Sunday, May 29, 2016

As we suspected, the children have left the building!

Sunday there were no kids at school. It still amazes me how a calendar can be published yet ignored by all. Is this an 'inside' job? I would guess there is an element of that involved. The truth is, most families take a holiday before Ramadan, and since Ramadan starts on June 6 or 7, them being gone this week would make total sense. 

I picked the kids up from school because no other arrangements had been made. Seems our driver forgot to make other arrangements while he was in Thailand and also forgot to ask me if I would pick them up. 

The kids had friends over to play once we were home. Sammy and Michael are the regulars lately. I can only assume there will be a conflict sometime soon. 

While the kids were playing, I sorted out some drawers and got rid of some clothes. I also started gathering things that would need to go home in the summer time. I try to bring home the kids' school work and other things we want to keep for them. 

The evening was our normal routine and of course I fell asleep on the sofa. One of the hazards of Stuart not being home is that I hit the alarm to off and wait for his alarm to wake me up. Oh, but if he is not there then I wake up late, as I did Monday morning. But although I woke up late, I still got everything done and to school before anyone else...And I had make up on as well. 

I left work early again on Monday to pick up the kids. We went to the mall to get some science supplies that Jack insisted he needed. After the fact I found out these supplies were his idea and not his teacher's. I'm a sucker! I informed him that from now on if he needed anything for school I would have to get a message from his teacher. 

When we got home from the mall, the kids showered, ate dinner, and relaxed in front of the television. Once they were settled, I got ready for our staff dinner. We have an event every year to celebrate the year and bid farewell to the staff leaving. This is an event for English teachers only, mainly because we have it at a restuarant where alcohol is served and the Arabic staff are not allowed in such establishments. 

Kayleigh came to babysit, and the kids always love that. She got to our house in time for me to go to the doctor. My stomach had been hurting for almost a week every time I ate. I thought maybe I had developed a hernia. When I got in the exam room the nurse pulled up my shirt and laughed. Then she said, 'You're so white!' Clearly she was used to the local women and their skin is considerably darker than mine. It made me laugh. Turns out I shouldn't be eating onions or tomatoes just yet. Oops! He put me back on mushy food for a week to see if things would improve. We shall see how that goes. 

Our staff dinner was so fun! We really do have a good staff of English teachers. They get along so well and work well together. My principal left before the real party got started, thank goodness. I left just before 11 pm because I was wiped out. 

Stuart got home at 3 am on Tuesday morning. I vaguely heard him and tried to stay asleep until he got into bed and coughed on me. Thanks for nothing. 

The alarm went off at 5 and Stuart hit the it several times. Once the kids were up Stuart presented them with their gifts. He brought Jack a wooden dice game, wooden bendable snake and a couple of t-shirts. He brought Millie 2 dresses, a stuffed elephant and an elephant wind chime. He also brought the kids bracelets with their names on them. I received some lovely bags and some swim wear cover ups. He was a very thoughtful traveler. 

At school on Tuesday, I entered grades into the computer for a few hours and then went to the grocery store with two of my teachers. We bought snacks for our English teachers and laid them out in my office. Teachers swarmed. Food is always a winner for teachers. 

Once I was home from school, I rested. I had had a headache all day, so needed some down time. Stuart picked the kids up from school and was home shortly after I was. The kids headed to a friend's house, and Stuart and I watched a Bond film. 

Then Stuart fell asleep. We were going to go to the rugby club but when he was still asleep at 5 pm I fed the kids and sent them up to take showers. He did wake up shortly after that, but the club was out by that time. 

My friend DeDe came over for a chat. She had been very sick for several weeks so it was good to catch up with her. Stuart ended up putting the kids to bed, which was nice. 

We were up on Wednesday morning at the normal time. School is starting to get boring without students, but I shouldn't complain. We can all use a little boredom. 

I left school around 11:30 to go to the housing department. Our housing contract had raised its rent, which the school has asked us to pay for. So, although it's not much, the housing here is not free any longer. Boo!  So I went to turn in the paper that said we would pay the increase and were choosing not to move. 

I then picked Millie up from school and took her to the soft play area at a local mall for a play date with one of the little girls in her class. At 3 pm we got a McDonald's snack and headed home. 

Around 5 pm we went to the rugby club to have a look in the team shop for some bargains. They were selling off the current inventory to make room for new items soon to be ordered by the new club house manager. Jack got some new rugby boots, a mouth guard, and a scrum cap. Next season he's playing tackle, which I'm not sure about. 

Once we were back to the house the kids showered and I headed to my friend Suzaan's house. She and her friend Suzelle are preparing for the surgery I had. They will have theirs in the middle of June. They just wanted some last minute tips before surgery day. I had a small care package for them. We spent a couple of hours just chatting and laughing. 

Thursday morning came too early, which only meant another boring day at school. But we were surprised by our principal when she announced that we would be able to leave at noon. Yahoo!

For the morning, teachers wandered in and out of my office, chatting and enjoying their free time. I made some charts for Jack and Millie regarding their chores and expectations for the summer. 

Once I was out of school I stopped to do our weekly shopping so that I wouldn't have to waste my time over the weekend. Things are winding down here, and once Ramadan starts the country will come to a halt. But right now every local person is preparing for Ramadan. Grocery stores are rammed. People are buying SO much food for the holiday. It's a bit excessive in my opinion. 

I got home just before 1 pm and Stuart was already home. He was watching a movie so I sat and joined him. Naturally I napped a bit and enjoyed the quiet before the kids got home from school around 2:30 pm. 

Sammy and Michael came over for a while and for the first time, the boys got into an argument. It was just a matter of time. Jack ended up saying, 'Michael, I don't want you to come over anymore.' He said it so matter of factly. Then Michael, without skipping a beat, said, 'You had better stop saying things like that or you are going to hell.' So, being the good mother I am, I stepped in for some training and correction. Oh my!

Once Michael and Sammy were gone, the kids showered and had dinner. They stayed up a bit later since it was a Thursday night and there was no school the following day. 

Once they did go to bed they actually lost the privilege of me reading books because they wouldn't stop goofing around while I was reading their first book. This upset both of them, but the lesson had to be learned. 

In the end I had to have Stuart go upstairs and talk to Jack. How is it he can't understand that the more he talks, the more frustrated and aggitated I get? Will he ever understand and shut his mouth? He's my son, so most likely he won't. 

I ate some dinner and then fell asleep on the sofa, but what's new? I seem to be more tired when I'm doing absolutely nothing. It's going to be a long month. 

Friday morning we got up and headed to the golf club for breakfast, after Skyping Grammie and Pop. Seems they are moving into their smaller house this weekend, and will be moving some of their things to their new Branson vacation home next week. We will spend almost two weeks in Branson with them this summer. It should be a wonderful summer. 

Jack went to a birthday party at 2 pm and Stuart picked him up at 5 pm while I headed to DeDe's for our last Favorites party of the year. We have about 3 ladies who will be going home for good this summer. So DeDe wanted to have one more party as a send off to them, kind of a farewell party. 

As usual, the party was a great success and we all received nice gifts. There was food and the conversation was wonderful. We all have a good laugh when we are together. 

I got home just after the kids went to bed. I went up for a shower and fell asleep on the sofa, my normal resting place. 

Saturday morning we were up and about.   Stuart headed to the grocery store and said it was manic. With Ramadan starting there is not much time for the shopping. You'd think the grocery stores closed during Ramadan, but they don't. 

Stuart began preparing the roast dinner for the Richardsons, Tito-Nekeares and our family. It's an English tradition for a Sunday evening meal. Since of Saturday evening is like most people's Sunday evening, if we have a roast dinner it will be Saturday evening. 

By 2 pm all that needed to be done was the actual cooking. Our guests arrived just after 4 pm. We finally ate around 5:30 pm. We moved our kitchen table into the dining room so the kids didn't have to gather around the coffee table like they normally do. 
Since what Stuart made could have been considered enough for Christmas diner, we decided we'd break out the Christmas crackers as well, thus the crowns on our heads. 

Once dinner was over I started cleaning up. I had the majority of the dishes washed by the time our guests left. Stuart finished them up while I showered the kids. I started reading books to the kids and Stuart came up to tell them goodnight. He then took a shower and went back downstairs to watch some television. By the time I showered he had decided to go to bed. Naturally I needed my nightly nap on the sofa. When I finally did go upstairs it was in the wee hours of the morning. It didn't really matter since we would have a light day at work on Sunday. 

Just a little over 4 weeks and we will be heading out of this deserters land, into another one. 

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