The week started out very irritating. We woke up Sunday morning and went through our regular routines. We were heading to Kayleigh's, as we do each school morning, and this is what I see on my car. If only the happy face was the only chalk drawing that was on my car, but there were about three other places where our little neighbor boy had drawn on my car with his sidewalk chalk.
After school on Sunday I went to the neighbors door and the nanny, who doesn't speak English, answered the door. She understood what I was saying and I told her I would come later to speak to his mother. When I returned to speak to his mother, who also has limited English, she apologized and said it was because she wasn't watching the children.
Now for him to have the time to do the damage he did (really no damage to the car, but could have been), someone would have had to been absent from 'watching' him for quite a while. The mother was so eager to tell me it was her that wasn't watching the kids. What I do know about some of the nanny's here is that they have no authority over children and are treated very poorly by children. I also know that some are cheaper than others because they are here illegally. I suspect that the mother was so eager to accept responsibility for not watching her children because, in fact, her nanny is here illegally and if I reported it to the police, which people do all the time, she would get into trouble for employing an illegal nanny.
Also, at school on Monday, my social worker kissed me and left the marks to prove it. They are a very affectionate group of people for being so concerned about public displays of affection between men and women. The women are loving up on each other all of the time, as seen in this picture. Sometimes it is a bit awkward, I must admit.
Monday evening at rugby practice we split into the teams we would play in for Friday's tournament. My team captain took me aside and said, "Dana, I am going to hand you the ball when I get it and you are just going to run forward until someone pulls you down." I knew I could do that, but everyone else seemed terribly surprised at my ability to plow through people. The only reason I had not displayed such skill prior to that evening was because no one had told me to get the ball and run forward. I was always under the impression that I was to pass the ball when I got it and we would all run forward as we were passing. Apparently someone of my size is just to steam roll those around them. I play the same position Stuart plays and that is exactly what he does. T (team captain, named Teresa) was so encouraging of my efforts, it made me want to play harder. I gave it my all for sure. Practice on Monday made me so excited for the tournament on Friday.
Tuesday Jack had rugby practice, and Mama/Millie night turned into Millie sleeping at 5:15 pm. I worried she wouldn't sleep through the night, but for no reason. She woke up nice and peppy at 5:40 am Wednesday morning. She loves her sleep. Fortunately both of the kids are good sleepers. They must know I am not good at getting up in the middle of the night.
The school week was full of fire alarms going off about 15 times each day. The solution? Not sure. I'm not the boss, which I am thankful for quite frankly. We just ignore it now. No one moves a muscle when they hear it anymore, which is actually frightful.
Wednesday we came home and the kids napped so that they wouldn't be so worn out for rugby practice. It was a good call on our part. Rugby practice was just as awesome as it was on Monday, and I played even better. My knee started to bother me a bit more, but I just pretended like it was fine and may have strained it more than needed, but the adrenoline pulled me through.
Thursday the fire alarm only went off 5 times, and none of those were before lunchtime, which was quite a feat. I think we should go back and see who was absent that day. Those are probably our culprits.
Thursday evening Stuart went to the golf club for his live football pick. He has a pool with some guys from the states. It was just an excuse for them to get together, I think. I went with one of the other wives (Jamie) to a Folk Festival at the Sands Golf Course, where we go to church. It was very Woodstockish, but good music. The kids went to stay with Jamie's kids, Eli and Ava. On the way back from their place Millie informed me that she and Eli showed each other their 'parts'. Great! The following morning I got a text from Jamie saying Ava told her that she and Jack were in the closet the previous night and kissed.....on the lips. Hello! I addressed both issues in an appropriate way, I hope. Crazy kids!
Friday morning I woke up so excited, but nervous as well. Stuart made me a breakfast of sausages, bacon and eggs. I ate early enough so that I wouldn't barf on the pitch. I got all my things together, including my shower stuff and my costume. Each tournament the girls pick a theme and dress up after the tournament is over. This tournament we were to all dress up as super hero. Monday at practice we were standing in a circle and were told we would need to buy/make underwear for the person to our left to complete their outfit. The underwear were to be worn on the outside of their tights. I bought some for one of our coaches, Cooper. I was nice about it and actually bought him boxers with Hawaiian leis on them, that also said 'Lei me' on them. Hee, hee!
My cape was just material, and the loin cloth was made for me by Harieta, on of the coaches daughters, and the girl that tackled me in the first game I played a few weeks ago. She is the one who made me not fear being tackled.
When I arrived at the club around 11:30 am I soon located the other gals. We went into the men's 1st team changing room, which was nicer than what everyone is used to, I assumed from their reaction. This tournament was the first the Lady Amblers had hosted, so everyone was experiencing it together. We got changed into our jerseys and went out to warm up just before 1 pm. Our first match was against ourselves. Each tournament this year, the team has entered a 1st team and a 2nd team. Because our first team lost in the A division a week ago, and the 2nd team won in the C division at the same tournament, both teams were moved to the B division, which meant we would play each other at some stage on Friday. Turns out we played each other the first game. Naturally the 1st team killed us, and when it was over we were all glad. The last thing you want to do is play against the people who train with you and support you. Although we got creamed, it was still a good game and we got more practice in before we played a different team. However, smashing another team full of people you don't know is much easier.
We ended up playing a total of 4 matches. We lost all of ours, but the 1st team won all of theirs and got the trophy. It was so cool. I continued to do my best, and run up the middle every time I got the ball, as I was told. I had some pretty good runs, I am told. I also tackled a few people pretty hard. I was on the ground a few times to say the least. I had an absolute blast. I did have a knee issue by the third game, so I had the trainer tape me up. I would love to have some great sports injury story, but all I can do is blame it on my age and the fact that knees are probably not meant to carry the extra weight I have inflicted on them over the years.

It looks much worse than it was. I was terribly sore on Saturday morning, but I will live. I wouldn't have traded this experience for the world. It was so thrilling.
Here is my awesome team. This is both teams together. Every lady in this picture has helped me along the way and have been very positive and encouraging.
The number 24 was my brother, Russ's, number when he played basketball. So of course the fact that this was my number was really cool!

The most surprising part of the evening was when my team captain announced that I was selected as the 'man of the match'. I heard my name called, but wasn't sure what it was for. I was so shocked. Each tournament the team captain selects a 'man of the match' and a 'cock of the match'. The man of the match is the person they feel played the best in the entire tournament, for their team. The cock of the match is usually given to s person who makes a 'cock-up' of some kind, like scoring for the other team, or cheering for the wrong team. Brittany, the girl on the right, got that award, and T is the girl on my left. She is our team captain.
The awards given are celebrated by an adult beverage. The men get a pint of beer, but just to class it up, the women teams get a wine cooler....and then we chug them in order to really keep it classy! Ha!
After the trophies were passed out and everyone was showered and changed into their costumes, we danced to a live band. It was an incredible day for me. The other teams also dressed up. One team was dressed as Santa's helpers, in a striped red shirt and a Santa hat. Another dressed as pirates, and yet another were the mustache brigade. All were very clever and creative. The thing about rugby is when you play each other, you are expected to not be friends, but then after the matches are over everyone gets along like besties.
We got up Saturday morning and boy did I feel like I had been in a battle. I had bruises from my head to my toes. I am pretty sure I had more body contact that most of the players, but only because I asked for it by plowing into the other team. We decided to go get something to eat and then hit the grocery store.
In the afternoon Rochelle and two of her kids came by to play and have tea. Wade and Karen showed up a little later because they were collecting things they bought from someone who is leaving the country. We ended up going to the gal's house as well and bought a sofa in anticipation of our move to a villa. Now the joke will be on us if we don't get to move, but I'm sure we will. If not I will have a sofa to sell.
The evening was quiet and the kids were tired, so much so that Millie asked to read her book without my prompting. She was wiped out.
This week was terribly fulfilling for me. Finally, at the age of 46, I feel like an accomplished member of a sport team.
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