We had told the kids we would ride the banana boat with them before we left. Well, Sunday was the day. In fact, there were eight of us on the banana boat. It was so much fun, but I knew my muscles would suffer for days to come. The kids thought it was fun, though.
Monday we woke up and went straight to the beach. It was another day in paradise. We decided to head to Manny’s before heading back to our original site. Manny’s is a bar down the beach that serves breakfast. I had avocado with a baked egg, melted cheese and bacon. It was maybe the best thing I’ve ever eaten for breakfast. We then waited until their little shop opened and bought a swim cover up and Stuart got a Manny’s tank top, the required ware at the beach.
Nothing wrong with breakfast on the beach, is there?
When we got back to our beach set up, the kids went on the banana boat and then we decided to rent jet skis. Stuart and Jack were on one jet ski and Eli and Millie were on the other one. They had so much fun.
Millie was hanging on for dear life.
And they’re off.
I went up and made sandwiches for my crew and then came back down to the beach. We then talked politics and we decided (Stuart and myself) that we needed to head to the bar. We don’t have the same views and when someone who can’t even vote pipes in with an opinion, it doesn’t set well with me. We tell our kids they can have their opinion and express them to us, but until they are old enough to vote they need to refrain from getting into a conversation with any other adult about sensitive subjects.
Millie and Jack joined us for slushies after Millie had her hair braided on the beach.
It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but it looked cute.
Around 5 pm we had to face the reality that we were taking down our entire set-up for good. We would be heading home the following morning. We started packing things up and putting them in our RV. We had chili for dinner and then it started raining. It didn’t rain long, but clouds had been around us all day. Some of us came back out and sat in our ‘patios’.
We were up around 6 am on Tuesday morning to head back to Queen Creek. Ate at Burger King. Got home and commenced to unloaded the RV, Stuart sprayed everything off and by about 4:30 pm, the RV was ready to return to storage. We left it on the drive as we didn’t want to roll up the canopy, thinking it might still be a bit damp. My parents and Russ came for leftover pulled pork sandwiches and then left around 7 pm. The kids showered and were ready for bed. The washing machine and dryer was for sure getting a workout. That is the job that takes a lot longer than any other.
Stuart went to bed just before 10 pm. When he did, I started to have a cramping stomach and I hit the bathroom about every 5 minutes for nearly 4 hours. It was clear that I had an issue. I threw up twice just after 2 am. I had decided that I either had the Delta Variant, the common Flu or food poisoning. I decided to text Stuart around 3 am to tell him to try to keep the kids away from me once they were awake the following morning. I also texted Sue to let her know I wouldn’t be walking because of this new illness.
We did a Covid rapid test as I was fearful maybe I had caught Covid again, but it came up negative. So then I wondered whether I had the common flu, or whether I had food poisoning. We decided we would chalk it up to food poisoning. After everybody was up and around on Wednesday morning do it and I went to get our Covid master shot and our flu shots. I knew this was possibly bring on another set of ill feelings. However, I also knew that we were continuing to do our part to help contain this virus.
My niece had come into town on Wednesday, so on Thursday when I got up I felt a little bit better and we decided to take the kids to lunch and invite my whole family. I had taken Millie for her wellness check up, possibly a few months late, and also got her her flu shot. After we had lunch we went shopping for my nieces new baby girl. She will be born in February. We are so excited!
Once I was home, Stuart and I went to look at a Jeep Liberty as a tow vehicle behind our RV. After a little bit of discussion and a little bit of negotiating, we decided we would buy it. So now we own three cars, an RV, two children, and to unruly dogs. We all settled in for the evening. At about 1 am I was watching television and the whole house was asleep, so I went up to bed. At 2:15 am I heard Millie crying and I went into her room. She had a bit of a fever, and said she wasn’t feeling well. So I gave her some Tylenol and lay down with her. She set up shortly after that and said, ‘Mom, I’m going to throw up.’ And she proceeded to throw up. We chalked this up to the flu vaccine. After thinking about it we realized that this was the first flu vaccine Millie had ever had. In the Middle East flu is not very common so they don’t necessarily encourage the vaccine. Last year at her wellness visit it was August, so the vaccine was not being given at that time. By October we all contracted Covid and quite frankly just forgot to check into getting the vaccine for the regular flu for the kids. So after she had thrown up, I woke Stuart up to sit with her in the bathroom while I changed her bedsheets. She had gotten it on her bedskirt as well, so I had to strip everything. Then I lay down with her for the rest of the evening. I got up at about 5 am and went downstairs.
Once Millie was awake, she came downstairs and laid on the sofa. She still felt rather warm, so I went upstairs to get the thermometer to take her temperature again. While I was upstairs, Stuart yelled out that she had thrown up again. So I came downstairs, called the pediatrician and ask if this was normal. The pediatrician called me back and said yes this was pretty common and not to worry about it too much and just to make sure that she got plenty of fluids.
Our initial plan had to change because of the sick cherub. Jack had gone to the Arizona Grand for a birthday party. We were going to go to lunch and then meet up with Liz for a chat and to borrow her carpet spot cleaner. Seems Millie had eaten some goldfish prior to the barfing episode, which gave us another need for the carpet cleaner. Instead, I went to see Liz on my own and then made a grocery run. When I got home I unloaded the groceries and had a rest. Millie had slept for over two hours and really wasn’t feeling much better. Stuart then started saying he wasn’t feeling terrible well either. I was so hopeful that the illness was due to the vaccines we had.
We spent the evening sitting around and watching television. Russ and Morgan came down for a bit after I texted them this picture with the message ‘I have candy’.
We had a bit of a chat with them. When they went home, Millie and I went to take a shower. She opted to not wear any pajamas as she still was a bit warm. Millie fell asleep on the sofa. I took her upstairs as Stuart was going up for a shower and going to bed. I waited downstairs for Jack to come home. After his waterpark day of fun, he went to a football game in Mesa. I had texted him to tell him to message me on his way home. He clearly only read the first sentence of my message which said ‘Hope you had fun’. I tracked him as he was coming home and it seemed the father wasn’t bringing him to our house. So I messaged him again and asked him if the father was bringing him home. He said ‘No, because dad hasn’t answered me with our address.’ In fairness to him, they don’t have addresses in the UAE and we have only been in our house for a year. Oh, wait, he should still know. Once he was home I grilled him on reading his messages completely and knowing his address. It never ends. He showered and went to bed. I put a load of laundry on and went back downstairs to watch television for a bit.
Saturday morning Jack had a volleyball tournament and Millie was to go to gymnastics. Although Millie and Stuart felt better, they both decided no gymnastics and they would come to the volleyball courts right when the first match started. Millie said she thought that flipping upside down would make her throw up. Makes sense. Jack’s team won their first match in 2 sets. Their second match they lost, but then won their next two matches.
They ended the tournament well and we got home just before 5 o’clock. We then just relaxed for most of the rest of the evening. We were invited to my mom and dad’s for dinner but I knew Jack wouldn’t want what was being cooked so we decided to stay home.
Sunday morning Stuart and I got up and went to do some shopping. In the afternoon Jack had his workout. After Jack’s work out, Uncle Russ kind of chewed Jack out because he felt like Jack was just being a little bit lackadaisical in his approach to basketball. Russ told him that he was very talented, but that his lack of drive was wasting his talent. We got home from the work out and Jack went outside and shot baskets for quite some time. He loves the sport. Russ was really just trying to make sure that Jack was fulfilling his potential. Jack is a very talented boy, but he can be very, very lazy. He made a plan with Russ to shoot on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Russ was happy to come down and help him.
Monday I went to work for teacher workday. I did relatively nothing. I did call and yell at Expedia, yet again. There was still no resolution to my phone call with them. We’ve had a credit with them since March 2020 which we have not been able to use. Now they’re saying it doesn’t exist. It’s maddening, as we are trying to book our tickets to go to England for Christmas. While I was at school, Stuart picked up our new tow vehicle. He then went to get it inspected. It passed! So now we are a family of three cars.
Monday afternoon Stuart took Millie to gymnastics. When Stuart got home, we took Jack to Gavin’s house where he was taken to volleyball. Stuart and I then decided to go out and have a bite to eat. After we picked Millie up from gymnastics, we came home and then Stuart went back out and picked up Jack, Owen, and Gavin from volleyball.
Tuesday morning I got the kids up and we headed out to school. Stuart had a zoom meeting from home, and then he left to go to Gallup for the rest of the week. After school I picked the kids up and we came home. Jack ran the dogs on his bike. We have a new contraption that hooks them to the back of his bicycle and it helps exercise the dogs. I did some training with them. Then Russ and Pop came over to shoot baskets with Jack.
Wednesday morning I got up and walked with Sue. It was super cold! But we had a really nice conversation and were able to catch up a little bit. It seems like we haven’t walked with each other in forever. When I got home Jack had forgotten to set his alarm. So I had to quickly wake Jack and Millie up. Millie hopped right out of bed and started to get dressed. I went to take a shower, and the kids actually took care of themselves. So I know they can manage themselves in the morning, it’s just a matter of them choosing to do so or not.
School was relatively uneventful. I did find out that I am for sure getting another student. He has not attended school for one full year. So this should be quite interesting. After school I went to get Millie and delivered her to gymnastics. I then decided to go to the grocery store because I offered to make dinner on Thursday evening for the entire family. Jack was at basketball tryouts with Pop and Russ. Pop dropped Jack off after basketball tryouts. Russ messaged me to let me know that Jack played harder than he had ever seen him play before. It was very exciting, because Jack had just texted me the exact same thing. He was very pleased with his performance on Wednesday at tryouts.
I was the Uber driver for the volleyball boys on Wednesday evening. I took them to volleyball, and then went to have a bite to eat before picking Millie up from gymnastics. Jack returned just after 9:30 pm. He showered and then he went to bed just before I did.
Thursday Millie had difficulty getting up. She’s super combative most mornings, and this day was no exception. It was another example of leaving the house with her still in the house. Once she got in the car she realized she didn’t have a jacket and she also hadn’t made her lunch. I am hoping that one day she learns that if she won’t get up in a reasonable fashion she won’t be able to have all the things that she wants before she leaves the house.
Grammie had taken Jack to the orthodontist and then returned him to school for the second day of tryouts. I picked Millie up after school and we headed home to make bagged tacos. My cousin, Jeff, Aunt Sue, Grammie, Pop and Uncle Russ came down. Russ did some training with Jack before we ate. We had a nice evening. My cousin is a total ratchet jaw. You can’t get a word in edgewise. He and his son were in town from Missouri for a baseball tournament.
Friday was a bit of a boring day for me at school. I prepared materials for our new student as well as materials for the observation I would have on the following Monday. I rushed out of school to collect Millie and take her to Casteel High School. She was going to perform a Pom Pon routine for the pre-game of the football homecoming game that evening. When I dropped her off, I saw Russ as he was helping Pop with basketball tryouts for the 7th graders. I then messaged Jack to tell him I was at the school and he could ride home with me. He failed to let Pop know, so he ran back in the gym to do so.
She’s right in the middle of the picture. She looks ready, right? Grammie, Pop, Jack, Sue and Tim Tharalson and myself were there to cheer her on. She had so much fun. We left after the half time entertainment. Jack stayed and I met Mary Daniels at the Burger King to collect him after the game. I had been home to see Stuart, but Jack hadn’t. Jack said his hello then took a shower and went to bed. Stuart and I followed shortly.
Saturday morning we were up and Stuart took Millie to gymnastics. I went with Jennifer for breakfast and then we went shopping for the rest of her wedding outfit. We had ordered an outfit online that wasn’t quite right. So she needed a top to go with the pants. We found the perfect top the first place we went. It was a successful trip for sure. I then made a run to the Dollar Tree before picking Millie up from gymnastics.
Grammi and Pop picked Millie and Jack up shortly after 1 pm to go watch my cousin’s son play baseball. Millie was in no mood for it and threw an absolute fit. I love when she does this, not! It was epic. After the kids were gone, Stuart and I went to the Bacon Racin’ Derby at the Farm Bureau. Liz had invited us. I decided I wanted a pet pig.
Isn’t he cute! We sent this picture to Jack and Millie. They decided they wanted one as well. We then, after the pig races and holding the pig, had pulled pork for dinner. Seems cruel, I suppose. We picked the kids up from Grammie and Pop’s and came home. They watched television while Stuart and I sat on our driveway with our neighbors and finally got to know them better. We had such a good time. We were out there until nearly midnight.
Sunday morning we got up and did a Costco run. We bought Jack’s Christmas present, so that was a success. We went in for laundry detergent. Well, that is always the plan, to just get the item we need, but we never come out of that place for under $200. Maybe one day we will.
Stuart then took Jack to his training, but the gym wasn’t open, which frustrated Russ for sure. Once Stuart got back to the house, he packed up and left for Gallup. It isn’t any easier than the first time he left. But Sue tells me it should always feel that way, otherwise maybe something isn’t right. So, I will resign myself to not ever getting used to it. I do think that’s a good sign.
Russ came over for a chat and when he left the kids showered. We watched what Millie wanted to watch. Jack actually likes the shows she watches as well, so everyone was happy. Both kids went to bed just fine and I actually went to bed when Jack went to bed. I think I’m a bit scared downstairs knowing Stuart is not home.
Monday morning everyone got up with little fuss. Millie had gymnastics and Jack had his first basketball practice with Pop as his coach. I picked him up to take him home to get a bite to eat. Then I took him to Vicki’s to wait until he was picked up for volleyball. I headed back to Casteel for the parent basketball meeting. I then went to pick Millie up from gymnastics. She and I went home for a shower and then headed back out to collect the volleyball boys. Millie fell asleep on the way home. Jack showered when we got home and we all went to bed.
Tuesday morning we were up and out as usual. After practice Jack went to Kyle’s to celebrate Kyle’s birthday. They hung out for a while. Millie and I went home to take care of the dogs. We then went over to Todd and Mary’s for a chat and to eventually make Jack come home with us.
Wednesday I went to walk with Sue. I swear I probably owe her some money for the therapy sessions she provides for me most Wednesday mornings. I’m so glad to have her lending ear and solid advice. It’s so awesome to have someone who has ‘been there’ before, in so many aspects of life.
My new little guy at school is amazing so far. He is loving school and is a little sponge. School is so much easier this quarter. I actually don’t mind going to work every day. After school I took Millie to gymnastics and then went to exchange her jammies at Costco. I also sat in an insane line for gas, which is back to an outrageous price. I went home and Jack came home shortly after I did. He did some homework and then I took him to Gavin’s for volleyball. I headed to do some shopping and then pick up Millie. Jack got sick at volleyball. He was brought home early. He showered and went to bed. He had told me that one of the basketball players had hit him at practice. I was sure it was horsing around as most of the kids that play sports are pretty solid kids.
Jack came into my room at 5 am because he couldn’t go back to sleep. When we finally got up Thursday, I took Jack to his med check so we could refill his medication. He ended up not going to school and I stayed home with him. He was complaining about a headache, but didn’t have a fever. Having a day off was probably good for both of us. The day was pretty boring. Jack just laid on the sofa and watched television. Stuart called me mid morning to let me know he had his Friday training canceled and would be home that afternoon. I picked Millie up after school and surprised her when we got home and Stuart was there. Liz came over to bring our curtains back so my mom could start working on our RV curtains using our old living room curtains.
Friday at school I was informed that one of my students was put into quarantine. He would not return until November 1. Another student had a huge behavior at the end of the day. My new guy had run out of the room the day before. When I asked him why he said he was sad that I wasn’t at school. So sweet, but keep your butt in the classroom. After school I went to Susan’s to get ready for Jennifer’s daughter’s wedding. Grace used to babysit Jack and Millie years back. The Bunco Babes went to the Ice House for the ceremony and reception. I drove and then we parked and had to keep putting quarters in the parking meter until 10 pm. It was odd, to say the least.
Saturday morning Stuart took Millie to gymnastics and I took Jack to his volleyball tournament. Stuart joined us with breakfast burritos. Jack’s team had moved up to the higher division again this tournament. They seem to just keep moving back and forth between the middle group and the high group. They lost all of their matches, but they did look better as a team for sure. Stuart went to get Millie and Jack and I came home after his team reffed at 2 pm. We took the kids to Grammie and Pop’s around 5:30 pm. Apparently they played games and watched some basketball. Grammie brought them back to our house to shower and go to bed. Stuart and I went to John and Jenni’s for a karaoke evening. Jenni had a taco bar and key lime pie. We had a great time for sure.
We got up Sunday morning and after the beds were stripped we headed to see the latest Bond film. Jack didn’t go because he doesn’t like Bond, but Millie does. While we were gone, I asked Jack to put our sheets from the dryer on our bed, take his and Millie’s sheets out of the washer and put into the dryer, then vacuum the carpets. He did that and more! He made all three beds after the sheets were dry and put the dishes that were in the sink, in the dishwasher. My heart burst with pride. My love language is definitely acts of service and his acts of services certainly filled my love tank for that day.
Monday morning I had an epiphany that I know I no longer want to be in education. So Millie suggested that maybe after I retire in two years I go back to writing books. What a genius! Jack had his first basketball game and they got beat by about 20 points. He was disappointed, but he was disgusted with the behavior of one of the players on the other team. The kid was amazing, but super cocky and was allowed to be. At the beginning of the game he had an open lay-up and took it under his legs. And then at the end of the game, his team being up by 20+ points, he shot a nearly half court shot and made it. It was a dagger to the Colts’ hearts. It was totally classless and unsportsmanlike, as I know that phrase to be. I told Jack that they would likely not run into a player like him again. He was amazing, but his behavior created a certain animosity against him. It’s too bad he couldn’t have been a bit more humble. I was able to sign Jack out and took him to Vicki’s for his ride to volleyball. I went home and let the dogs out for a bit. I fed them, and then headed back to gymnastics to pick Millie up. When I had dropped her off I told her we would go to Chilis after the gym and then go get the boys. She was thrilled. We had dinner and then did the usual and ran through McDonald’s to get the boys fries and a drink.
Tuesday we went to school. When I picked Millie up we headed home and waited for Jack to get home. Shortly after he was home, Morgan showed up from Yuma. She was coming to get Russ to take him to Yuma. She and her husband were moving to Washington state on Thursday. We went to Creekside Taco for dinner. Grammie and Pop paid!
Wednesday morning I took Jack to school to speak with his English teacher. We discussed that Jack needed to be more attentive with his assignments. His teacher told him he need to make sure that he asked when he didn’t understand something. At the end of our time kids were gathering in the hallway. As we walked out of the classroom, I told Jack goodbye. He said, ‘Bye, Ms. Pennell.’ At first I didn’t get it, and then it dawned on me that he didn’t want anyone to know I was his mother. So he decided to use my maiden name to address me. He’s a clever boy for sure.
My day at school was grewt. My new little one is just rolling through the curriculum. I picked Millie up after school and took her to gymnastics. I came home and fed the dogs and then Jack showed up from basketball practice. He proclaimed that he had no homework. I told him he still needed to go upstairs and possibly read his independent reading book. When we got in the car to go to volleyball, I asked him about an assignment that I was messaged about. Jack claimed he didn’t know how to find the scores to this assignment. Gavin got in the car from Vicki and Ryan’s house and showed him how to do the scores. Then when Owen and Hayden got in the car, Owen, Gavin and Jack all started to work on this assignment. I think it was because I’d berated Jack and embarrassed him in front of his friends. All three boys started re-taking these tests. Their teacher had told them that when they did these reading assignments they could take as many tests as they liked and then she would average the top three scores. So naturally all three of them settled for 80% and below. When I read Jack the riot act, they all decided maybe they should do better on the tests as well. All three of them on the way to volleyball actually got three scores that were better than 80%. Go figure!
Wednesday was pajama day at gymnastics.
Thursday Millie wouldn’t get out of bed. I ended up leaving her at home and calling Grammie and Pop to take her to school. When I got to school, my new little guy was sent home because he had a fever. He was mad he had to go home. Poor boy. I picked up Millie from school and one of the students at her school asked if I was her grandmother.the hits kept coming. We then headed to Jack’s basketball game. They won by 40 points. Jack didn’t make all of his shots but he executed plays much better than he had on Monday. He was a bit down, but rebounded once we talked about what he did well. After the game we came home and the kids showered, ate dinner and we all settled in for the night.
Friday I was absolutely lazy at school. I put in grades and tried to stay busy. I had no children in my class except for the first hour. The day dragged on a bit. After school I picked Millie up and we went home. Stuart arrived just as I was leaving to pick Jack up from basketball practice. He had a party to go to, but was terribly disrespectful of my time by staying in the gym about ten minutes after everyone else, playing one on one with one of his buddies. It really aggravated me as Millie had to get ready for Trunk or Treat in our neighborhood. His school saga continues as well, but I’ve washed my hands of it at this point. I want good grades for him more than he does.
We went with our neighbors to the park for the trunk or treat event. Millie dressed as Harley Quinn. I was glad she was going to be able to wear her costume more than once. There was a chili contest and then the kids walked around and got candy from the people who were sitting and camping chairs. When we returned all I wanted the kids to get in the shower and lay on the sofa for the evening. Millie did not cooperate and had an epic meltdown, resulting in her not going to bed until about 10 o’clock. Meanwhile Stuart had picked Jack up from his party, and we had decided to sit on our driveway with our neighbors. We have decided these neighbors are going to be friends.
Saturday morning we all headed out of the house and dropped Millie at gymnastics. Then Jack, Stuart, and myself went to breakfast. Stuart spoke to Jack about his lack of discipline with his schoolwork. Stuart is much calmer than I am. I’m sure we will get through seventh grade, but I’m not sure what that will look like. After breakfast, we dropped my car at the dealer‘s to get a parts replaced. It was recalled over a year ago. However, they never had the part when I called over the past year.
We then headed to get the RV from the storage so that my mom can measure for curtains. Once we were home, we decided to go to the grocery store and pick up some prescriptions. While we were at the store I got a call from Millie telling me she didn’t feel well. She said her coach suggested that she come home. So we checked out at the grocery store and went and collected Millie. She didn’t have a fever but she didn’t look well at all. Once we were home, she laid on the sofa. I was outside directing Jack to the dog poop he had missed the first time. Millie came outside crying. She said she felt very similarly to the day she got sick after her flu shot. I asked her if she thought she was going to throw up. She said yes. So I just kept her outside and she did throw up in the rocks. Poor dear, she just wasn’t well. A little bit after Millie threw up, my mom showed up to measure curtains. She was going to do the sewing here but then decided she would do it at her house. So after she measured, she took the material we had and went back to her house. Stuart then took the RV back to storage, with our tow vehicle hooked up to it. It was a good way to practice driving with the tow vehicle. Because he took the tow vehicle, I didn’t have to follow him to storage.
We ended up going to pick my car up just before 5 pm. When we got home, we told the kids we were going to go out for dinner. We stopped at Walmart to pick up a battery for my car because the dealer had told me it was only working at about 50%. We had dinner at Uncle Bears. We came home and decided to watch Ghostbusters. We had seen a preview for the new Ghostbusters when we went to the cinema last weekend. Millie fell asleep on the sofa and I ended up taking her to her bed just before 9 o’clock. The rest of the evening was pretty chilled. Another month in the books.
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