Millie had slept over at Grammie and Pop's and Jack was at Gavin's, so I got up just after 6 am and made coffee so I could finish the blog post.
Millie was dropped off at out house just before 9 am and we picked Jack up around 10 am. We headed back to G&P's for a bite of lunch, and then were off to the Heard Museum. The kids were tired so had a cat nap on the ride to the museum.
The markings of a successful holiday is dozing in the car on the way to another activity. Bless them!
The Heard Museum was really crowded. It took us forever to find a parking space. Once we were there we entered the museum and started to look at the Native American artifacts. However, since we were told the dancers would start at 2 pm and every show for the entire summer had been packed out by 1:40 we decided to head that way.
The show was about 30 minutes in when we had to evacuate the building because there was a fire alarm going off. It reminded me of my school in the first term of school last year, but not really because he alarm only went off once instead of 25 times. Ha!
We decided not to wait around to go back in so we took the kids to the super hero exhibit and they loved it. Stuart and I helped them make capes and masks. It was the best part of the day.
Once we left downtown Phoenix we decided to get some dinner. We ended up at Red Robin, where burgers seem to be the main item on the menu. The food was okay, but the restaurant and the service were absolute crap. In the end I didn't even get my ice cream sundae for my birthday or a birthday song. Boo!
We decided to take the kids home, shower them and get them in their beds. It was the first shower they had taken at our house since we arrived back in Arizona. They had either showered at my mom's or not at all. Ick! After showers we came downstairs and I opened my presents from the kids and Stuart. The kids got me a new Fossil wallet and Stuart got me a new Fossil hand bag. I might have already know about both items because I might have been with Stuart when be bought them. I still acted surprised and still loved on my kids for their part in the gift.
Once the kids were in bed Stuart and I attempted to watch a movie on the television in our room. That was a failed attempt for sure. In the end I turned the movie and tv off and went to sleep for the night.
I was awaken by Jack who claimed to have peed in his underwear. It was about 2 am and I just told him to go to the bathroom, thinking he would go, change his underwear and then go back to bed. That was not my luck at all. He came back into our room 3 times because I didn't make a move to get up to help him. After the third time I got up and followed him into the bathroom, then went to his room to get his underwear and check to see if his bed was wet. Thank goodness it wasn't. That would have meant another 15 minutes out of bed for me. As it was I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep for at least another half hour.
We woke up Monday morning and went to see The Minions. What a cute film that was, but very geared toward adult humor. After the movies we went to G&P's to eat lunch, swim and put together Legos. Although I was 'helping' Millie with her Elsa castle, I ended up doing most of it by myself.
Monday evening I went to dinner with my weight watchers friends. I realize the irony, thanks! Debi (far left in the picture below) used to be our leader. Liz, Sue and I sat on the front row every Saturday morning for a couple of years. It seems to be the battle in life that I can't quite concur. However, through my attempts I have made some wonderful, life long friends. They make me laugh and help me be a better person Two of them (not calling you out Liz, but clearly calling you out) read this blog faithfully with their Sunday morning cup of coffee. It thrills my heart to hear them talk about event that happen in my life as if they were there, but simply know about the happenings just from reading my silly stories. We had a fab evening!
Tuesday Russ came into town just for the day. We decided to go to the Musical Instrument Museum in Scotsdale.

We seldom take a picture together. Wish Stuart would have shot my 'thin' side.
I had never been to the Musical Instrument Museum but had heard it was phenomenal, and it was. There were musical instruments from all over the world. It was organized into continents, which also gave me a geography lesson. The kids hung in there for a bit and then wanted to go to the experience room. Once they were able to play some of the drums, they were happy as could be.
After the museum my brothers decided they wanted to shop, so we took the kids to get a bite to eat. Just after we got the kids their food my phone rang and everyone had decided to go to eat Mexican food for a late lunch. The kids finished eating and then we went to eat at Tia Rosa's.
We went back to G&P's to swim with everyone. The kids had a blast with Uncle Mitch and Uncle Russ in the pool. We played ball and everyone cannonballed, which was hysterical. We called it a night just after 7 pm and took an extra lap around the neighborhood so Millie could fall asleep.
Wednesday morning we went to eat breakfast with the whole family. We then came back to G&P's to chat and relax before the boys (Russ and Mitch) had to head to the airport. Once the uncles were off to the airport, we went to Wild Horse Pass outlet mall. Russ was heading to Las Vegas to recruit and Mitxh was heading back home to Chicago.
At the mall we purchased a few more 'much needed' items. We headed to pick up my mom and dad. We then went to the Beck's house for a swim and dinner. They had just had their yard flooded from irrigation, so the kids (including their son Kevin) went out to play in the irrigation. Ick! They ended their fun in the pool so at least they washed off the muck.
Jack was diving for a catch in this picture. After the swim the kids played in the basement with Kevin so we could visit with Sally and Rob. It was a great evening.
Thursday morning we said goodbye to Liz. She was heading out of town and wouldn't be back until after we left on Sunday. I cried and so did she. We are so appreciative of what she does to take care of the house while we are out of the country. But leaving her this time was as hard as the first time.
Thursday was a busy day. We went to the Farmhouse for breakfast again with Mary, Mack, Steve and Julie. We enjoyed time with all of them again but had to say farewell after eating. Boo! Goodbyes stink.
We went home and I made one last trip to Target just to roam around. I kind of needed some 'alone' time so Stuart said he would stay with the kids. I did, of course, come home with some items that would need to be packed in our overcrowded bags. Oops! I just can't help myself.
We did some packing of our way-too-many bags and then the kids and I headed to Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center to meet Jack's old daycare buddies from Miss Robin's, Bode and Stella.
We swam for a bit and then ate lunch. Stuart had dropped us off at the pool so he could go visit his old school. When he picked us up from the pool we took the kids to Grammie and Pop's for the evening and a sleepover. Stuart and I stayed for less than an hour and in that time Jack pulled a tooth. Lovely!
Eight teeth gone and the tooth fairy gets poorer!
We went home and I got ready to meet Sherry, Elisa, Mary and Gina at the Living Room ( or as Mary called it 'The Family Room') for happy hour. It was the first and last time I saw Elisa and Sherry while I was here this summer. It doesn't matter how much time the 5 of us are apart, we pick right back up where we left off. We have experienced every facet of life together, from the happy to the sad, and we continue to grow closer in friendship. I don't laugh harder than when I am with these beautiful friends! There is never a dull moment and we all contribute, in our own unique ways, to the exciting times we have together.
Mary has picked me up for the evening and Stuart was going to come pick me up. Since the kids were staying at my mom's Stuart and I thought it would be nice for us to have a night out. Before Stuart was to come and get me, he called and told me that Jack was running a fever and most likely we would need to pick him up. Stuart made it to the Living Room, but then my phone rang and my dad told me that although Jack was feeling better, he wanted to come home. So I said my farewells to my crew and headed back towards our house.
When we got to my mom and dad's Jack seemed okay, but I was glad we were called. Both kids were awake so we piled them into the car and drove home. I checked Jack through the night but no fever reoccurred.
Friday morning we got up and my mom picked me up so we could go and have coffee together. We hadn't really had much time for just the two of us so it was nice to sit and talk with no interruptions.
We returned to her house and her neighbor, Kim, came over with her grand daughter for a little play date with Millie. Aubrey is a little over a year younger than Millie, but talks as much. After they played for a while, Aubrey and company made their way back across the street. We had a bit of lunch and then headed home to get ready for our evening at the Reynolds' house. While I was getting ready, I leaned over to pick something up and tweaked my lower back. It seems I have a habit of doing this before a travel day. It doesn't help that I have absolutely NO core strength. Oh how I love getting older!
We got to their house around 5:30 pm and chatted about school, like only teachers can do. Melinda moved to the junior high for this school year and was sharing some of her experiences in the first week of school. She seemed to be thrilled with the move, which is always reassuring.
Melinda and Jeff are a couple that we have become better friends with since moving to the UAE. It seems strange to me, but it's true. We started doing things with them just before we left two years ago and each summer a dinner at their house is always on the calendar. Melinda and I taught together over 10 years ago and have remained good friends every since.
After some appetizers the pizza and wings were ordered and their oldest daughter and her boy friend went to get the food. Her two college girls were getting ready to move their things to Flagstaff on Saturday, but both hung out to visit with us. They have some great kids. It gives me hope to see that their kids still like being around them at their ages.
After pizza the kids went for a swim. Well, our two and their son, Brady. Both Brady and Jack did cannonballs which proceeded to get me wet, very wet. We sat on the deck and didn't run out of things to talk about. It was very enjoyable.
When the kids got out and went inside, Millie put her jammies on. Jack came back outside to whisper something to me. He said, 'Mama, Brady just has his boxers on. Can I just wear my boxers?' This kid and his sleeping attire! He was thrilled there was someone else that just wore underwear to bed. He had a great time with Brady, even though Brady will be 12 just a few days before Jack turns 7. It was funny to watch because Brady is literally twice as big as Jack.
We left just before 10 and both kids were zonked before we got out of their neighborhood. Once we put the kids to bed I showered and then sat in the recliner downstairs hoping to relieve my back pain just a bit, but to no avail. When I did finally go to bed I took some NyQuil for the crazy summer cough I've caught in the last few days. Clearly I am a wreck and need some help.
Saturday morning I didn't roll out of bed until almost 8 am. Jack was already up, as usual, and wanted me to put a movie on for him and fix him some toast. Millie and Stuart came downstairs shortly after Jack and I went down so everyone had their poison; Jack and Millie- toast and milk, and Stuart and I- coffee, two cups.
We went to Mom's for lunch and had salmon that my dad had caught a little over a year ago. He went fishing in the northwest with my cousin's husband. It was yummy, but the kids were not keen a bit. Jack ate little to nothing so did not get the chocolate chip cookie that Millie got. She did eat most of her food.
After lunch we went to Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center and met up with the Meyns as well as the Daniels. We have done our best to cram as many visits in as possible. It has been quite challenging because we were here only two weeks.
Although I sprayed sunscreen on my body, my knees ended up catching a pink hue from sitting in the water in the play area, with nothing protecting them. Sunburn is not the best traveling companion, but at least it wasn't my shoulders that endured the scorching.
We left the pool around 2 pm and went home. I bathed the kids while Stuart went to Wal-Mart to buy some children's head phones for our journey to the UK. It's seems that some airlines (Delta) have no special head phones for kids and Millie clearly does not have an adult head.
My parents came over around 3:30 and took the kids to their house just before 5 pm. Stuart and I had been invited to his former teammate's house for our annual karaoke night. John and Jenni, his wife, are also a couple who have become better friends in the last two years, while we have been in the UAE. Although we didn't get to see them as much this trip, karaoke night was a blast.
We were fed wonderful food by Jenni, who is a gourmet chef, and then Johnny J served up some awesome music and the karaoke was flowing. Several other teachers were there that Stuart had worked with and it was really good to see them. We were the only parents, besides Traci and Max, who didn't have children to go home to. So everyone was gone by about 10:30 pm, except us of course. Once it was just the four of us we started playing what I would like to call 'popcorn karaoke'. John would put in a disc and Jenni and I would select a number and have to sing whatever song came up. Then John and Stuart would select a number and do the same. Jenni and I dominated, as anyone could guess. It was definitely one of the highlights of my trip home. The night was filled with laughter and music, and food, awesome food! Another one for the books, for sure.
I usually end this blog by saying something positive about my UAE life. But this week I would like to end by saying that our stay in Arizona has been awesome. We love our life in the UAE, but Arizona is our home. We still have goals to reach in our home away from home, but look forward to coming back when the time is right and furthering the wonderful friendships that already exist here.
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