Monday was the first day of the week. I have grown to dislike Mondays a bit. I got home and Stuart took Jack to basketball. Millie and I had a small girls’ night in. We took a shower and watched some of her favorite shows together. She went to be without a fuss, which is always a bonus.
Tuesday I got up and totally forgot Jack had an orthodontist appointment. I had asked my parents to take him but totally forgot to remind them because I actually forgot. So I took Jack to his appointment and was just a touch late to school. My teammate covered for me, thank goodness. So no harm was done.
Stuart took Millie to gymnastics after school. I had a Google class and then met Stuart and Jack in downtown Chandler for food. I then took Jack to basketball, while Stuart took Millie home to shower and get her to bed. Grammie and Pop met Jack and I at the gym. He’s still considered a practice player, but we are hoping that changes soon.
Wednesday there were more Covid vaccines opened, but I only got an appointment for my mom. It’s so frustrating. The people who need the vaccine the most are having the most difficult time getting them. Stuart and I both spent time we didn’t really have, trying to schedule their appointments.
The pool guys came and put up the rebar. So now we wait for the permits to pour concrete and then we will have a cement pond.
Stuart made chili for me to take to our ‘Souper’ Bowl event on Friday at school. Therefore, I took Jack to basketball. I dropped him off and then went to Costco to walk around and return some coffee that Stuart had purchased by mistake.
After school on Thursday, we went to get our second shots. Stuart had a hunch there would be some available vaccines on Thursday morning, so he went on and by chance booked my mom and dad their first shot appointments for noon that day. I was so excited! Thursday the bathroom guy came to rip out our downstairs vanity. Other than that, they didn’t really work during the week. Thursday evening my parents came over for chili because when you make one batch of chili you might as well make two.
Friday school was the same old same old. I wish I could get inspired to be more enthusiastic about school, but I’m just not. I’m working in a place that is so relaxed and the pressure is minimal. I love my team and the other people I work with, but I was built to be an administrator. I’m know it will happen one day, and that the job I get will be the perfect one for me.
Friday evening Jack stayed home on his own, while Stuart and I took Millie to gymnastics and decided to have dinner out. It’s our sneaky way of having a date night. Liz messaged me and told me her dad had passed away late in the evening. I felt so sad for her. He had gone home from the hospital without a feeding tube, which he had had for the past year. The doctors knew it was time. We had spoken earlier in the week and cried together. I told her to let me know when she wanted me to come and see her and I would. I suspect I will go see her for my spring break.
Saturday, Millie and I went to a bridal shower while Stuart and Jack stayed home. Stuart decided he would paint all the baseboards while I was gone. He’s my hero for sure. The bridal shower was for our old babysitter, Grace. She also happens to be my friend Jennifer’s daughter. She was so pretty and it gave Millie a chance to dress up as well.
Sunday was Super Bowl. Stuart and I did some shopping for bathroom decor and came up empty handed. We decided to go to Grammie and Pop’s for the first half of the game. Then we returned home. Neither of us really likes football so we didn’t feel we were missing anything, even though the Chiefs, who we support, were playing.
Monday was another day at work. It doesn’t get easier to go to work, but at least we are getting closer to spring break. Millie had a counseling appointment after school and then Stuart took Jack to basketball. Millie and I showered and got our jammies on and then watched one of her silly shows. We had decided we would attempt to let her go to bed at 8 pm with the stipulation that if she freaked out about brushing her teeth the following morning or had a fit getting ready for school, the following night we would go back to a 7:30 bedtime.
Tuesday, I am happy to report, Millie got ready for school in record time with no fuss at all. While at school, I finally called and made an appointment to see a hip doctor. I’ve hated to admit it, but my left hip has been especially painful for nearly a year now. Sadly, now my right hip is starting to give me trouble. It may very well be sympathy pain. So although my appointment is not until the end of the month, it is scheduled.
Tuesday after school I met Stuart and Jack at a place called Brew 64 in downtown Chandler. We decided to try a new place. They only serve pizza and bruschetta, which Jack wasn’t crazy about, but it was a cute little place. I picked Millie up from gymnastics and Stuart took Jack to basketball. He left when Grammie and Pop got there because they said they would bring Jack home and Stuart had to get home and see what needed to be done about our sprinkler system. Apparently there had been a leak earlier in the day, which was noticed by our bathroom remodeler. Jack returned a little later than normal and told us that Grammie needed to stop at Safeway. He got shower, had a snack and went to bed. Stuart and I followed shortly.
Wednesday was a half day at school because we had parent/teacher conferences. My conferences weren’t over until after 4. When I got home I took Jack to practice. He was asked to play in a tournament at the weekend, so he was pretty excited. The guy who manages the Gremlins said he wanted to have Jack experience their style of play.
Thursday we had a half day again. Millie was collected by Grammie and Pop and Jack went to his friend Grant’s house. Grant lives in the Ryan Elementary neighborhood. I met with Diane Wells in the afternoon. I hadn’t seen her for ages. We had a great conversation. After my ‘meeting’ with Diane, I went to pick up Jack. Part of the reason he wanted to go to Grant’s was that he had a little gift for this girl he likes in his class. It was a sweet little necklace. Of course when I asked him about giving it to her, he snubbed me off. I’m not ready for the teenage years.
The bathroom guy came and put the tile in the downstairs shower. Thursday evening we did a whole lot of nothing. It’s our only night in the week we have nothing to do, which is nice.
Friday we had a Valentine Day party at school. Stuart started planning our landscaping projects, as he decided we could do it ourselves and save a ton of money. I got a call at the end of the day and was told I had an interview for a principal position at one of the junior highs in Chandler. I was as giddy as a little girl. I started planning my outfit and reading up on the school.
I picked the kids up from school and took Jack to a basketball clinic. I took Millie to eat something and then to gymnastics. I picked Jack up and went home, while Stuart went to get Millie. It seems we are the taxis at the moment, and quite possibly for the next 9 years, or at least 4.
Saturday morning I was up at 6 am and went to Jack’s tournament at 8 am. He was told he might not get to play much, but he played more than half of the game. He was so excited. Grammie and Pop joined us for the second game, but he didn’t play as well in that game. He puts so much pressure on himself when Pop is watching. Bless him!
Sunday was Valentine’s Day. We didn’t do anything terribly special. Stuart painted the downstairs bathroom while Grammie and I went shopping for new shoes for me for my interview on Thursday. Grammie and Pop came down for a bit to get and give Valentines after Jack’s tournament game. Jack wasn’t impressed with his own playing, unfortunately. And I may have hammered on him a bit about his attitude. I could care less if either of our kids are the best athletes that every walked, but to have a bad attitude is unacceptable. He was just a sore loser on that day.
Monday we hung around the house and then had roasted chicken. We invited Grammie and Pop over for dinner. It was a great day off but very much wasted. Some days like that are needed, I suppose.
Tuesday was back to school and then the kids had their activities. We decided to try a new pizza place while Millie was at gymnastics. It was just up the road and Jack actually liked it. We were going to buy pizza for Millie, but she decided her ‘usual’ was better.....McDonalds.
Wednesday I asked a few questions of the Dean at my school about what she thought my interview would be like. She gave me some insight. I was apprehensive, yet felt prepared. When I got home, Stuart took Jack to basketball practice while I watched the bachelor. Oooo, I do love the Bachelor, but I’m not as into this season as others for some reason.
Thursday was the big interview day. The day started out with me sticking my thumb through my panty hose. Fortunately, I bought the cheap ones that come two to a pack so there was a spare pair. When I got those on, I noticed a little hole. I painted fingernail polish over it and prayed for the best.
I looked the part, but could I nail the interview?
I felt very confident after the interview except for the fact that I called the Superintendent of Human Resources by the wrong name. Her name is Wendy Nance and I thanked her as I walked out saying, ‘Thank you, Nancy.’ I realized I had done this as soon as I walked out of the room, but it was too late and awkward to turn around and correct myself, so I ended up emailing her to tell her I was sorry. Ironically enough, she emailed back saying it happens all the time.
Friday Stuart and I took a personal day and flew to Vegas. We met up with Hannah Tharlson early in the evening for a bite to eat. We had so much fun with her. Hannah is the daughter of one of my besties, Sue.
Even after dinner she hung around with us for a bit. She’s a delightful young lady. Clearly her parents did something right.
Ken and Maytee showed up around 9 pm. We went to Nacho Daddy’s, again. We had been there earlier with Hannah. I made reservations for both seatings. The difference was that by the time we got there with Ken and Maytee the hostess had been taking in the walk-ins, which meant our reservation was not going to be honored. We ended up being seated nearly an hour after our reservation. Ken and I complained, while Stuart conveniently went to the bathroom, as he is fearful of confrontation. We got a free flaming shrimp appetizer, so our polite complaint was worth something.
Saturday we got up and gambled a bit. Then we came back to the hotel to collect Ken’s friend, Karen, and then we went to Nacho Daddy for brunch. Clearly we liked the place. We decided to go to Circus Circus for a bit and try to find some cheap roulette tables. Sadly, as soon as we got there we decided it was a bit trashy for us. Covid wasn’t the only virus in that casino. We walked back to the hotel, which was about 2 miles. It was a bit windy, but Stuart and I stopped for a photo opportunity at the Venetian, where we got engaged.
This was my bone-in bacon. Yum!
We then went down town, which was manic and made me feel as if I was going to catch something, and not in a good way. We stayed until just after 11 pm and then called it a night. We had to shower again because smoke was embedded in our skin. It was gross.
Sunday morning we got up and went to brunch at Todd English’s The Pub. Then we headed home, driving with Ken, Maytee, and Ken’s longtime friend, Karen. When we got home we found my mom with ice on her head. They had been kind enough to pick up our dogs from the pet hotel. It seems that Chloe knocked my mom over and she hit her head on the concrete. It scared the life out of me. We sorted out all of our things, put some laundry on and had a bite to eat. The kids went to bed and then Stuart and I followed shortly after them.
Monday was another Monday, which I’m not a huge fan of. School was fine, but I got the dreaded call that basically said ‘thanks, but no thanks’. And I didn’t get a second interview for the Junior High Principal’s position. I was disappointed, but that lasted until the afternoon, when I found myself applying for several other jobs in the east valley. I questioned whether I was aged out of a principal position, but then decided the right job is going to come along and want me for who I am and what I offer. It just hasn’t happened.....yet.
Monday night there was nothing going on, or at least I thought that was the case. Jack was supposed to have skills training for basketball. He had been moved to the Gremlins Green team so I got confused about the practices. Oh well.
Tuesday I got all the materials I needed for the rest of the quarter prepared for my team. It was a very accomplished feeling. After Stuart brought the kids to my school. I took Millie to gymnastics and took Jack to get his hair cut. Then Jack and I stopped and had some pizza dessert sticks. It was so good because for an hour we sat and talked and laughed. We don’t do this very often, so when we do I try to savor every moment.
Wednesday after school I went to see the hip doctor. It turns out that my hips are not the problem. It seems that my L4 and L5 are the problem. So the doctor referred me to a spine specialist and ordered an MRI for me. As soon as the insurance approves it, I will get a call to have the MRI done.
When I got home, ok Millie was having a meltdown. She had signed her own homework. She ended up having to go to bed early. Stuart took Jack to basketball practice while I stayed at home with Millie. When I put Millie to bed she just talked and talked. She loves for me to lay with her at night, which I love as well. These times with my kids are so precious.
Grammie and Pop brought Jack home from practice, but he forgot his basketball at the gym. There went $80 down the drain. Ugh!
Thursday I took the day off because I had my follow up appointment for my eye. It turns out that my eye has improved. The doctor asked me if I had less stress in my life. I told him that maybe I had less because both Stuart and I had gotten our vaccinations and my parents were getting their second one that day. He told me to keep doing what I was doing because it was working. Then he told me he would see me in three months and that there was no charge for that visit. What a nice treat! I went shopping afterwards and purchased some much needed decorations.
The rug and the painting went nicely in our newly remodeled bathroom.
When Grammie and Pop got home from having their vaccine, I picked Grammie up and she went with me for some more shopping fun. We got home just before 5 and Stuart made spaghetti. After we all ate I took Jack to basketball practice. We were hopeful we would find his ball, but we didn’t. It was a $80 basketball so I assumed it wouldn’t be there. At the end of practice it was confirmed that Jack would be on the Gremlins Green team. He was super excited.
Friday I got to school and sorted out what my sub had left me. The day seemed to fly by. At the end of the day I went to collect the kids while Stuart went to look for food for the weekend. Ken, Maytee and Karen were coming down for snacks around 8:30 pm, Millie gave me grief about going to gymnastics, to the point that I had to get in the car and start to leave without. When will this girl stop pushing my buttons? Never, you say? I’m starting to think this time in her life is going to be endless. It’s exhausting sometimes.
Once Millie’s class was over her teacher told me she was going to need to start coming to gymnastics for both green classes. Earlier in the day the gym had called and said There was an opening in the green class on Wednesday, so I was thrilled to have her not going to class on Fridays any longer, but that wasn’t what they wanted. They wanted her to come Wednesdays and Fridays. When I looked at the pricing I decided we would actually move gyms. Her poor little teacher got the brunt end of it. She clearly was trying to bully me into putting Millie into the pre-team classes, and although I don’t want to stifle her abilities and moving forward, the cost of this gym is about 35% higher than other gyms who don’t have an Olympic gymnast’s name on the walls. So, bye-bye.
When we got home, Millie showered and was just out before the Green crew got there. Stuart had made a beautiful charcuterie board.
He loves the presentation of food.
They didn’t stay long, but we had a good time chatting and spending time together. The kids were in bed by 11 pm and then Stuart and I followed. It was a full Friday.
Saturday I was up with the dogs and decided to clean the house. Jack had a tournament that was supposed to start at 1 pm. By the time we all got there the tournament was already 45 minutes behind schedule. Jack didn’t play a lot, but he played a little more aggressive than he had previously played, so he was pleased.
We had packed a picnic for the time between his first and second game, because his second game wasn’t until 6 pm.
Jack is in green.
We planned to go to a park, but instead we went up South Mountain and ate lunch at the top of the mountain. Then, to satisfy Millie who had no idea she was going to be gone all day, we stopped at a park at the base of South Mountain. The kids played on the structure and then threw Millie’s new football around.

Here they are at the top of South Mountain. We had never been up there, so it was a new experience.
Here they are at the top of South Mountain. We had never been up there, so it was a new experience.
We got some ice cream at Dairy Queen on the way back to the gym. They were still quite a bit behind, but had made up some time. The second game Jack played was a bit tougher, but he really started to show his true grit. He scored once and made a good pass for an assist as well. He didn’t play a lot, but after the game one of the coaches told me he was going to speak to Jack’s coach and tell him he needed to play more. This coach was very complimentary of Jack and his play. We were all very pleased.
When we finally got home, I made beds and helped sort out the picnic food. The kids showered and we watched some television. Jack seemed to be coming down with a cold and decided to go to bed on his own. I stayed up after Stuart and watched some trash television, the best way to end a long day.