We had purchased tickets before we had left Phoenix, so there should not have been a wait. However, we clearly weren’t the only people who had that same idea.
The zoo was amazing. We walked about 18,000 steps, uphill and down. When we were tired from the zoo, we came back and played cards. We were all freezing and had to move the game inside.
These two drive each other bonkers, but they do love one another.
We got up Monday and went to Mission Bay and Belmont Park. The kids decided to play in the arcade for a while and then they rode the roller coaster. We shopped for new, terribly expensive sweatshirts because the kids were cold in the morning. We went to breakfast on the beach. It was a glorious morning. The best part was the weather for sure.
In the afternoon we went to the beach and the kids played in the water. The weather was amazing!
The beach was packed.
The kids got to use their new boogie boards. Jack was in the water for well over an hour and a half. It was too cold for Millie, but she played in the sand. We got back to the campground around 3 pm, took showers and played cards for a while. The kids were wiped out. We ate nachos around 6:30 pm and then just chilled the rest of the evening. We were in bed by 9 pm and I was asleep shortly after that.
Tuesday morning we got up and Stuart returned our rental car. When he returned we packed up and got on the road for the journey back to the heat. The ride was uneventful and long. When we got home we didn’t have enough time to sort the RV out and then get to the storage to return the RV, so it had to stay on our drive for the evening. We spent most of the evening sorting out clothes, bedding, and shoes. It was a great trip, but a good rest was needed by all of us.
On Wednesday I got up and took Millie to gymnastics. Stuart took Jack for his sports physical with Dr. Bob. Then in the afternoon I went to collect all of Jack’s friends for a sleepover. Heaven forbid we have a day of rest. Stuart had a great idea, he bought ingredients to make pizzas. So the boys made pizzas for their dinner. They spent a lot of time in the swimming pool. They also spent some time upstairs wrestling. Only three of the four boys I picked up actually spent the night. I believe they finally went to sleep just before 3 AM. But now I count my duties as complete in the sleepover world.
I was up with the dogs around 6 am and started my writers training at 7 am. It is a class I need for my school. I was getting paid to do it, so why not. Most of the time I was on mute and my camera was muted as well. That class lasted until 1 pm. The boys were collected at different times. But all the boys were picked up by noon. In the afternoon Jack went to get his second vaccination. We spent some time in the pool Thursday afternoon. I finally finished all of the RV laundry and put everything back in the closet under the stairs.
Friday morning at 4:40 am, Jack came into my room, crying. The shot had kicked in and he was having cold chills, had a headache and was not feeling well at all. I gave him Tylenol and sent him back to bed. Poor boy!
I took Millie to gymnastics, putzed around in Target, and then went to meet Jennifer for lunch. I then returned to collect Millie and we came home. Once home, I discovered that Jack got to felling better during the day. He was glad as he was due to have a sleepover at Jaxon’s that evening.
We took the dogs to the vet for their check-up. We decided to take them in one at a time, hoping that would make them less manic in the pet store. Chloe was totally fine, and actually a bit timid. But Bailey went nuts, as usual. They are good dogs at home, aside from the stuff they chew up, but when they see other people and animals out in public they are absolutely crazy. I’m not sure what we are going to do with them.
When I got back from taking Jack to his sleepover, Ken brought Lexi over for a sleepover at our house. Millie has complained about Jack having sleepovers and her not being able to have one. So Lexi agreed to come down and stay with Millie. Even though she is 4 years older than Millie, she’s really sweet to Millie. So we appreciate that.
Saturday I was up early, as usual. We did some house cleaning and preparing for our afternoon. Around 3 pm I took Lexi to church and then we had my parents, brother and my Aunt Sue over for a cookout and to celebrate my mom’s birthday. It was a nice evening.
Sunday we lounged around the house in the morning. Later in the morning I went to see Cruela, the new Disney movie. It was a bit dark, but really good. I then took Jack to his workout with Russ. Afterwards we came home and swam. Vicki and her boys came over to swim as well. The rest of the evening was spent doing a lot of nothing.
Monday morning I had a class on Mental Health First Aid. It was really good and brought to my attention that there is still a stigma on mental health issues. I think what I learned in that class will help me with my own children. While I attended that class, Stuart had Daddy Daycare. He took Millie to gymnastics, then picked up Kyle Daniels and took him and Jack to basketball camp at Casteel High School. He then picked them up, took Kyle home, picked up Millie and went to lunch.
I got home just before 5 pm. We had dinner and then Jack went down to watch the Suns game with Grammie, Pop and Uncle Russ.
Tuesday morning I was up early with the dogs. Our bathroom produces so much light in the morning that we really need a black out curtains between our bedroom and our bathroom. It’s nearly impossible to sleep in. We will just put that on the list of things we need to do. When Millie was awake, she and I went to get a mani/pedi that I had promised her on Monday.
Stuart was on carpool duty again. He took Kyle and Jack to basketball camp. Once Millie and I were home, she was upstairs playing and Stuart and I were watching television. I was heading out the door to collect Kyle and Jack from basketball camp, when my best friend from Kansas called to tell me that her husband was back in the hospital having more heart problems. He was on a ventilator and she cried as she told me that. I felt so helpless. I told her I would come to Kansas City if she needed me, but she said for now they were fine and she would keep me informed.
Kyle came back to our house for the afternoon to swim. I took a little tour of Kyle’s house when we took him home. I hadn’t seen Mary in a while so we had a bit of a catch up. Once we were home we did some odds and ends at the house. Russ had come over to swim but had left around 4:30.
Wednesday I got up and walked with Sue. She is a trooper, as her knee is really giving her trouble. Getting old is not for sissies! I then came home and took a shower. This day was set aside for washing beds, at least this week. I took Millie to gymnastics, then Stuart and I took Jack and Kyle to basketball. We decided to go test drive a Subaru while the boys were at camp. Stuart is going to have to have a new car before too long as it just won’t be cost efficient for him to drive his current car for his new job. It’s not fun looking for a car in over 100 degree heat. We picked Jack up from basketball, ran Kyle home and then decided to get a bite of lunch. While Jack and I were still eating, Stuart went to pick Millie up and brought her back to the restaurant. We then went home and got into the pool. Jack went down to Grammie and Pop’s to watch the Suns game again. He is really getting into the playoffs and becoming the biggest Suns’ fan!
Thursday I took Jack to basketball and because Pop wanted to go and watch him play, he picked him up and brought him home. We didn’t have much planned the rest of the day, but Thursday evening I met Sherry, Mary and Elisa for dinner. We caught up with the happenings in each others’ lives and had some good laughs as we always do.
The gang, minus Gina, who is due back to Arizona very soon.
Friday we took Millie to gymnastics and then went car hunting again. This time we drove a Volkswagen and a Kia. Neither really impressed me, but I don’t have to drive them so I don’t really care.
We then went out for a lunch, just the two of us, and then picked Millie up from gymnastics. We facetimed with our friends from England and Ireland, the Richardsons and the O’Reillys. It was so good to hear from them. We spoke for almost two hours. They envied our pool and weather as it is quite rainy and dreary this time of year in the UK and Ireland.
Morgan got into town on Friday and came over while we were talking to our friends. We all then got in the pool for a while. Just a quick dip is really good in the heat of the day. We then went out to eat bbq and down to Grammie and Pop’s for the Suns game. Stuart went home before the rest of us and Millie and I went home before the end of the game. Russ brought Jack back to the house when the game was over. I was in bed by 10 pm. The heat really takes it out of you most days.
Saturday morning we got up and headed to Jerome, Arizona, which is a little town about two and a half hours north of the valley. We went with Ken and Maytee and their girls. It’s a cute little artsy town. On the way home we had a blow out in their Honda. It seems that the tire was having an issue earlier in the week, but Maytee had gone to get it fixed. It started to wobble really badly and then the tire blew and shredded the tred. It was on the left side of the vehicle and it was a team effort to get it changed. The spare wasn’t much better as it was obvious it had never been used and because it is stored under the car, it had nicks in it from rocks hitting under the car. We ended up stopping to check it a few times before we eventually got home. It was a bit of a tense day from that point forward. When we got back we ordered pizza at Ken and Maytee’s place and then headed home. Stuart had driven their car since the blow out and he was drained.
We are at a place called the Asylum. It was a bit creepy.
The kids got in the water for a little splash around as we were leaving Jerome.
Im not going to lie. This was rather scary on the side of the highway.
Sunday morning I got up and decided to make a grocery run to Wal Mart. I bought food so we could have everyone over for sandwiches, but in the end we decided to have everyone over on Monday as Grammie and Pop wanted to take my Aunt Sue to San Tan Flat since she would be leaving on Tuesday. That seems to be the novelty when you have visitors to Arizona. We were invited, but I didn’t really want to go and neither did Stuart, so we declined the invitation.
Morgan and Julie came down to swim for a while and then Stuart took Jack to basketball while Millie and I stayed home. When Stuart got home from basketball he made dinner and we watched The Handmade’s Tale. It’s kind of our new obsession and we will both be lost when we have completed season 4. Morgan and Donivan had joined everyone else for the San Tan Flat adventure and then came over afterward to stay the night at our house. Their other choice was to sleep on the trundle bed at Grammie and Pop’s house. We all felt that was a bit weird for the newlyweds.
Monday morning we were up and trying to be quiet so Morgan and Donivan could sleep. Millie and I left for gymnastics and Stuart was going to be in charge of taking Jack to basketball camp. Kyle wasn’t going this week so he would be on his own.
I watched Millie for about an hour and a half. She has really improved her skills. I then popped up to give plasma. As soon as I got there I got a message from Millie showing me a toe she busted. She wanted me to come and get her. I sent Stuart. The coach wouldn’t let her leave. It was a bit of a knee jerk reaction on my part. I feel no matter what I do with this child, it’s wrong. I ended up picking her up at the normal time and having a talk with her about making sure she got permission from her coach to ask if she can come home. I know her coach thought we were being ridiculous. Oh well! We spent the afternoon preparing for the family to come over for sandwiches. My Aunt Sue was leaving the next day so we had one last pool day with her.
Tuesday Stuart was out the door for his first day of work in Stanfield, Arizona. Millie and Jack slept in, as did Morgan and Donivan. I took Jack to basketball camp and let Millie stay home. I stopped by Wal-Mart and then returned to Millie. Pop picked Jack up from basketball and let me know that Coach Windler, the head basketball coach at Casteel
High School, had asked him if he would be interested in coaching the 7th grade basketball team at the junior high. That really excited me. I didn’t want him to coach a club team because I knew that would tie him down too much. But for him to be Jack’s junior high coach would be totally amazing. Jack was excited as well.
Tuesday afternoon Debi and her boys came over for dinner and a swim. After they left I took Jack to Gavin’s for a sleepover with his school gang. Donivan and Morgan came back to the house around 8 pm. They spent a couple of hours with us. They had a bed at Grammie and Pop’s now that Aunt Sue was gone. So they came to collect their things.
Wednesday morning Stuart headed back to Stanfield. I struggled getting Millie up and ready for gymnastics. Then Jack called from the sleepover and begged me to not make him go to basketball camp. I told him to get over himself. The main reason he didn’t want to go was because he was tired. I told him ‘tough’. I picked him up at 9:45 and dropped him at camp. He told me he slept 1 hour. I love sleepovers. I went home for a while and packed a cooler of food for Jack and Millie as when I collected Jack I delivered him to Mesquite Aquatic Center because his sleepover gang was meeting there. Then I picked Millie up and we went to the aquatic center as well. We stayed for a couple of hours and then headed home. Both kids just lazed around, as did I.
An Italian Ice is needed on a day when it is 118 degrees.
Stuart got home just before 5 pm and packed some food before heading out the door to Gallup until Friday. The kids and I spent the evening at Top Golf with the rest of the family.
Thursday we only had to be out of the house by 10 to get Jack to basketball practice. But of course he wanted his hair shaped for his mullet. So I took him to Great Clips prior to basketball camp.
He’s so proud of his growing mullet. Ugh!
I then went home and Millie and I made a trip to Target. Pop picked Jack up from practice again, which really helped me out. Thursday evening we went to Grammie and Pop’s for their community group sing along. When I got there, Morgan pulled me in the little bedroom and told me she was pregnant. I cried, of course. I was so excited. The whole evening was a lot of fun, and Millie even ate the pulled pork Grammie had made. We got home and the kids went to bed. I went to sleep on the sofa late in the evening and woke up to Chloe chewing on the bottom of our sofa. She has brain damage, I am pretty sure.
Saturday Stuart went to JoAnn’s fabric to get some supplies to fix the sofa. When he got back it was a joint effort to mend the sofa. I think we did a stellar job. Maybe we have a future business in upholstery.
In the afternoon we had the whole family over for a swim. We were going to order Chinese food, but Pop wanted to go home to watch the basketball game, so we decided to do Chinese the following day and watch the Suns’ game.
Sunday we did some house chores in the morning. I took Jack for his work out with Russ. We then went to Grammie and Pop’s to watch the recorded Suns game. It was Father’s Day so we gave gifts and ordered in Chinese food. We went home around 6 pm and had a dip in the pool. The kids and Stuart started watching a new series Stuart had found that is related to Marvel comics. I wasn’t terribly interested so I folded swim towels instead. Later in the evening I picked Liz up from the airport. Her flight was messed up therefore her bag didn’t show up when she did. I circled the airport for over an hour. I got home just after 11 pm once I had dropped her off and then I went to bed.
Monday, Julie and I took Millie to gymnastics. We watched Millie for a while and then met up with Russ for lunch. We picked Millie up and took her home. I then got gas for Stuart’s car for his trip to Stanfield the following day. I then headed to give plasma. When I got home, we just sat around. The kids watched television, while Stuart and I tried to get through season 4 of the Handmaid’s Tale.
Tuesday Stuart got up and had to work in Stanfield again. So he left around 6 am. I got up at 7:15 am and had some coffee. I then went to pick up some prescriptions and groceries. Is it me, or do groceries need to be purchased about every other day? When I got home it was nearly time for lunch so I made fish fillets and green beans. I think it’s been about a month since either of my kids have had a vegetable. After lunch we had a swim. We all sat on the Baja step and talked for about an hour. It was so nice. Once swimming was finished we all came in and laid around some more. Stuart got home just before 5 pm. I had purchased food for dinner, but Stuart said he wasn’t all that hungry so we agreed we would leave it until another night and just eat leftovers. Jack went to Grammie and Pop’s to watch the Suns game. I’m not exactly sure what he’s going to do once the season is over.
Wednesday Grammie went with Millie and myself to gymnastics. We watched her for a while and then went for lunch at Pita Jungle. We picked Millie up and then came home. Jack had stayed home so was ready to get in the pool once Millie and I got home. So we went swimming. Our summer days are all starting to look the same. Stuart worked again in Stanfield and returned around 5 pm. We just spent the evening relaxing and watching televisions. We have become a bit boring and lazy.
An evening at the Telford house.
Thursday morning I got up to walk with Sue. Her knee was still hurting, but she had gotten some answers at her doctor appointment so was hopeful about relief coming soon. After our walk I went to the plasma center. It seemed to take forever for my blood to cooperate this particular day. It felt as if I was there for hours. I did some house work when I got home, but other than that there wasn’t much going on except a dip in the pool. Have I mentioned how thankful I am we put in the pool? Thursday evening we went to Grammie and Pop’s to watch the Suns play and to celebrate Pop’s birthday. We bought him a Casteel Colts t-shirt to get him prepared for his new job.
The eight candles on one side of the cake and the three on the other side were my mom’s clever way to represent my dad’s age, 83.
Friday morning we got up knowing we needed to watch the next to last episode of Handmaid’s Tale. This was in preparation for Ken and Maytee to come over and watch the last episode with us Friday evening. We had taken Millie to gymnastics and Russ was picking Jack up to go with him to a workout with a potential NBA player. We decided to go for breakfast and then had to pick Jack up at 11 in Tempe. After we collected Jack we headed home. Stuart went to pick up Millie from gymnastics. We all went for a swim. Russ and Julie came down to swim as well. We all got out around 4 pm. We all showered and Stuart and I got ready to go to dinner with Ken and Maytee. We had a gift card to Barrio Queen that Stuart had gotten at the end of the year from one of his students. We dropped Millie and Jack at Grammie and Pop’s for a sleepover. Our meal and evening were exceptional. The kids had fun as well. Grammie and Pop play games with them. Russ and Julie were the added bonus for that sleepover.
Saturday morning Stuart went to pick the kids up around 9:30 am. Then Julie showed up at our house just after 10 am. She was going with us to Sunsplash. We had free passes and Stuart couldn’t think of anything worse than going to a waterpark so I told Julie she could go with us abd have Stuart’s ticket. Russ was leaving for Chicago for the NBA combine, so it was something for get to do. We were meeting Debi and her boys at the waterpark at 11. We got to the park and I hadn’t hidden my chips well enough in my bag, so they were confiscated. Boo! The moms all went directly to the Lazy River. We were the only people on the river for a while. We held onto each others’ tubes so we could stay together. We just chatted for about an hour and a half. We then got out and ordered food for everyone. After lunch we decided we should go on at least one ride. We carried a 4 man tube up stairs, a lot of stairs. What is wrong with a conveyor belt? The ride was fun, but we all decided it wasn’t worth the effort to get the tube all the way to the top of the ride. We left just before 3 pm to go home. Aunt Julie paid for slurpees on the way home. Once we were home, I took a shower and got ready for my dinner out with Liz. She came over to the house and we went to Barrio Brewing Company. It’s at the Mesa airport and Stuart has wanted to check it out, so Liz and I took one for the team. I thought the food was good, but not the best I had ever had. We came back to our house and the Liz left to take friends to the airport.
Sunday morning I washed the kids beds, cleaned our bathroom and did some laundry. We decided to take the kids to Fat Cats for a game of bowling and mini golf. We then went to Barrio Brewing Company for lunch. I realize I had eaten there on Saturday, but it was the $5 pints that took us back. I liked my meal, but Stuart wasn’t impressed, but now he knows. We got home and jumped in the pool for the afternoon. Julie came over and swam as well as Russ was still in Chicago. Grammie came down a bit later as well.
Grammie and Jack seemed to enjoy the sunbathing.
Stuart had made succotash the previous evening, so he and I shared that while Jack ate an uncrustable and Millie had Mac and cheese. We are really bad at the family dinner thing. The rest of the evening was spent in the pool, watching television, or napping.
The sun plum wore him out!
Monday morning I was up at about 6:30 am. I made some coffee and fed the dogs, which is my relatively normal routine. Stuart was awake when I got up. I took Jack to Casteel to take a math exam that would determine whether he could enter into the honors math class in 7th grade. Stuart took Millie to gymnastics, which we were informed was her last one of the summer session. I’m kind of glad, but now I have to find things for us to do on these boiling days. Once everyone was back home, I went with my mom and Julie to the farmer’s market in Mesa. I got blackberries, potatoes, blueberries and bananas for basically nothing. They have the cheapest vegetables and fruit. You have to look carefully as not to get fruit with mold, but most of it is really good.
I got home around 4 pm and Stuart and I watched television for a while. I fixed food for the kids and then Jack headed to Grammie and Pop’s for the basketball game between the Suns and the Clippers. Stuart, Millie and I stayed home and decided to go for a swim. Sadly, it was cut short because lightning started to light up the sky. We came in and Millie and I went for a shower. Jack messaged me before the game was over to come and pick him up. He was disgusted at their play. Once he was home, we started watching Guardians of the Galaxy. Milie fell asleep on the sofa which makes things much easier for all of us. The rest of us followed shortly.
Tuesday morning we moved our kitchen table into the garage as we had decided we were going to strip and refinish the top of it. My mom came over and we headed to purchase supplies at Home Depot. The process took us until around noon. It still needed to be sanded and waxed. We were having an issue finding Briwax, but finally found a store in Tempe that sold it, so that would be a field trip later in the week. We got in the pool later in the afternoon and Stuart prepared a Shepard’s pie for dinner the following evening. After dinner we watched some more Marvel. Millie had great difficulty going to bed. An epic fight ensued again. Stuart handles these much better than I do. It is what will be toughest when he travels for his job this year.
This was the look I was given when I told her she needed to go to bed. Lovely!
Wednesday I was supposed to walk with Sue but had a raging headache so opted for a few more hours of sleep. When I finally got up I just laid around. Stuart and I went to Costco for some needed things. We picked up the RV on the way home. Once we were home, my mom and dad came over to sand the table top. Russ and Julie came down for a swim. At Costco we had bought a huge slab of ribs. When Stuart opened the package to prepare the ribs, they were slimy and stank! I hopped out of the pool and took them back to Costco for a refund. Ick! When I got back, I got back into the pool for a bit. Russ and Julie were heading home, so it was just Jack and myself in the pool. I got out just before 5 pm to take a shower. Liz came over for dinner and to measure our windows in the RV for curtains. She had offered to make new curtains for us. She stayed until about 8 pm. Jack had gone to Grammie and Pop’s house to watch what we hoped would be the last game in this series. As Liz was leaving , our neighbor, Elise, was pulling into their drive. They had just bought a new Nissan Armada. I commented on it and we stood and gossiped about our other neighbor for a bit. Stuart went to pick Jack up after the Suns’ huge victory. Jack was very excited to say the least. Millie went to bed at her normal summer time, thank goodness, and with little fuss. Jack followed, then Stuart and of course I stayed up to catch up on the latest episode of Bachelorette.
Thursday morning I got up and went to give plasma. I picked up Starbucks on the way home, then met Stuart at the RV storage. He returned the RV. We then went to Tempe to buy the Briwax for our table. When we got home I packed up our cooler with lunch and we headdd to Mesquite Aquatic Center. We met up with the Barr family. Jaxon is one of Jack’s friends and Jenson, his little brother, will be in 4th grade with Millie next year. Jaimie, their mother, and I spent our time in the lazy river.
The Reynolds came for dinner. Stuart made leg of lamb, and as always it was a hit. During the course of the evening, the convinced us to go to Carlsbad with them the following week. It all seemed so exciting, but in the end Friday morning we woke up and thought differently. It didn’t seem terribly fiscally responsible as we hadn’t really budgeted it. We did want to get away, but we still may have to hold off for another year for the full on beach holiday. We do actually have our own little paradise in our back yard. So for the time being, that will have to do.
Friday morning we ran to Target and then Ross. We were in search for some under armor shorts for Jack to go under his swim trunks. We also bought a few needed, and maybe no so needed, items as well as the under armor. When we got hone Grammie came over to wax the table and chairs. I was going to help her, but she said she enjoyed it and I didn’t have to help unless I just wanted to do so, which I didn’t. I just stood around for moral support. Once she was finish, it was well into the afternoon. We got ready for the D-backs game and headed to downtown Phoenix for the game against the San Francisco Giants. Debi and her boys met us there. We sat right behind home plate, but in the third level. Our tickets were free because of our Pogo Passes, but none of the food or drink was free. Dang! It’s expensive to have fun these days. The next time we know to pack our own snacks in a see through plastic bag. Apparently the plastic bags have been implemented since Covid. The game wasn’t terribly exciting and there were only about 12,000 people there. But we all had fun. Jack and Millie had never been to a baseball game, so that was a new adventure for them. The D-backs lost, but they are apparently terrible this year, so it was kind of expected. Jack ended up going home with the Duvalls for a sleepover. That upset Millie, yet again, because she doesn’t get to do many sleepovers. I told her I was sorry and that when she was a bit older it would change.
Saturday I got up and dressed in order to be ready for the AC guy. I started some laundry, stripped the beds, and waited. Stuart and I watched some television and he made me an omelette. Around 12:30 pm I decided to call the AC guys. It seems when I put in the day, I did it for the following Saturday. Luckily I called and they said they could come out on Sunday morning during the same time span. Thank goodness! Although, when I got up, both thermostats were reading the same temperature in the room as the unit was set to. So I felt maybe our problem wasn’t as bad as we had initially thought. I think our units are both about 6 years old, but not positive. Hopefully we will get an answer that won’t drain our bank account. At this moment I was really glad we had decided to forego the Carlsbad adventure.
Debi and the boys showed up around 12:30 to return Jack, have lunch and go for a dip in the pool. Since Jack just got a basketball goal for the pool, there are rules and discussions that had to be discussed before they all got in. Pools are much scarier to have than I initially thought. When the kids went in to eat, Debi and I came outside to sit in the pool in peace. After about an hour, the crazies returned and we got out, of course.
My mom came over to put another coat of wax on the table. It is shaping up nicely. Debi and the boys left just before 4 pm and then Stuart and I got in the pool for a bit before he decided it needed to be shocked. He then decided to go to the grocery store to get some food for the following day, as well as a new dog door. There is a lot of heat escaping from our dog door, mainly because our dogs have chewed the dog flaps and they no longer have magnets on them to stick to the sides and keep out some heat.
These were the treasures we found in our skimmer when Stuart was doing his maintenance on that Saturday. Yikes! I do not look forward to the winter ‘visitors’ in the skimmer.
The rest of our evening was spent watching television and being lazy. We are coming closer to the end of our summer holidays, so maybe laziness is okay for a bit.