I had to cover a grade 3 boys' class during 6th period. Fortunately, I had mentioned to the Arabic teacher that I needed her classroom for this class. When I got in the room she had set up cartoons to play on the smart board. Easy enough!
Sunday evening was the rugby routine as usual and we've made it a habit getting the kids their supper there each Sunday. Since Stuart gets the meals for half price, you really can't beat getting two plates of spaghetti and two servings of French fries for about $9. The best part is I don't have to make it.
Monday I had an observation and a lot of frustration from my social worker and others who were not exactly doing their jobs. But we take the good with the bad I suppose.
Monday night Stuart was off to the club and Millie fell asleep on the sofa just after 6, as she often does. Once the kids were in bed, I was back down on the sofa for my own little winter's nap.
Tuesday I was only at school for about an hour and then headed off to the girls' math competition at the local college. My 5th grade girls won 3rd place, which I thought was really good. After the competition, since I had driven there because we all have bus monitors who ride the buses with the students, I headed to the mall to meet Stuart to get our annual pair of sunglasses. Except instead of one pair, this year we both bought 2 pair for about the same price as our single pair each, last year.
Once we were home I trucked the kids off to get their hair cut, did a bit of shopping for essential things, like Coco Pops, and then headed home to put on work out clothes. Yes, I went to the gym on Tuesday evening. Scott rode the stationary bike next to me. He got a concussion about 2 weeks ago and hasn't been able to exercise. However, he can at least ride a stationary bike. So we both chose that as our exercise for the evening. For the past three weeks we have just been sitting at the bar and chatting. I guess it's time for both of us to get back at it.
We were home just after 6:30 pm, the kids had some cereal because they had eaten before we went to the club, then they were off to bed. Stuart and I sat down to watch the X Files movie. We have spent the last several months watching the X Fules from the beginning in order to be able to watch the new series now on FX. Stuart fell asleep during the film, which is usually my job. I watched the entire thing and was so proud of myself.
Wednesday I was off to the boys' math championship competition. My grade 5 boys were the only team that made it into the finals from my school. Stuart's grade 4 boys made it, so he was there too. He was in charge of the entire competition so I'm glad at least one of his teams got into the final round.
Once the competition was over and my boys had come in last, it was time to get on the bus and lick our wounds. We got back to school just in time for dismissal. Wednesday is one of our long days so I didn't get to leave until 2:30 pm. Oh poor me.
When I was on my way home I got a message from Jack's piano teacher saying she had to go to the doctor. She is about 3 weeks from having a baby so piano lessons may stop earlier than we had anticipated. Since Jack's lesson was canceled, I decided to stop at the grocery store to get some necessities.
Once I was home, kids finished their homework, which Millie actually had for the first time this year, and then played until it was time for dinner. Once Stuart was off to rugby and the kids were in bed, I settled in for my weekly catch up of the Bachelor.
Thursday at school I became increasingly aggitated at our social workers and our student services Vice Principal, in charge of behavior. This country still has a long way to go before things really do change. There is still a great deal of training that needs to take place. But, not my job. So I will just keep doing what I can to help move things forward.
Thursday after school we opted to go have dinner at the rugby club and let the kids play around a bit. Scott, Clare and their kids joined us. We were home by 7:30 pm and the kids were in bed by 8 pm. Of course I was asleep in the sofa shortly after that, as I always am.
Friday morning we got up and Stuart and the kids headed to the rugby club. The men's rugby teams were having a men's breakfast, and taking team photos. I got a few hours to myself. I went shopping with Clare and bought a few unneeded items.
We headed to the club around 3 pm to watch the men's team play. Stuart had an excellent game. He is getting trim and playing harder each match. He made a play that caused one of his teammates to score a try. He was so pleased. It was awesome! It's so fun to watch his love of this crazy game.
Saturday morning we went to Scott and Clare's for breakfast. I had actually forgotten she had invited us and when I got her text, and realized the sausage in the acti-fry were almost ready and Stuart was about to make the eggs, I piped up and we packed up the good and headed down.
We left there just before noon to do our weekly shopping, which has gotten smaller since Stuart and I are both eating a lot less than before. I would guess our food bill has been cut in half over the last month, which is a nice treat.
Once the shopping was done, we were home, relaxing for the remainder of the day. Jack had a moment of forgetting who the boss was while we were in the grocery store and was not allowed out of the house for the rest of the day. I'm not sure who was punished more, him or us. I'm not ready for the haughty attitude.
He did, however, show me one of his new tricks on the way home from the store. Impressive!
We watched movies for the rest of the day, and the kids played upstairs for part of that time. Our life is so rough and we love it!
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