Scott and Clare’s empty pitch.
So we packed up. Scott and Clare headed to see some friends they had known in the UAE and we stayed at the campsite for another hour or so, with the plan to catch up with them at Sainsbury’s for a grocery shop. We played cards and laughed at Millie.
We had planned to make a nice dinner for Gemma and Fechin to thank them for their hospitality. Leaving a day early fromthe camp ground meant we would have more time on Monday to prepare our incredible meal of appreciation.
We arrived at Sainsbury’s at 2 pm and did the shopping. Then we prepared a bite to eat for everyone. The Richardsons arrived around 3:15 pm. We left the car park just after 4 pm. Our goal was to stop for a pub dinner as not to inconvenience the O’Reillys more than we already had by getting to theirs before dinner. That would be beyond rude! However, we ended up at a fast food place and got take away. We are in the van in a car park. We ended up at Gemma and Fechin’s just after 7 pm. They were delighted to have us back.
We had an excellent night’s sleep we all had. If it rained I didn’t hear it, and there was no wind at all. I think the adults woke up on Monday morning feeling very pleased with our decision to leave Northern Ireland when we did.
We had a leisurely day. Gemma and the kids had errands to run and Fechin went to help his dad pour concrete. His dad is 82 and lives in the house that’s about 15 steps away from Gemma and Fechin’s, and he still works.
Scott and Stuart started cooking just after noon. They played cards in between the preparations.
Gemma, Clare and I went to a shopping mall for a while in the afternoon and the boys put together a desk for Astrid.
Dinner was ready around 7 pm. We had chicken, pork, veggies, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, cheesey leeks, and lots of gravy. Our last night at the O’Reilly’s was a memorable one. They are lovely people and were beyond hospitable to us.
The kids’ table.
The adult table.
We went to bed much later than intended, but the extra laughs were worth the lack of sleep. The Alarms went off at 5 am as we had to catch the 8 am ferry back to Wales. We pulled away from Summerhill at 5:30 am. The kids were awake long enough to get buckled into their seats, then they were back to sleep.
When we got to Dublin and in the line for the ferry there were staff with border patrol walking around the vehicles. We were stopped before getting on the ferry to check our passports. When we initially crossed into Ireland no one checked anything. We found that to be a bit odd. The ferry ride was much better on the way back than it was on the way over, which we were all thankful for.
Once we were back in Wales we stopped for fuel. Scott and Clare caught up with us once they were off the ferry. We convoyed for the next couple of hours, then stopped for a comfort break and to give the Richardsons their camping gear we had been carrying. We said our goodbyes and agreed to meet up when we were back in December. We had a wonderful holiday with them. It was also a bit bitter sweet. Both the O’Reillys and the Richardsons are seemingly back to their ‘normal’ lives. I was a bit jealous until I heard of their adjustment times where it wasn’t as easy to settle back into their old lives. I know when it is time for us to leave the UAE we will be ready. However, that time is not this year.
We drove another 2 hours after bidding farewell to the Richardsons and landing at our next camp site in Milton Keenes, about 40 minutes from Heathrow Airport and 20 minutes from where we were to return the camper van on Wednesday morning. We set our van up and started getting things sorted for the following morning. The kids played outside for a bit and then we decided to try to find a pub for dinner.
Playing catch
Last stop for the Monster.
Cute little pub.
Waiting for our food.
Our walk back from the pub was through an underpass.
Once we got back to the camp site we all headed to the showers. 
Our shower was a tight squeeze and the water stayed on for such a short time, Millie and I decided to shower separately and not wash our hair. It was a good decision. Once the kids were in bed, after a major episode from Millie which I hope ceases once we are back to a schedule, Stuart and I played rummy for a couple of hours. We then turned in just after 11 pm as the alarm would sound at 7 am.
Our shower was a tight squeeze and the water stayed on for such a short time, Millie and I decided to shower separately and not wash our hair. It was a good decision. Once the kids were in bed, after a major episode from Millie which I hope ceases once we are back to a schedule, Stuart and I played rummy for a couple of hours. We then turned in just after 11 pm as the alarm would sound at 7 am.
Once the alarm rudely awoke us, we finished sorting and cleaning out the van. We left the camp site to return the van. We arrived just before 10 am and checked in the van with no problems.
The kids took advantage of the time they had to wait for us to get the van cleared. We then caught an Uber to our hotel for the night, near Heathrow Airport. We were fortunate to be able to check in, even though it wasn’t yet noon. We went to our room and then headed to the Underground to make our way to the Natural History Museum.
Some people read the paper on the underground.
The following pictures are of houses and buildings in Kensington. There is a lot of money in this place.
This place was for sale. I dare not even guess how pricey this little jewel is.
This street is where we walked to our pub.
The outside of the Queen’s Arms.
We had lunch a the Queen’s Arms in South Kensington, one of the wealthiest areas in London. After we ate lunch, we were joined by Claire, Kayleigh and Mandy.
They also joined us for the Natural History Museum, which we all enjoyed.
This is the outside of the Natural History Museum. It’s such a gorgeous building.
A giraffe and her skeleton.
Up the stairs at the back of this picture is where Paddington got shot by a tranquilizer. Jack reminded us of the scene.
I could even get the entire blue whale in my picture. We mostly enjoyed the Human Body, Mammals, Dinosaur, and the Moon.
Millie’s class were the Narwhals this year. Did you know that only male Narwhals have the tusk that comes out of the top of its head? I didn’t know that either.
This was a giant ball that represented the moon. Jack wanted a picture that would make it appear as if he was holding it up.
Of course Millie had to do the same.
After we had enough of the Natural History Museum, we walked to Hyde Park to get an ice cream. We then walked into the park where we saw this fountain that was dedicated to Princess Diana. There were kids playing in it.
We popped a squat for a while in the park.
We then walked to Wetherspoons for dinner. On the way we passed Buckingham Palace, as you do.
The famous guards.
After dinner, Bill (who joined us later and is Mandy’s man), Mandy, Claire, and Kayleigh went their way and we all went ours. It just so happened we were going on the same underground line, but in different directions. So we were across from each other on the platform.
And we got to see them leave the station.
We got back to the Premier Inn, showered and went to bed. We weren’t going to be in a rush the following morning, and when we woke up we discovered our flight had been delayed so we had more time than originally thought. We went down for a leisurely breakfast and then spent a bit of time watching reruns of Fraser in the room.
We headed to the airport around 10 am. We went through security and Jack was stopped. Little goofball forgot to put the pen knife Millie bought him in Italy in his checked bag. This only means that he missed doing that when we left Italy as well because he hasn’t rummaged through his back pack since we left Italy. Funny thing it, the security guy handed the pen knife to Stuart and we carried on. 🤔
Our flight home was delayed by nearly 2 hours, one of which we sat on the plane at the gate. It was maddening, but totally out of our hands. I met a lady on the flight who was moving with her 4 year old twins and husband to Abu Dhabi. They had been on planes or in airports for three days because of weather and cancelations. I felt so sorry for her. We had a good chat and exchanged numbers so we could keep in touch. The expat person knows no stranger. And every time you speak to a newbie you feel their pain.
We finally got home around 2 am. The kids showered and went to bed. Of course I started unpacking and getting laundry started. I finally went to bed around 4 am and woke up at 8:30 am. I was dragging all day long. Millie didn’t wake up until around noon and even Jack was surprised when he woke up at 9:15, not twigging that he had only had 6 hours of sleep.
We ran errands Friday, going to the grocery store to get much needed supplies/food. After leaving a great deal of our money there, we headed back home. On our way we picked Cathy up and went to the rugby club to pick up cars. We had already picked up my car earlier, but needed to pick up Stuart’s Jag and then Cathy picked her car up. We had left them there over the summer because there is shade for most of the day. All cars started except for the Jag. So we have to sort out a new battery so we can get it sold.
Cathy came back to the house and had dinner with us. We had nachos, which might be my favorite meal at our house. After we had put Millie to bed, Brian and Lara came over. They stayed much longer than we were expecting. By the time they left it was late. They didn’t leave quietly either. Therefore, Millie woke up and then woke Jack up. They were very poorly behaved and wouldn’t go back to bed. I was already asleep and Stuart dealt with them. He was super upset.
Saturday morning I slept in. We then went to the mall and I bought 3 pair of shoes. We got some things for supper and then headed home to relax for our last day before going back to work. We really did nothing until we all sat down for dinner. When we did sit down Stuart spoke very sternly to the kids about their behavior and how we expect more out of them than the behaviors they have been displaying over the summer weeks. The good thing about when Stuart speaks to them harshly is that he does it so rarely. They know he means business when he speaks to them that way. It was good and hopefully will have a positive effect.
Stuart and I watched television after the kids were in bed. It was a chilled way to end a manic summer.