Sunday I got to school and did some walk throughs with my Vice Principal. I then went to the teacher shop to get circuits for my teachers. This term in science they are working on the physical world and matter. The kids love this term of science more than any other because they get to build things.
When I got back to school I went to a KG meeting. I missed these in Term 2 because I was working with my head of faculty friends on our assessments. I guess I now have to get back in the habit of attending these meetings.
After school I searched for the last decorations I needed for the ball, but couldn’t find them. I knew I was going to have to go with Plan B. If I knew what that was it would be beneficial for sure.
Stuart and I went to the resort party that was held for the staff. It was a free meal, which was nice. We love the staff at the rugby club. It was nice to see them celebrating.
Monday was a bit hectic. Im not exactly a fan of school at the moment, so sometimes the days are a bit longer than I like. It was a hectic Monday. I picked Millie up from
school. Because we had to go back 40 minutes later to collect Jack, I decided to take Millie to the McDonald’s play land. I also got the kids food.
Once we had picked up Jack, I took Millie to her follow up appointment for her ear. I ended up finding some flowers for my centerpieces and decided I would spray paint them. As soon as we got home I got changed and headed to bootcamp. Stuart didn’t go to training so the kids stayed at the house with him instead of coming to the club.
Once I was home, I showered. Millie was already in bed. Jack was fed and showered. I simply melted into the sofa for the evening.
Tuesday I had a meeting with my principal. Our cluster manager showed up as well. It was all over the practical joke she played on my teacher. I just bit my tongue and we hugged it out. She deflected the issue on to me, which makes no sense. I only have 3 weeks at school until my surgery, so I’ve decided to just lay low until then.
I picked Millie up from school and we went to dance. After her dance class, I dropped her at the house and went golfing. We went out to the course and drive balls from the tee. I can hit the crap out of that thing.
Cathy came home with me to help me spray paint the flowers for center pieces. We ordered dinner and continued to work on the center pieces.
Wednesday we had a head of faculty meeting, which kept my from having to go to my school. We mapped out what we needed to do to help students be ready for their end of year exams.
I was home for a couple of hours before I had to get Jack from his judo class. Millie was picked up by Cathy and had gone to a dentist appointment with Claire.
I planned to go to bootcamp but had to count tickets and money for the ball. When we closed ticket sales we had sold 108 tickets. This was about 30 more than we had anticipated. The ball was sure to be a success. We got home, took showers, fed everyone and had more time preparing for the ball. We had rock candy made with the Al Ain Amblers colors. It was so cool. We wrapped it and put it in some gold candy dishes.
In the evening I was informed that my principal told everyone I would be off for 6 weeks. She asked them if I had told them. Funny, she never asked ME if I had told them. I really thought that was my news to tell, not hers. Ugh!
At school on Thursday I mainly did Rugby Ball work. I typed up the seating chart and made final preparations. After school, Stuart picked the kids up and took them to the dentist. The candy kid had to have a root canal. She then told me she was going to brush her teeth 5 times a day from now on. I don’t see that lasting.
Once everyone was home, we headed to the club for the youth awards. I stayed for the presentations and then headed home to finish up the center pieces and wrapping candy. Cathy came over and brought the items she had purchased while in Dubai that day. We came up short of a few things needed for the center pieces. Thank goodness she had to go to Dubai for another reason.
We finished getting everything together just before 10 pm. Everything was finally ready to take to McGettigans, the venue for the ball.
I tried to get a good night’s sleep, but I was so excited for the best night of the season! We didn’t have a ball last year because the social secretary didn’t really plan it. So the pressure was on for this to be a fantastic event.
After breakfast, I took the decorations to McGettigans and then headed back to our house for my make-up to be done. Cathy came over as well. She had her make-up done first and then headed to the hair dresser. She and Claire took Millie with them.
Once my make-up was finished I also headed to the hair dresser. My co-social secretary had worked a deal with a client of hers. Those of us going to the ball received a 50% discount for a treatment. So of course I decided I needed a mani/pedi as well as an up do. It was a nice pampering day.
Once my hair was done, I headed to McGettigans to set up the tables. Hannah showed up shortly after I got there. The set up was quick and easy. The venue was gorgeous. We were so excited. Of course, Stuart was the first one to show up. Once the guests arrived, the party started. We had a welcome speech from our chairman and the party was off and running. Throughout the night, we gave prizes, ate a wonderful buffet, had drinks, danced and chatted. It was, without question, a huge success!
Cathy and I had a glass of bubbly.
Martini on the rocks!
Me and Lara.
My friend Jane.
Saturday morning I got up and headed to McGettigans to get our decorations. Not everything survived, but I gathered what did survive and brought it home to be sorted out.
Henry had spent the night on Friday, so When Stuart dropped me at McGettigans, he took the kids to Bounce. Once I was finished, I headed to the mall and met Stuart for a coffee. When the kids had finished bouncing, Stuart took them home. I went to get lunch from McDonalds and all was right with the world.
Around 4 pm, Scott and Clare came over for dinner. We ordered Chinese and enjoyed our regular Saturday evening together. It was a successful weekend.
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