Sunday, May 29, 2016

As we suspected, the children have left the building!

Sunday there were no kids at school. It still amazes me how a calendar can be published yet ignored by all. Is this an 'inside' job? I would guess there is an element of that involved. The truth is, most families take a holiday before Ramadan, and since Ramadan starts on June 6 or 7, them being gone this week would make total sense. 

I picked the kids up from school because no other arrangements had been made. Seems our driver forgot to make other arrangements while he was in Thailand and also forgot to ask me if I would pick them up. 

The kids had friends over to play once we were home. Sammy and Michael are the regulars lately. I can only assume there will be a conflict sometime soon. 

While the kids were playing, I sorted out some drawers and got rid of some clothes. I also started gathering things that would need to go home in the summer time. I try to bring home the kids' school work and other things we want to keep for them. 

The evening was our normal routine and of course I fell asleep on the sofa. One of the hazards of Stuart not being home is that I hit the alarm to off and wait for his alarm to wake me up. Oh, but if he is not there then I wake up late, as I did Monday morning. But although I woke up late, I still got everything done and to school before anyone else...And I had make up on as well. 

I left work early again on Monday to pick up the kids. We went to the mall to get some science supplies that Jack insisted he needed. After the fact I found out these supplies were his idea and not his teacher's. I'm a sucker! I informed him that from now on if he needed anything for school I would have to get a message from his teacher. 

When we got home from the mall, the kids showered, ate dinner, and relaxed in front of the television. Once they were settled, I got ready for our staff dinner. We have an event every year to celebrate the year and bid farewell to the staff leaving. This is an event for English teachers only, mainly because we have it at a restuarant where alcohol is served and the Arabic staff are not allowed in such establishments. 

Kayleigh came to babysit, and the kids always love that. She got to our house in time for me to go to the doctor. My stomach had been hurting for almost a week every time I ate. I thought maybe I had developed a hernia. When I got in the exam room the nurse pulled up my shirt and laughed. Then she said, 'You're so white!' Clearly she was used to the local women and their skin is considerably darker than mine. It made me laugh. Turns out I shouldn't be eating onions or tomatoes just yet. Oops! He put me back on mushy food for a week to see if things would improve. We shall see how that goes. 

Our staff dinner was so fun! We really do have a good staff of English teachers. They get along so well and work well together. My principal left before the real party got started, thank goodness. I left just before 11 pm because I was wiped out. 

Stuart got home at 3 am on Tuesday morning. I vaguely heard him and tried to stay asleep until he got into bed and coughed on me. Thanks for nothing. 

The alarm went off at 5 and Stuart hit the it several times. Once the kids were up Stuart presented them with their gifts. He brought Jack a wooden dice game, wooden bendable snake and a couple of t-shirts. He brought Millie 2 dresses, a stuffed elephant and an elephant wind chime. He also brought the kids bracelets with their names on them. I received some lovely bags and some swim wear cover ups. He was a very thoughtful traveler. 

At school on Tuesday, I entered grades into the computer for a few hours and then went to the grocery store with two of my teachers. We bought snacks for our English teachers and laid them out in my office. Teachers swarmed. Food is always a winner for teachers. 

Once I was home from school, I rested. I had had a headache all day, so needed some down time. Stuart picked the kids up from school and was home shortly after I was. The kids headed to a friend's house, and Stuart and I watched a Bond film. 

Then Stuart fell asleep. We were going to go to the rugby club but when he was still asleep at 5 pm I fed the kids and sent them up to take showers. He did wake up shortly after that, but the club was out by that time. 

My friend DeDe came over for a chat. She had been very sick for several weeks so it was good to catch up with her. Stuart ended up putting the kids to bed, which was nice. 

We were up on Wednesday morning at the normal time. School is starting to get boring without students, but I shouldn't complain. We can all use a little boredom. 

I left school around 11:30 to go to the housing department. Our housing contract had raised its rent, which the school has asked us to pay for. So, although it's not much, the housing here is not free any longer. Boo!  So I went to turn in the paper that said we would pay the increase and were choosing not to move. 

I then picked Millie up from school and took her to the soft play area at a local mall for a play date with one of the little girls in her class. At 3 pm we got a McDonald's snack and headed home. 

Around 5 pm we went to the rugby club to have a look in the team shop for some bargains. They were selling off the current inventory to make room for new items soon to be ordered by the new club house manager. Jack got some new rugby boots, a mouth guard, and a scrum cap. Next season he's playing tackle, which I'm not sure about. 

Once we were back to the house the kids showered and I headed to my friend Suzaan's house. She and her friend Suzelle are preparing for the surgery I had. They will have theirs in the middle of June. They just wanted some last minute tips before surgery day. I had a small care package for them. We spent a couple of hours just chatting and laughing. 

Thursday morning came too early, which only meant another boring day at school. But we were surprised by our principal when she announced that we would be able to leave at noon. Yahoo!

For the morning, teachers wandered in and out of my office, chatting and enjoying their free time. I made some charts for Jack and Millie regarding their chores and expectations for the summer. 

Once I was out of school I stopped to do our weekly shopping so that I wouldn't have to waste my time over the weekend. Things are winding down here, and once Ramadan starts the country will come to a halt. But right now every local person is preparing for Ramadan. Grocery stores are rammed. People are buying SO much food for the holiday. It's a bit excessive in my opinion. 

I got home just before 1 pm and Stuart was already home. He was watching a movie so I sat and joined him. Naturally I napped a bit and enjoyed the quiet before the kids got home from school around 2:30 pm. 

Sammy and Michael came over for a while and for the first time, the boys got into an argument. It was just a matter of time. Jack ended up saying, 'Michael, I don't want you to come over anymore.' He said it so matter of factly. Then Michael, without skipping a beat, said, 'You had better stop saying things like that or you are going to hell.' So, being the good mother I am, I stepped in for some training and correction. Oh my!

Once Michael and Sammy were gone, the kids showered and had dinner. They stayed up a bit later since it was a Thursday night and there was no school the following day. 

Once they did go to bed they actually lost the privilege of me reading books because they wouldn't stop goofing around while I was reading their first book. This upset both of them, but the lesson had to be learned. 

In the end I had to have Stuart go upstairs and talk to Jack. How is it he can't understand that the more he talks, the more frustrated and aggitated I get? Will he ever understand and shut his mouth? He's my son, so most likely he won't. 

I ate some dinner and then fell asleep on the sofa, but what's new? I seem to be more tired when I'm doing absolutely nothing. It's going to be a long month. 

Friday morning we got up and headed to the golf club for breakfast, after Skyping Grammie and Pop. Seems they are moving into their smaller house this weekend, and will be moving some of their things to their new Branson vacation home next week. We will spend almost two weeks in Branson with them this summer. It should be a wonderful summer. 

Jack went to a birthday party at 2 pm and Stuart picked him up at 5 pm while I headed to DeDe's for our last Favorites party of the year. We have about 3 ladies who will be going home for good this summer. So DeDe wanted to have one more party as a send off to them, kind of a farewell party. 

As usual, the party was a great success and we all received nice gifts. There was food and the conversation was wonderful. We all have a good laugh when we are together. 

I got home just after the kids went to bed. I went up for a shower and fell asleep on the sofa, my normal resting place. 

Saturday morning we were up and about.   Stuart headed to the grocery store and said it was manic. With Ramadan starting there is not much time for the shopping. You'd think the grocery stores closed during Ramadan, but they don't. 

Stuart began preparing the roast dinner for the Richardsons, Tito-Nekeares and our family. It's an English tradition for a Sunday evening meal. Since of Saturday evening is like most people's Sunday evening, if we have a roast dinner it will be Saturday evening. 

By 2 pm all that needed to be done was the actual cooking. Our guests arrived just after 4 pm. We finally ate around 5:30 pm. We moved our kitchen table into the dining room so the kids didn't have to gather around the coffee table like they normally do. 
Since what Stuart made could have been considered enough for Christmas diner, we decided we'd break out the Christmas crackers as well, thus the crowns on our heads. 

Once dinner was over I started cleaning up. I had the majority of the dishes washed by the time our guests left. Stuart finished them up while I showered the kids. I started reading books to the kids and Stuart came up to tell them goodnight. He then took a shower and went back downstairs to watch some television. By the time I showered he had decided to go to bed. Naturally I needed my nightly nap on the sofa. When I finally did go upstairs it was in the wee hours of the morning. It didn't really matter since we would have a light day at work on Sunday. 

Just a little over 4 weeks and we will be heading out of this deserters land, into another one. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Graduation is on. Nope, now it's off.

Since we were informed we would need to have graduation by May 26, we planned to have the boys' grade 5 graduation on Wednesday, the 25th, and the girls' graduation on Thursday, the 26th. In the meantime we decided to have other awards for other grades given out on Sunday and Monday. 

So Sunday morning I passed out the schedule that told which grade levels would present at what period. Most of the grade levels did a nice job. Grade 4 had difficulty staying quite as long as they did, but they made it through. 

Shortly after I got home I got a message from my principal telling me that our Cluster Manager had called and told us that graduation must be canceled. She gave me no more details, but said she was sure she would learn the reason in the coming days. 

I took the kids to gymnastics while Stuart went to the club to interview for the retail shop manager's position. The kids were sound asleep by the time he got home and I was almost there as well. 

Monday proved to be the day all was made clear. It seems that the email that we all received regarding the graduation being before May 26, was intended for the Kindergarten and grade 12 classes only, yet no grade was specified in the initial email. So, we will probably still have the presentations of certificates, just nothing terribly formal, or maybe we would ignore the message. 

The wheels are definitely falling off the bus this week. The boys' behavior is at an all time epic proportion, and no one seems to want to address it. Of course, I continue to attempt to control the behavior, but I am only one person. 

The girls' celebrations lasted all day. There were fewer boys in school on Monday than Sunday. I suspect that will be the trend the rest of the week. 

I got home just after Millie and Jack returned from school. Both kids showered and then we headed to Dubai to visit Granddad. He was teaching in Dubai for a few days so we decided to go and meet him for dinner. Naturally, Millie fell asleep on the way. Normally that means a late night with her. However, since she was sure to have a late night anyway we decided a nap wasn't a bad thing on this particular day. 
We had dinner at an Italian restuarant in the hotel, which proved to be convenient. After dinner we went to Grandad's room and visited for a while. It was good to see him and wasn't so bad leaving him as we knew it would only be a few weeks before we saw him again in the UK. 

At dinner I introduced hanky babies to Jack. My grandma used to make these while we were in church out of her hankies in her purse. He was complaining about being bored and not having anything to do while we chatted after the meal. So, I opened a whole new world to him. 
We arrived at home just after 10 pm and every member of the family was asleep except for me. I had driven home, so I guess it was good I wasn't asleep. 

Tuesday at school the kids began to disappear. We combined most classes which meant less teaching hours for each teacher, which was pleasing to the staff. 

Tuesday was the last day of gymnastics and they had an assessment of their abilities. There were some parents there who were former gymnasts and were appalled at the inappropriate way the teacher was spotting the kids. I would agree that it was a bit scary. It was our last class at this place so I didn't fuss about it too much. 

Wednesday we had a program for the grade 5 boys that was not considered a graduation, but clearly it was a graduation. 
Wednesday after school we headed to the mall to have a family meal at P F Changs before Stuart left for Thailand. I might have purchased some make up from Sephora, because it's kind of my latest obsession. Oh dear, another 12 step program, here I come. 

The kids had been bathed before we went to the mall. They stayed up and watched an episode of Peppa Pig, then said their good nights and goodbyes to Stuart and went to be. Stuart was up and gone by 3 am on Thursday morning. Of course I was awake once he left and stayed awake until about 4 am. My alarm went off at 5 am, so up and on the go I went. 

The kids got out of bed without much prompting, mainly because they were excited about our weekend away in Abu Dhabi, at Al Raha Beach Hotel. 

Once I was at school it was discovered that only 3 grade 4 boys had come to school. 19 grade 3 girls, 15 grade 4 girls, and the entire class of grade 5 girls were there for their 'non-graduation' ceremony.  The ceremony lasted for 3 hours. I was sitting on a plastic bench and faked a phone call halfway through in order to leave without anyone questioning me. Both the girls' and the boys' ceremonies were followed by a buffet lunch, catered by a local restuarant. I kind of understand while the Abu Dhabi Education Council wants to get away from formal graduation ceremonies. 
We all left school around 1 pm, and I headed home to finish packing. Once I was home, I loaded the car and waited for the kids to get home so our weekend could begin. 

Their driver went to Thailand with Stuart so I assumed someone else would pick them up, because when he's been out of town in the past that is what he's arranged. Well, that was not the case on Thursday. No one picked them up to bring them home. When I figured this out I called Cathy, picked her up, and then headed to their school. It set us back about 30 minutes, but we would live. I was a little cheesed, but I soon got over it, once we checked into the resort. 
This was the view from our balcony. That building that looks like a circle is referred to as the Black Pearl. I think it's residential, but not sure. All I know is that it has cool reflections in it at all times of the day. 

We ate at the Irish pub attached to the hotel called McGettigans. It was delicious, and fortunately we were set apart from everyone. The kids weren't on their best behavior so it was best for that not to be seen by a pub full of people who are mainly there to have a pint or two and not listen to whiney kids. 

We then decided since it was still light outside we would head to the pool. We got there around 7:15 pm and were told it closed at 8 pm. Perfect! Just enough time to wear the kids out. 
The kids loved the pool. 
Cathy and I opted to sit poolside. It was 88 degrees, but there was a breeze that kept me from wanting to have the chill once I got out of the pool. 

It was back to the room, showers for the kids and then Jack decided he was hungry. The last few days he doesn't seem to be able to eat enough food in the time he's awake. I dread the teenage years for that alone. He had a banana and seemed okay with just that. 
I had brought sleeping bags for the kids because the 'double' beds in the hotel are not as big as 'double' beds at home. Jack ended up sleeping on the sofa and of course the little princess shared a bed with me. She hardly moves so it's no big deal. Friday morning we weighed the kids and discovered that Millie only weighs 30 pounds. So she's a whole lot of nothing in the bed anyway. 

Once we were all awake on Friday morning, which was early, we had breakfast and got ready for the day. Rochelle, Steph and kids would not be at the hotel until after 1 pm so we didn't want to get to the pool too early. We decided to walk around the mall that was attached to the hotel. Since there was a Borders bookstore, of course we had to go in. And naturally Jack had to buy some Star Wars figurines. Millie tried to get something but couldn't find anything she wanted. She settled for looking at another store and eventually we found a Frozen sand bucket with sand toys. It was perfect and about a fifth of the price of what Jack bought. Both kids were pleased. 
After a coffee at a little cafe in the mall, we headed back to the hotel to get chairs poolside. 
The kids went immediately to the kids play area where there were fountains and slides. Cathy and I sat in the sun for a while, but also had the option of shade, which is vital in our intense heat. 
Here was Jack waiting for his pals to show up. They were supposed to be there at 1 pm, but were a bit late. 
Finally all the kid showed up and occupied each other, getting along so well that not one tear was shed all day. 

Once we had enough of the pool we headed to our rooms to get showers and get ready for dinner. We went to McGettigans again, but this time with the whole gang. Because this was a women's weekend with their kids, the man in the photo is very confusing. He is actually a rugby player as well. Why didn't he go on the Thailand tour? I don't know. What did he end up coming on our girls'/kids' weekend? I don't know. But we welcomed him anyway. His name is Andrew Williams and he's from Wales. Stuart always introduces him to me as 'Andy Williams' and then starts singing 'Moon River'. Stuart laughs every time he does it. Cracks me up!
This poor pub never knew what hit them with this gang. 

After dinner it was time for bed. The kids fell asleep pretty shortly after they got into the room, and Cathy and I soon followed in slumber. 

We got up on Saturday morning, had a bite to eat in the room Ns then headed to the pool for a couple of hours. 

Sadly, the weekend came to an end all too quickly. We left the pool around 11 am, showered and headed to the mall for some lunch. I used another one of my entertainer vouchers that saved us about $20. Cathy and I had fajitas and the kids got mac and cheese at Chilis. 

Naturally we had to do a bit of shopping after we ate. The down side was that Millie had a chocolate shake at lunch and drank the entire thing. Therefore, shortly after our meal she insisted she was going to throw up. I kept holding her over the closest trash can, between shops naturally, and she didn't throw up. Finally at shop number three she came through on her threat and barfed in the ziploc baggie Cathy had given me for such an occasion. Once that shake was out of her body she was all better. She concluded that next time she was probably going to stick to water. 

We headed home just 4 pm, but not before we hit the candy shop (yes, I was living on the edge having a child already barf once that day). 

Once we were home the unpacking and back to reality began. Laundry started, kids were fed, and lunches were packed for the next day. 

What a fabulous weekend to commemorate the fact that I would not have students at school for the rest of the year. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Another week, another interview

Sadly, Millie had a fever in the night and came into our bedroom around 2 am. She was burning up. I gave her some Tylenol and let her sleep in our bed until her fever started to break, then I returned her to her bed. 

She wasn't 100% when she got up but she went to school anyway. The main reason I needed her to go to school was because I was to take some time in the afternoon to go for the interview at the private school. 

I left school just after lunch, went home to change my clothes, and found Stuart home. He wasn't feeling well at school so he had come home as well. He had started a cleanse on Sunday and was missing his coffee. 

I arrived for my interview about 15 minutes early. I asked for the principal but when she spoke to me she acted as if she was not aware of my coming. Trust me, this was not a reassuring feeling. 

Once the CEO came into the room and spoke to the principal, she started to remember that he had spoken to her about me the previous Thursday. The conversation we had was good. I spoke of my qualifications and they asked how I would help to move their school forward. I was then given a tour of the school. The school was really nice and the children were very well behaved, which was a nice surprise. 

When I left I felt really good about the interview. I thought I would have heard something in the week, but as of Saturday, almost a week later, I had heard nothing. I get over confident, I have decided, and really think I probably got every job I interview for. If I don't get the job, I'm fine with it. I just want to know either way. 

The evening was full of gymnastics, dinner, showers and bed. Quite uneventful I suppose. It's really starting to heat up, so the less activity, the better, in my opinion. 

Monday we started a practice exam on the computer with our students. We had to give our annual exam to 6 different classes. I was amazed at the lack of computer skills our students had. All they had to do was scroll down the page, click the answer and then click the 'next' button. For some it was truly challenging. 

Stuart's detox went from bad to worse. He was sick all the way through Thursday. He ended up being off school on Wednesday and Thursday. The doctor said it was flu, but I believe it might have involved the detox. However, at the end of the week he had lost 10.5 pounds. So I guess it worked. He was just needed a kick start. Since spring break he has yo-yoed with the same two or three pounds. He's on his way down again. 

Monday evening the kids and I went to the Richardsons for May's birthday celebration at her house. It was just a small meal and some ice cream. The kids showered before hand so that when Millie fell asleep on the way home, which she always does, it would be no big deal. 

Tuesday at school the kids were crazy. It's as if they know they are not going to be at school in a little over a week and they are just pushing every button. No one has control, except maybe the kids. 

I told a mom I would come and get her daughter for gymnastics on Tuesday night. Then afterwards we all went to McDonalds. Because the little girl lived a ways away from us, I decided to drop my kids at our house to get showers and hen I ran Ciera home.  
Oooo, how I love McDonalds crap!
Then there's Jack, trying to stack his Big Mac back together. 

Once I was home the kids had showered and I read them stories. Then they were off to bed. 

Wednesday morning when we got up Stuart wasn't feeling well so he decided he was going to stay home from school. As we were all bustling around, Jack discovered an envelop in his back pack that had been returned to him because they didn't get to go on their field trip. Inside the envelop was 25 dirhams. When he handed it to me I decided to let him keep it. He was so excited and ran upstairs to put the money in his wallet. I heard him tell Stuart I let him keep his money. I then heard him tell Millie she could have some of the money. 

When he came downstairs I beamed with pride. It was totally his idea and he was pleased with himself. I love it when your kids do something so sweet that it makes you know they are watching and listening to the examples around them, parents and friends. He also washed all the morning dishes for me. Will the generosity end? Most likely it will by the time he gets home from school. 

School on Wednesday brought about one of our colleagues losing her mother. So professional development was canceled so that the Arabic staff could go visit our teacher. 

I ended up taking two of our teachers home because one of the lady's husband usually picks them up but would be elsewhere on this day. I stopped at the grocery store for some frozen chicken and yogurt. Once home I discovered the water cooler had somehow overflowed. So the chairs and rug that were supposed to be in the kitchen were in the hallway, drying out. Stuart said the bottle had a leak in it. So glad that was the extent of it. 

Just around 5 pm I went to see my surgeon to see if my blood work was normal and I could stop some of the vitamins I have been taking. He said I could stop most of them but in the end I decided to keep taking the calcium and multi vitamin. I probably should have been taking them for a while anyway. 

While I did that, Stuart took the kids to the club and fed them. They returned just before 6:30 pm and Kayleigh showed up to babysit. Cathy, her friend Mandy, and myself had planned to go to quiz night at the club. 

We had dinner and stayed for quiz night. We didn't win, and actually looked quite foolish with most of our answers. However, we had a great deal of fun and it was good to have a night out with the girls. 

Thursday after school I took some of my teachers for pizza again. There weren't as many on this occasion as last, but it was still a good gathering. After pizza, Stuart brought the kids to the club and we went for a swim while he sorted out the team shop. 

We were home, showered and Millie was asleep on the sofa by 7:45. Jack followed just after her. I also fell asleep on the sofa which comes as a shock to no one. 

We got up Friday morning and Skyped Grammie and Pop. Uncle Mitch, Uncle Russ, and Morgan were in Arizona, and while we were Skyping Morgan face timed Aunt Julie and Emily. We had a great time talking with them and the kids were crazy with excitement. Millie drew pictures for Morgan and Emily so I took a picture of her with her pictures. 
This was to Morgan. 
And this more jack-o-lantern looking face was supposed to be Emily. Hmmmm. 

After speaking to the family, Stuart took Jack to Henry and May's birthday celebration. Although Henry's birthday was in December, he had yet to have his celebration. The Richardsons took a bunch of kids up to the Mercure Hotel pool. It's the one up Jabel Hafeet that has water slides. Brace people! He was there until 4 pm. 

Millie hung out with Stuart while I had lunch with Leanne at a new cafe in the mall. I had a sushi dish, which was delectable. We had a good chat and then needed to do some shopping, of course. 

After some retail therapy I headed to the Richardson's to pick Jack up. I ended up staying for two cups of tea before going home. Leaving their house is difficult for us. The kids love Henry and May, and Stuart and I love Scott and Clare. They are really good people and friends. We feel very blessed. 

Once we got home Jack was up for a shower. Millie had already eaten once we got home, so Jack settled for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The kids watched some television and headed to bed. 

Saturday morning I was woken up by Millie telling me how hungry she was. Apparently in her time with Daddy the previous day, she ate chips and other non-food items, those which would cause greater hunger because they pack no sustenance. 

Once I got her breakfast I went back upstairs to brush my teeth and get dressed. We lounged around the house the entire day. The kids fought and Millie cried a lot. I told Stuart that as much as I like a chilled day at home, I was sure that the kids didn't and wouldn't appreciate it until they were teenagers. So we vowed not to have such a day again for a while. 

During my lounging, Stuart went to take some of the Fijians who work at the club to buy new rugby gear for the Thailand tour. They really don't get paid much and the club can afford to put out some funds for the best players on the team, I suppose. 

The entire lounge day was uneventful for me other than the kids helping me make brownies for my staff, and I made some for them of course. They both love to help me bake, which makes me happy. 

No kids had to take a shower because they hadn't left the house since their shower the previous night. We watched the 4th Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, which I was certainly thrilled about. And spoiler, no need to watch the first three to understand the 4th one. Ha!

I Skyped Liz later in the evening and then retired to the bed. 

Another week and our students should stop coming to school. We try to keep them in school, but when the school system puts out an email telling us we must have grade 5 graduation by May 26, what kind of message is that sending to students and families? Exactly!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

New directives this week in regards to school

Mother's Day was not the celebration for the entire country on Sunday, but since it was the holiday in the states, and the family had failed to celebrate the UAE and the U.K. Mother's Day, it made sense that the kids got me these (with a little help from Daddy). 
School was wild on Sunday. The students have already checked out even though, technically, we have 6 more weeks of school. However, when we are told to have graduation no later than May 26, what are we to do to keep the students 6 more weeks. It's traditional that they stop coming about 2 weeks before Ramadan, which would be around May 26. Go figure!

If it's true that they will be gone by the 26th, there are only about 10 days of school after this week. I'm just hoping my teachers get all of their tested completed before the students are gone for good. 

We went to gymnastics as usual for a Sunday. I left the kids there and did some grocery shopping. Jack and Millie have international day at their school this week so I had to get traditionally American foods for them to take to school that day. We decided on rice crispie treats for Millie and tater tots for Jack. The only place that sells tater tots is Spinneys, my favorite (more expensive than the rest) grocery stores. 

The kids had an early night because their weekend had been so packed and Jack had complained of a headache. I could hear a cold coming on, so sleep was in order. 

School was equally as crazy on Monday as it had been on Sunday. I actually covered two classes in order to help those classes with their baseline assessments since their teacher was out. This is always the time of the year that teachers are absent a bit more than the rest of the year. And since there is no substitute system, we rely on the teachers who don't teach 24 periods a week to cover classes. Sadly, when they do cover their 24 periods they can not be used anymore and we end up combining classes, which is not good for any one. 

I left early Monday for a meeting to collaborate with other Heads of Faculty who were discussing differentiated instruction and how we could get all of our teachers speaking the same language in regards to this topic. When you have teachers from as many backgrounds as we do here (UK, US, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia) sometimes you have a big bridge to gap in terminology and experience. It was a good meeting but it will be a daunting task. 

I was home by 1:30 and started weeding out our refrigerator. I was deciding what I would do with the food that was going to go bad soon. I felt like a domestic goddess. I decided I would cut up some of the vegetables and make spaghetti and meatballs on Tuesday evening. Then I cut up the sweet potatoes and prepared those in the acti fryer, put two chicken breast in a baking dish, spread fresh spinach over the top, a can of diced tomatoes as well as some fresh tomatoes and baked it in the oven for 45 minutes. 

Stuart made sure the kids were bathed and then he was off to his committee meeting, and then he was supposed to go to rugby practice. However, being the first committee meeting of the new committee meant it was exceptionally long. So he returned home and hadn't sweat a bit, other than from being out in our 'already summer' sun. Once he ate he announced that he would like for me to make that chicken each week if I didn't mind. Wife of the year, I assume!

Jack was in our bed at 4 am. I was pretty sure his cold was worse and he was going to ask to stay home from school. He had a headache at school on Monday and the nurse called to see if she could give him some Tylenol. I was right, and he did ask to stay home. I knew he didn't feel well because he never asks to stay home. I told him that I was so sorry he was not feeling well, but there was nothing we could do about a cold and he needed to just suck it up and go to school. I told him how important it was to go on with his day even though he didn't feel 100%, and that as the day went on he would feel better. 

Sure enough, once he was home he said there was no more headache. Whew! Sometimes that 'suck it up' speech backfires. 

Meatballs were in the crock pot, kids were at the neighbor's playing and Stuart and I were cutting laminated poker chips out, 2800 to be exact. The rugby ball theme is James Bonds and the drink coupons are in the form of poker chips. Since you can't buy any in this country because gambling is haram (sinful), we had to make them. 

Once we started cutting, I figured out it would take the two of us 12.5 hours to complete this task. Naturally, the call for help from the committee members had to be made. So after the kids and I got back from gymnastics, Stuart headed to the club with the poker chips in tow. He brought home a bag of separated tokens, a total enough for 72 attendees, and said the rest were still being worked on. I still had 50 sheets to copy and laminate the following day, but the first 100 were out of my hands. 

Wednesday morning the kids were both up by 5 am. Millie had come in our bed at 4 am and reported that the shark had eaten all of us. Poor girl! I always had bad dreams about witches. Millie seems to have bad dreams about animals. 

After getting to school I got a message from one of our acquaintances, Ali, who we had told could rent one of our cars for his last two months here. He and his family are from Arizona and are returning for good in July. When you leave here the exit process can be hectic and selling off all your things can be the worst part. Most people try to sell their cars early in their last year and then just rent a car. Since we have three cars, Ali asked if he could rent one of ours. He told me he would rather give us the money than a rental company, which sounded good to us. He messaged me to tell me his car had died and they would need my car today. Of course I jumped at the chance of leaving school early to help a friend. 

I also got an email from the private school I interviewed with a couple of weeks ago. The Head of Primary asked me if I would mind if she forwarded my resume to their sister school in Al Ain. Um, that's the job I applied for in the first place, so of course I said that was fine. I got an email in the afternoon from the CEO of the organization and I have a meeting with him and the principal of the school in Al Ain on Sunday. We shall see what happens. 

Before I took my car to Ali I went by Brighton College to take the kids deposit money to hold their spot for next year. I stopped into the admissions office to see if there was any word on the scholarships we had applied for. Annie, the lady who has been so professional and helpful, said we should be receiving the email that afternoon, but that both kids got a scholarship. This means that instead of our school fees being three times what they were this year, they will only be twice as much. We are thrilled because we know this is one of the best schools for our kids. 

The kids were up early and ready for national day. Jack decided to take tater tots as his 'original' American food. All Stuart could say was 'Hey, Napolean, give me some of your tots'. If you haven't seen Napolean Dynomite, that will mean nothing to you. 

Millie decided to take Rice Krispie treats. They are her favorite and we are pretty sure those originated in the states. If not, it doesn't matter because that's what she took. 
Since I was going to their school a bit later in the day, I felt the need to be patriotic as well. 

I had to cover the first two periods in a boys' English class. It was riveting, especially at this stage of the game. I then did an observation of a teacher. After that I left for the kids' school. Unlike in years past, this year the festivities were held in the morning with just the kids. The parents could come and tour in the afternoon and have some snacks from the 29 countries represented in the school. I got there and the chaos was more than I cared for so we headed for home. We got home just after noon. 

We decided we would go to the club for dinner. Neither Stuart not myself could be asked to think of what we should make for the kids. Both kids 'accidentally' ended up in the sprinklers, so they were eating outside while Stuart and I enjoyed our meal inside. Normally I would be iritated by their foolish choices, but it was so hot outside that by the time we left, an hour later, they were completely dry. Their choice to run in the sprinklers. 

Friday morning we were up and out the door to do some grocery shopping. We met the Richardsons at the golf club for breakfast then we were back home for about an hour before my beautifying started. 

I left the house just after noon and headed to the salon for my up-do, mani and pedi. Then I was heading to Leanne's for make up. A day of beauty is not something I do very often, so I tried to soak it all in. I had to wait about 30 minutes for my mani/pedi appointments because my up-do went much faster than expected. I was very pleased with the outcome. 

I moved to the pedi/mani station and got gels on the feet and the finger. Red! 

When my feet were finished I headed to Leanne's house for the make-up station. She put on false eyelashes and everything. I did feel a bit overdone, but I felt like a princess as well. 
With make-up finished, I headed home to put my dress on. When I got there the Richardsons and Seany (chairman of the rugby club) were there. I ran upstairs and got dressed. I felt super special!

We headed to the ball and the selfies began, as well as the Bond pictures. It was so much fun! Everyone commented on how stunning I looked. Embarrassing, but appreciated. 
Bond, James Bond!
Dinner was delightful!
The four princesses. 
Jeff, the photographer who is also Millie's best friend's dad, had these scenes for the photo station. Aston Martin in our photo? Yes please!

The evening was no more than awards, dinner, talking to the people I talk with all the time as well as catching up with those I don't see as often, and your basic I'll behavior from people who don't know how to hold their booze. 

We left for home at around 12:30 am. We say up and talked for almost an hour about the aforementioned I'll behavior at the ball. We finally hit the hay at 2 am. The Richardsons stayed the night. The kids were up just before 6 am, which meant I was as well. I tried to keep them all quiet for as long as I could. Around 7:30 am the rest of the adults were up and Stuart was fixing breakfast for all of us. We are and laid around until almost 11 am. The Richardsons went home with an extended invitation to us for dinner at theirs that evening. 
This was the scene Saturday afternoon at our house. I seemed to be the only one that wasn't sleeping. 

After the kids were showered, we headed down to the Richardsons for dinner, and literally that was it. We left just before 7 pm and Jack fell asleep in the car. Millie, on the other hand, had her sleep in the afternoon so she was likely to be awake for the majority of the evening. She hadn't felt well or eaten much all day so I thought she might need the extra sleep, but it was difficult to get her to go to sleep. 

A successful weekend was had by all. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Holiday! Celebrate!

Sunday I was in charge of the senior leadership team meeting. Although I didn't bring the spread our VP had the previous week, I had many agenda items that were relevant and pertinent to the meeting. I was complimented by my principal, via email, which was also sent to my cluster manager. 

Prior to going to school I really wanted to call in sick. I had a horrible cold, the kind of cold that when you stand up and lean over, you are sure to have a small waterfall out your nose. I sneezed approximately 12 times on Sunday and felt terrible, but I pressed through and went to work, mainly because of the meeting I had to conduct. 

Once I was home from school the regular Sunday routine commenced. Gymnastics provided a new teacher and more strenuous exercises, which seemed to be good for the kids. I ended up staying and watching because there was a mom new to gymnastics and we got to chatting. Seems her daughter will be in the same year group as Jack at Brighton College next year. It seems our community here is super small. 

We made it an early night for the kids, which is always glorious for us. We get to spend a little more time with each other and we usually watch something Stuart wants to watch, but it's okay because I normally just play Words with Friends with Stuart's mum. 

My cold just got worse on Monday and I felt horrible. However, since I really don't have anything but 2 emergency days left, I felt I should push through in case in the next 8 weeks I need a day out shopping. 

came home after picking the kids up from Kayleigh's and on the way home I got a message from Abbey's dad. Abbey is Millie's best friend. Abbey was sitting next to Sophie at school, another one of Millie's friends, and Millie wanted to sit by Sophie. So she did what any reasonable kid would and she bit Abbey. Lord, help us! 

I just chilled out on Monday evening while Stuart headed to training. I was exhausted and very sick. So early bedtime occurred for everyone. 

My principal had informed me on Monday that I would be going to a professional development siminar on Tuesday and wouldn't need to come back to school. The meeting ended at 11 am. So I decided to take Millie's too-tiny shoes back to Abu Dhabi. I was bent on buying this skirt from Tommy Bahamas that I seen the previous Friday, but when I tried it on I wasn't as swept with it as I had hoped I would be. Plus, I was sure that I could buy it cheaper at the outlet mall in Chandler once I got back to Arizona on July 7. It's getting closer and we are so excited. 

I got home in just enough time to take the kids to gymnastics. It's heated up too much now to walk while they are in class, so I end up just sitting and watching the kids. They worked on doing somersaults on the beam. It was a little scary to watch, I will admit. 
Millie's upper body is still a bit weak. 
Jack just wanted to swing. 

I woke up at 4:30 am on Wednesday morning to this email:
Dear Dana,

Thank you very much indeed for your application and also for attending the interview last week. It wad a pleasure to meet you.

We have now made what was a difficult decision due to the strong field of candidates who applied for the post.

Unfortunately we are not able to offer you a position  on this occasion.

We wish you every success in the future.

Best regards,


Although I know it's best because the drive and time away from Stuart and the kids would defeat part of the reason we are here (more family time), rejection still stings. 

I had another training on Wednesday, which reminded me why I like my job. When there are 4 days in a week and you get to go to training, basically working only 2 hours on those two days, it's not a bad job. 

I was out of the Wednesday training by 11:30 and decided to go to the mall. I found my items for the next 'favorite things' party, the get together DeDe has every 3 or 4 months. I spent a little more than I should have but the items were cute. I then did our grocery shopping for the week so we would not have to spend our three day weekend thinking about it. I got home before the kids were home and unpacked the shopping. 

The kids got their school pictures on Wednesday. We were very pleased with them. 
The kids went to a neighbor's to play once they were home. The water went out at our place, which apparently used to happen a lot at this property, but has not happened in the 15 months we've lived here. I was on hold for well over 20 minutes with the management company and never was able to speak to anyone. The water came back on just before 4 pm, so someone obviously got through. 

We decided to go to the rugby club for dinner. Wednesday was actually an Islamic holiday, but they moved the 'recognition' day to Thursday so we would all have the day off, creating a three day weekend. So it made sense to head to the rugby club. 

It was Pub Quiz night so we ate and then Cathy and I came back to ours for a catch up chat. I bathed and put the kids to bed. Cathy stayed until nearly 10 pm. We don't see each other as much as we used to, so it was great to just sit and talk. 

Thursday we had good intentions to make it to the pool, but it never happened. Stuart went to the club for an impromptu committee meeting just before noon and when he came back he said the pool was really crowded. That was enough to make our decision easy. 

The kids played around the house most of the day, actually getting along really well. 
He is really very tolerant of her. She sat on him like that until she realized it didn't bother him. 

I had put a meal in the crock pot for a Cinco de Mayo party we were invited to Thursday evening. It was at a house just about 4 down from ours, so it was easy enough to attend. We got there just after 6 pm. Brian and Lara were the hosts and we saw many friends we hadn't seen in a while. It was a wonderful social event until it was reported, just before 9 pm, that Millie had pushed a little boy off the bunk bed and told him she was going to cut his wiener off. Lovely! I'm sure he had said or done something she didn't like, but no matter. 

She exited the party early and was home and in bed in no time. Once Jack was home, I talked to him about some things. She doesn't just come up with these things on her own. I'm pretty sure her interaction at home with her brother encourages some of this behavior. I explained to Jack that we needed to assure that Millie was treated like a little lady and started behaving like one and not threatening to cut off other kids' wieners. It's just a thought!

Friday morning I found out that the little boy had initially told Millie he was going to cut off her head, so maybe a threat of cutting off his wiener was a good thing for him. Maybe next time he won't be so quick to pop off to a little girl, not matter how sure he is he can intimidate her. 

We lounged around the house most of Friday morning and just got things ready for the BBQ planned at our house that evening. Stuart went to the store for some last minute bits, the kids watched movies and played in their rooms, and I tidied up the house, although that didn't take long. 

Guests began to arrive just after 4 pm. There was meat that seemed to never end. We had a great time, although most of us were housed in the kitchen then entire night. 
This was the only picture of the evening. Leanne (in the middle) always has to take a selfie everywhere she goes. Rochelle and i are usually in it with her. 

Everyone left around 10 pm and I cleaned up two kids' very disheveled bedrooms. I hate mess so badly. It's a character flaw if you ask me. I have to work really hard to let my kids mess things up in order to have fun. I may need an intervention. 

Saturday morning I woke up to two giggling boys' voices coming from the bathroom. Henry had spent the night and they were up early. When they came out of the bathroom I asked what they were doing. Apparently they had been taking pictures of their private parts with Jack's iPad. What is it with my kids and their private parts? Give me a break!

We went to pool before 11 am. Jack ended up leaving with the Richardsons, while Millie, Stuart and I stayed for a few more hours. We got home around 2 pm and I finished making the beds after washing all the sheets. 

We left for Scott and Clare's just after 3 pm. She made a lamb shoulder for dinner. They didn't have school the following day but my kids did so we only stayed until 7:30 pm. Once we were home it was full on meltdown from Millie. She is a crank if she doesn't get her sleep. 

Once the kids were in bed we watched television and then retired, ready for another week of school.