We took our Year 2 students to the zoo for most of the day, so teaching was kind of out for me, which was nice. Millie decided she wanted to feed the giraffe. She’s the child furthest away from the camera. Her friend Alice is standing right next to her in the white shirt.
We left school around 3:15 pm. When we got home we had dinner and then headed to rugby practice.
I made dinner. Mic drop!!!!!!!
After rugby training Jack complained about one of the other players, the same one who was shoving him around at the beginning of the season. I told him the next time that kid touched him he needed to lay him out flat. Good advice? I can’t decide. How long do you take crap off of someone? It’s especially difficult when Jack has told the coach several times and it hasn’t been properly taken care of. Shortly after we got home the kids were both showered and Millie was in bed.
Monday was full of planning and show rehearsal for our Year 2 pupils. Monday evening I made dinner again and Cathy and Claire joined us. Lara came over just before Jack went to bed. We stayed up too late just chatting away.
I slept later than usual Tuesday morning. Before leaving the house I tidied it for our cleaner. I made lunches and headed out to take Jack to swim squad. He didn’t want to go because he had a cold. But he missed on Monday so I made him go. He has to go at least twice a week in order to be able to participate in the swim galas. So I had to force him.
After school our staff briefing was short. Jack and I headed home around 3:45 pm. Millie was off to dance. Brian picked Jack up at 4:45 pm and took him to rugby practice. I headed to dance class because I had to pay. Since I was in an accident the previous week, I had to make it this week. In between classes I saw Millie. I then headed out to get the kids KFC for dinner. They eat KFC or McDonalds every Tuesday. I’m such a great mom! When I got back from KFC Millie’s class was almost over.
We got home and Jack returned about the same time. The kids ate and Millie headed to bed. Jack stayed up and watched television. I was just thrilled Tuesday was nearly over. The one thing I love about Tuesdays is when they are done.
Wednesday morning we headed to school and completed the day in good fashion. We took Alice and Tommy to their house as their mum had a class in Dubai and had to leave school a bit early. The kids begged for them to come back to ours but I couldn’t be bothered. I had an evening on my own and was thrilled to sit and catch up on my trash shows.
Thursday couldn’t be over fast enough. It was decided the previous evening that Millie would go to Alice’s for a sleepover and Tommy would come to ours for a sleepover. So after school we stopped at the supermarket and got some food for the evening. We then went to the house and Millie packed her bag. Around 4 pm we headed to the Weir household so we could swap kids.
Once we were back at our house the boys disappeared. Cathy came over and I put bubble and squeak in the oven, along with sausages and chips. Unfortunately the sausages stayed in longer than they should have and they were a bit too done for the boys. I ended up making toast and sandwiches for the boys. They had plenty of chocolate and pudding so they didn’t go hungry.
They scooted off to play the PS4 for the remainder of the evening. Cathy and I listened to music and Lara and Kayla came over for a bit. Everyone was gone and in bed by 11 pm. The boys gave me a bit of trouble, but in the end they were tired and went to bed.
We were up Friday morning and I made pancakes. These were a greater success than the previous evening’s meal. As long as Tommy didn’t go away not wanting to come back, it was all good. Tommy was collected and Millie was dropped off at 10 am. The kids played on their electronics and Cathy came over around noon. We ended up watching two of the three Godfather movies. Stuart was due back around midnight so I ended up waiting up for him. Once he was home I stayed up for more television and he went up to bed. Apparently his flight from Bangkok was pretty rough because of weather. Below are some beautiful pictures from his time in Thailand.
Stuart and Zoe.

This picture was taken from a drone one of James’ friends has.

This was the villa pool.
This picture was taken from a drone one of James’ friends has.
This was the villa pool.
The gang, minus me.
The W. A restaurant in the water.
James, Stuart and Matt!
Saturday morning we got up and I took my car to the repair shop. We had decided to postpone Jack’s snowboard lesson and go the following week. After dropping my car off we did our grocery shopping. The kids were nuts. Why do children behave so badly in the grocery store? A forever mystery that may never be solved.
Once we were home and the groceries were away, we sat down to watch television. Millie had asked me to make her lunch so I did. When I told her it was ready, she virtually ignored me and pretended she couldn’t see me because she had her head set on and was watching her iPad. Stuart tried to get her attention as well. When he couldn’t, he grabbed her iPad and took it. She went ballistic. She threw such a fit that she went to her room for timeout. The timeout ended up being about an hour and a half. Every time one of us would go up to her room to get her, she refused to talk to us. She’s such a stubborn child. Argh! Once she was finally downstairs, she ate her chilled tortilla chips and cheese, and then she was off to play outside.
Stuart started making our roast dinner. The lamb shoulder went into the oven at 1:30 pm. Sean and Cathy came over for dinner. It was delicious as usual. Another successful weekend of relaxation. I love doing very little at the weekend.
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