At 8 am we watched Woodland Hills church service. After that, Stuart and I went to Safeway to pick up some needed items. We decided that going to Walk Mart May not be the safest idea since there were hundreds of people there the last time we went. There were definitely fewer people in Safeway.
When we got home I did some more knitting. I decided that if I didn’t get going I would never get the scarf finished. The kids were on electronics most of the day, but I’m still not terribly concerned. I don’t think they will fully understand the impact of our move back to Arizona until the start school. Until that time, we will just take one day at a time. We had one last form notarized for the school and then were going to take the form to Fulton in the week, so they would be ready to start.
In the afternoon, which has become part of our daily routine, we went to the park and we all played 4 square. These family times are so very precious and undoubtably creating life long memories for our kids.
We came home and had pot roast, carrots and white potatoes. We had broken our ‘lunch is the big meal’ routine, as the beef wasn’t thawed out in time to have it for lunch. It ended up not being a big deal as the meal was in the crock pot so little effort had to be made for the actual preparation.
The kids lost the plot as they were trying to get our attention instead of letting us plan our lessons. Grammie and Pop took them outside while Stuart and I carried on getting our work ready for Monday school work. Grammie and Pop clearly spoke to them about what we had to do to maintain our jobs and that this time in all of our lives is confusing and will take some time to get used to. Thank goodness we have extended family around to help us through this very unusual time.
Once Stuart and I had completed our work, we played cards with everyone, and then Millie went to bed. Jack went about 40 minutes after her. Stuart and I started our second night of the school week. It did seem to be going better this second week.
Monday morning I was awake before my alarm and approving assignments. I went for a walk with Sue again. It was so great to be able to spend time with her, and there were many less people at the park this week.
I then went to fill the car up with gas at Sam’s Club. While I was getting gas I noticed a huge line waiting to go into Sam’s. I decided to stop in and try to get some toilet paper. I walked out with much more than the toilet paper I went in for. I clearly joined the panic buying on that day as I left $235 poorer. Oops! But to be fair, I did buy things we would use and eat. I bought the kids curriculum workbooks of skills for the grade above their current grade, but they got them and seem to be coping well enough.
I got home and the kids had started their first hour of learning. We had decided we needed a schedule for them each day. As of that morning it was decided that there would not be anyone going back to a school building for the remainder of the school year, even in Arizona.
Stuart and I headed to our storage unit later in the morning to find our filing cabinet, which had his social security card in it, which he needed to get his new driver’s license. His shot gun was also in the unit, which we think is illegal. We found all the items we needed and then some. We got back for lunch and then we played Uno. The kids did another hour of school while Stuart and I unpacked the things we got out of storage.
When we finished it was announced that there would be a stay at home order implemented for Tuesday at 5 pm, so while the kids, Grammie and Pop went to the park, Stuart and I made a milk run. When we all returned, we ate dinner and then the kids watched the Apple Dumpling Gang with Grammie and Pop. Millie was a bit difficult to get to bed because it had gone past the witching hour, but she finally went to sleep and all was right with the world again.
Stuart and I ran through our normal routine of Distance Learning. I went to bed around 1:30 am and decided to call it a night. I am thinking that nothing happens the last two hours of the school day that I can’t take care of the following morning.
I woke up at 6 am and started approving assignments, which there were not a lot of. It seems that this week the learners are not as enthusiastic as they were last week. I suspect this will be the case for a while, and then there will be a big drop off once Ramadan starts later this month.
Breakfast on the porch? Yes please!
After breakfast, and Millie and Jack’s first school session of the day, Stuart and I went back to the storage unit to put some things in it, then headed to the school to finalize the enrollment of the kids. We were able to pick up some school packets for them, which will hopefully help them to feel a bit connected to their new school. We then headed to a small supermarket to get some potatoes. Of course, as always, we picked up a few other things.
Once we were home we had lunch and then the kids went to work for their afternoon session. They then went off and did what they liked, as I worked on my scarf.
I got a call from Diane Wells, who talked me through what she thought might be asked of me the following day in my interview. She was very helpful. I felt a lot better after I spoke with her.
We then went to the park so Jack could practice basketball and Millie could play ‘horse’ as well as kick her playground ball around, which is her favorite thing to do.
Practicing his ball handling skills is a must most days.
We got home for dinner and a little bit of research on my part into the materials that are used in Chandler. I wanted to be very prepared for my interview. It was just a screening interview, but I felt the need to be overly prepared.
I was awake for a team meeting at 6 am. I got a text message from Stuart saying I was too loud, as he was asleep. I tried to bring it down a notch or two. My team decided we could meet during our working hours the following week, thank goodness.
After my team meeting I caught up on approving assignments and then started to prepare for next week, as our meeting helped to inform me of our direction for the following week.
Stuart went to the DMV to renew his license at 9:30 and I got ready for my interview. Stuart got home just before 10:30 and the whole family left the house So I wouldn’t have to worry about them being there and making noise.
At the time the interview was supposed to start, I could not get into the video conference. It seems my computer wouldn’t allow me to download the media application I needed for my interview In the end I had to call the person interviewing me and then we did some speaker phone thing, which was a bit challenging, but it seemed to go okay. Whatever way it goes, I felt good about the interview and still know I want to work for Chandler Unified School District in whatever capacity they see fit. Time will tell where we land.
School commenced when the kids got back from the park, then lunch was fixed. It was then time for school again. This time Grammie started doing a read aloud with the kids. I went into my room and laid down. I slept for a bit until Stuart came into the room. I got up and went to the computer to continue working on plans for school next week. The kids lazed around most of the afternoon, which was fine with me.
We had dinner, showers, cards and bed. It was our last night of distant learning for the week. Thank goodness! It did, however, seem to go faster than the first week.
Thursday was a bit of a lazy day. Stuart and I approved school work and then were ready for our weekend. The kids never left the house. We decided our original plan wasn’t going to work, with them doing school on Thursdays, as we had no interest. So we had them do one hour of work and then informed them their new school days were going to be Sunday through Wednesday. It will be better for all of us.
They chose to read their books on the back patio, but that didn’t last long at all.
By mid afternoon we had done an online order for Wal Mart that we would pick up on Friday evening. We watched a movie, ate dinner and watched the Game show channel. Then we all were in bed by 10 pm.
Friday morning we got up and headed to Sam’s Club for some items that were not available on our Wal Mart pick-up order. This was the scene 20 minutes before opening.
The line was backed up at least an eighth of a mile from the entrance. Sam’s Club had a good system that was orderly in keeping with social distancing.
We went in and got to shopping in order to get out as quickly as possible. We suspected that would be our last outing for at least a week. There are definitely things we need to do, but for the most part we can stay home.
Once we were back home we decided to go on a walk with Millie riding her bike. She ended up falling into a bush, which scratched up her leg a bit. She needed a cuddle and a bit of time to decide to ride her bike again. It was a bit toasty, but we survived.
Once we were home we chilled for a while. We then google searched houses for sale. We are thinking of buying a new house in 6-8 months. It was fun to look at some of the possibilities. We had dinner and then played our normal game of cards.
Stuart and my mom ended up starting to make masks in the evening.
Stuart had bought all the materials for them and fortunately my mom can sew and has a machine. We then watched some television and went to bed.
Saturday morning I was up just after six and decided to start in on my night’s lessons. Millie was awake at 8 am and was able to speak to one of her friends from Al Ain. Then Stuart and I zoomed with our friends Brian, Ken, Roy and Joy.
The crew! It was so nice to be able to speak to all of them.
For the afternoon, we piddled around. The kids had taken a walk with Grammie and Pop earlier in the day, and then were on their electronics for some of the afternoon.
Later in the day, Jack helped Pop now the lawn and Millie looked on. Then we all headed to the park for our usual daily activity.
Grammie finished two of the masks, which was a huge accomplishment.
Naturally, he bought himself Star Wars material.
Once we were back at the house, the kids showered and we ate dinner. Then my mom got a call from my cousin. My Aunt Norma had passed away an hour earlier. The thing we were waiting for had happened. How happy I was that God had orchestrated us being here and having to stay so that I could be with my mom on this day. She is the last of her siblings still living. It must be a very strange feeling. We all know that our life is but a vapor, but when it hits so close to home, it’s a bit of a chilling experience. Both Jack and Millie were so sweet to Grammie and just hugged her. My mom was a bit relieved, I think, but still very sad. My mom and dad had decided not go to Missouri as there wouldn’t be a formal funeral because of the need to social distance. It’s such a sad time on so many levels.
The evening was spent on the porch, looking for scorpions.
This is the one Stuart found. He didn’t kill it, but he did get a picture of it, thanks goodness.
We rounded out our day with a Zoom Meeting with some of our students. I spoke with two of mine and Stuart met with ten of his. He said it was a bit chaotic, but nice to see their faces again. This strange new way we love may never be normal, but I’m sit sure ‘normal’ will return anytime soon.
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