Sunday, February 11, 2018

Duke is home to stay and Oreo is on the mend.

When I got up and saw that Oreo, in spite of the fact that we had kept his collar on for the week, had somehow ripped his stitches again I thought I was going to scream. I had developed a cold and was not terribly thrilled about taking the cat back to the vet.

I did some walk throughs in the morning at school and then headed to work on continuous assessments. It’s my favorite part of my work week. Once school was out, we met with Jack’s teacher about his progress to this point. It seems that his silliness has subsided, thank goodness. 

We went early to the rugby club so I could meet with Hannah and the club house manager, Andrew. We tried to solidify the calendar for the remainder of the year. The kids played and then Jack trained. After he was finished, the kids ate the roast dinner at the club. Stuart stayed at the club and watched the rugby match between England and Italy, while I took the kids home for showers and bed. 

I had emailed Nadia, the lady who owns out vet clinic, about Duke. She said there was no law about having dogs in a closed complex. She said she would write a letter for us to give to the municipality if they came back to inspect our house. We thought that would probably do it. 

Monday Lara and I walked a different route. It seems the wild dogs, of which there are 8 living in an abandoned house, were not removed after all. School was full of organization and walk throughs. I ended up leaving early to go to Jack’s field day. We didn’t even know he was involved in track and field. He won the two events he entered. 

We took Louie to the house next to us from the field day. He wanted to stay to participate, but Rochelle had to take her girls to their cultural group practice.  We then decided to go to collect Duke from Scott and Clare’s. Once we had the letter from Nadia, we felt there would be no issues. 

Once Duke was safely back home we went to the club, fed the kids and went to the committee meeting. We got home later than I liked, and boy was Duke thrilled to see us. 

Tuesday morning I walked with Lara and Duke. I’m not sure he liked the new route. We can hear more traffic, but the light is better and there are no crazy wild dogs. 

I went to school and had a senior leadership meeting straight away. My cleaner rang at 9:30, saying someone came to the house about the dog. Clearly the municipality decided to come during the day, and wouldn’t you know it would be the only day someone was there, our cleaner. She told the man that we had a dog, but he didn’t inspect the house. She said his English was not great, so I wasn’t terribly concerned. She gave him my phone number so I expected a call. In the meantime, I called our complex to ask them if we were allowed to have dogs in our complex. 

Around 2:30 pm I got a call from the municipality. After about 20 minutes on the phone, I convinced the lady on the other end that the offending dog had been given away in December. I failed to mention anything about Duke. In the end, she said to me ‘This case is closed’. Whew! Shortly after the call from the municipality, I got a call back from the complex telling me animals were allowed in our house. 

Once I left school, I went to get the kids McDonalds and ended up dumping my free cappuccino in the drink well of my car. At least it was contained, but it caused me to be late to get the kids from their extra curricular activities. This caused Millie and I to be late to her dance class. Oh bother. 

After dance, I dropped her at the rugby club and I went golfing. After golfing, I apparently snuck in the house, went upstairs and put Millie to bed, and showered. Stuart was surprised when he came up the stairs to put Millie in bed and I was in my pajamas. Ha!

I was up walking again Wednesday morning. It’s my free therapy for sure. I took the kids to school and then headed to Abu Dhabi for a book signing at a private school. I was almost late because I initially went to the wrong school. The fog was crazy, as it always is this time of year. The buses are not allowed to drive when fog is present. So many of the students were arriving at the same time I was. It was a phenomenal experience and it made me want to be a visiting author full time. I sold a number of books, so it was definitely worth while.

Once I was back in Al Ain I went to the vet to pick up Oreo. Hopefully he won’t need to be stitched again. He seems he had healed a bit in his 4 days at the vet. They had made him stay over as I’m sure they figured out we have difficulty keeping that darn cat in a confined area to heal. 

Once I was home from the vet, we went to Jack’s track meet. He won the 50 meter and his relay. He’s a fast little booger. I then went to the doctor as I was coughing and feeling flu-ish. Lovely! The kids went with Stuart to the club and when I finished at the doctor, who gave me Thursday off work, I went to the club to pick up the kids and head home. 

Lara came over for a chat and we decided to have a bbq at our house Thursday after school. We also decided to reward ourselves for walking 4 days in a row by giving ourselves Thursday off. 

Thursday morning I took the kids to school in the fog. I came back home and cleaned the back patio. Then I spent the day watching trashy shows and I might have slept some. I was wiped out and kind of regretting having planned a bbq for that evening. 

I picked the kids up from school, while Stuart went to the supermarket to buy some food for the bbq. Once the bbq started, we had a blast. There was meat for days, as it seems there always is at our events. I was wiped and ended up going to bed before the last guests left. 

Friday we went to the club to watch Gaelic football for a bit. We had lunch and came home mid afternoon. Cathy came over after her date. She had spent the day with a guy from Ireland. She said it wasn’t an instant love connection, but she was going to give him another shot. 

I got up Saturday, way too early. I met with Hannah at 9 am so we could talk about our upcoming events. We were hosting a Valentine event as well as a Giant Games night at the club. I took Millie with me so she could play with Sam and Ava, Hannah’s two kids. We didn’t meet for long, but got things accomplished. 

Once we were home, the kids enjoyed the nice weather by playing outside most of the day, while Stuart and I watched our new favorite show, Elementary. Cathy and Claire came over just after 4 pm and we had dinner just after 6 pm. The rest of the evening was chilled out. These lazy weekends are by far my favorite. 

We got our family photos back this week. 

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