he had to be back to the club just after 1 pm for his rugby match at 3 pm. I got back to the club around 2:30 pm to be there when Mediclinic showed up for the breast cancer awareness presentation.

We didn’t have a huge attendance, but we did give the women a treat for the night. Every woman got a pink rose, a pink drink, and some cake.

The community team lost, unfortunately, but I think they still had fun. At the end of the match, the team dressed up as pre 2000 WWE wrestlers. Stuart was Raudy Roddy Piper.

We stayed at the club until around 8 pm. When we got home the kids showered and went to bed. Jack complained of being hungry, but I reminded him he had multiple opportunities to eat and chose not to do so. He finally went to sleep and then ate a big breakfast Saturday morning.
He also spent most of the morning doing homework he had put off for the last month. Each six weeks the school sends home a menu of things the kids can do as their homework. It’s always do at the half way mark in the term and then at the end. So time management is tricky if you are Jack and would rather play all day. He did get it done in the end, thank goodness. And most of it he did in his own.
Around noon Stuart, Millie and I went to the grocery store. We left Jack at Ian’s house. When we returned from the store, we had food for the crock pot. We had decided we had been forgetting the fact that we needed to actually make food at the house rather than just eating whatever was there.
We hung around the house the rest of the day. It was good to have my work finished that morning and enjoy the rest of the day doing a whole lot of nothing. The kids went to bed early as did Stuart and myself. It was a good weekend and I was good to go work the following day.