Sunday, October 6, 2019

Why when one problem is solved does another one take its place?

I went to a seminar about STEM on Sunday so was away from school the entire day. It turns out it was more of a sale’s pitch for their product rather than a ‘how to’, but I didn’t have to go to school so there’s something. I ran out of data on my phone on the way home so my journey was a touch longer than normal. I have terrible sense of direction, sadly. I got a call on the way home about the phone issue Jack had over the weekend. It seems that this all started last year in Year 5. It was said that Jack said bad things about this boy’s mom. I know that to be a lie. Jack has nothing but respect for woman and he would have no reason to say anything about this kid’s mother. Sometimes the local kids use ‘he said something about my mother’ as their way to get out of being little turds because they know it is the utmost disrespect in their culture. I’ve decided that Jack just needs to stay away from those boys. Hopefully that tactic will work. 

Once I was home I went walking with Lara and told her all of my woes. I stayed up too late lamenting over this Jack issue. I messaged some of my besties and they sent the sweetest, most reassuring messages back to me. You all know who you are! Love my girls who are thousands of miles away, yet very close at hand when I need them. 

Monday morning was one snooze too many. Work was fine, but  I started the morning by taking Jack to the senior school to talk with OBH (these are the Pastoral Care Administrator’s initials, so I will be referring to him as this from here forward). It’s seems that even though I told Jack under no circumstances was he to speak to this boy about this issue and that the adults would take care of things, he didn’t realize that shouldering this boy as he passed him in the corridor would be considered wrong. That kid!!!! So I made Jack go and admit it to OBH as I told him the cameras probably picked it up anyway so he might as well fess up. 

The school day seemed to fly by. Basketball was after school and I didn’t get dressed out as I was just too overwhelmed. We had to tell Jack he most likely wouldn’t be able to play rugby on Friday as he didn’t have a current visa, therefore had no insurance. The clubhouse manager at the rugby club thinks he might have found a loop hole around it, but time will tell. After basketball we popped home, and after a snack we headed to the rugby club. I brought the kids home after Jack’s training and they ate. We all showered and the kids went to bed. 

Tuesday morning we took two cars to school as the kids had a swim gala and Stuart had to stay for the staff briefing, but I was allowed to go and miss the meeting. Jack and Millie both won 1st place in the front crawl. Jack got second place in the butterfly and Millie got a third place in the breast stroke. Jack had Touch rugby Tuesday evening. His team, the Oreos, didn’t win but they played really well for a bunch of kids. There are only 2 youth teams amongst 8 adult teams. The last play of the game Jack went all out and then got caught short of breath. At this point Jack is known to panic which helps ever so much. He finally calmed down when we got home and resumed his normal breathing. 

Once we were home everyone showered, had a snack and went to bed. I stayed up to watch the 7th season of The Ranch with Ashton Kutcher. I watched it all, which meant another late night for me. I can’t help staying awake when my mind is racing. I think we are all about to get our visas (I have mine, but Stuart and the kids don’t) and then maybe I can chill a bit. However, this stress doesn’t compare with what I might have elsewhere. Life is just stressful no matter your circumstances. 

Wednesday, as you may know, is my favorite day of this school year. I teach very little and can get things ready for the following week. I took our basketball girls to play bench ball at another school. Bench ball is like basketball but you don’t dribble or run. It’s fun and Millie loves it. Stuart was going to have to do a border run, but since we expect to have the kids’ paperwork back on Thursday he decided to put it off for a day or two. The kids will most likely be sorted before Stuart is. He stayed at school to do work while Millie had swim squad and Jack had football. 

I met them at the club. I worked out in the gym and then relaxed a bit while Jack was still at rugby training. Then the three of us headed home while Stuart trained. We were having a very busy week. 

Thursday couldn’t come quick enough for me. School flew by. Jack stayed with Lara and Brian’s kids and Millie stayed with Alice, while Stuart and I headed to Dubai with Lara and Brian for a night away. They had free hotel stay vouchers so we joined them. We had beautiful sushi for dinner, a night of cards, then a delicious breakfast the following morning. 



We didn’t take full advantage of the stay as we wanted to get to the club for the afternoon rugby match. Jack’s match ended up being cancelled because it seems he wasn’t the only one without a visa. However, the men were playing at 3 pm so we wanted to make sure we were there to support them.  

Millie was dropped off at the club from her sleepover. She had also been pampered with Alice. 

There was a pretty good turnout at the club. We had everyone over to our house around 7 pm and decided to make grilled cheese sandwiches. 

Saturday I slept in, which is very odd for me. I suppose my late nights do catch up to me once in a while. Once I was up I headed to pick up Jack from his second sleepover of the weekend. Once he was collected we were back home and I contemplated doing some school work but instead Stuart came home from watching Australia play rugby and we all went to the club to watch South Africa and Argentina play rugby.  Stuart stayed for a bit to watch the Japan game but the kids and I headed home. We decided to watch the Secret Life of Pets 2 and Toy Story 4 once we were home. Two or three of us may have napped a bit.  

We had a quiet evening. I did actually do some of my school work and called it a night. 

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