After breakfast we hit Costco for a very expensive shopping trip. Turns out we do need a plastic yard game for ax throwing. I don't know why we go to Costco and look anywhere but where they house the toilet paper. We don't NEED anything there, yet we seem to buy those things we don't need.
Stuart left for Gallup around 2 pm and Millie's friend Aria came over to practice their talent show dance. The fact that Millie was actually going to participate in the talent show was surprising to me. She is able to compete in gymnastics in front of hundreds of people she doesn't know, but being the center of attention in front of her peers terrifies her. So I'm really excited she has stepped out of her comfort zone.
When I picked up Jack from his sleepover, he did his chores when we got home. Elise came over for a visit. The rest of the evening was just dinner and relaxing.
Monday I met Chris and Vicki at Lucky Lou's for dinner before our meal prep class at Basha's. This meal prep class is called Citrus Pear and it really is just hanging ziploc baggies up and dumping in a lot of ingredients for later use in the crock pot or on the grill. It was genius! Each meal feeds three to four people and you 'prepare' ten meals. The cost was only $140, which I felt was very reasonable.
Jack went to another player's house to watch film on Gilbert North after practice. This part of his freshman journey on the varsity team has been the most nerve racking. I don't know how to let him have more freedom, but have to figure that out for sure. In three short years I will have very little say in what he does.
My parents picked Millie up from gymnastics and fed her. I got home shortly after Millie was home and then Jack arrived home around 9:30. I fed Jack when he got home.
Tuesday it was decided that Williams Field would be back into the playoffs due to a court order. I just love when no one has to pay consequences for breaking rules. Why even have the rules. It put all matches behind until the Williams Field game was played. So 6 teams had to pay a consequence for one team breaking the rules and whining loud enough to get their way. It was crazy! This made me have to pick Millie up early from gymnastics because had I waited until her normal time I wouldn't have been able to watch the game.
The Colts won against ALA Gilbert is four sets. Jack played a lot, which was good. But he didn't touch the ball as much as he wanted to. He had a few good hits and a few good blocks.
Wednesday I went to New Vista Learning Center to decide whether I really wanted to work there. I was told they needed a 1st/2nd music teacher who was willing to put together a program. I'm so their gal! I always wanted to put performances together but didn't want to go get a music degree. The other half of the job would be teaching 1st/2nd science lab. I decided it was what I would do for the next school year. They have health benefits, contribute to a 401k, I would have no parent teacher conferences or report cards. What a deal!
Millie's gymnastics banquet was at 6 pm that evening. It was sold as a formal event and there were people there in jeans. It was a bit disheartening to hear her coach speak about her. With the other girls Coach Deidre said personal things to their ability and personality. With Millie she just said she made improvements and came back strong from a surgery. It proved what Millie has said for the last year, that Coach Deidre doesn't like her. Even Millie noticed the difference in the speeches. It sucked! I felt so badly for Millie. My girl is spicy, but if someone can get through to her she is loyal to a fault. Coach Deidre has definitely missed an opportunity with Millie. I'm hoping this is what pushes Millie away from gymnastics. I just believe she will enjoy junior high a lot more if she does school sports and is able to be with friends more.
Thursday was a very busy day. My students presented their college and career posters at school. At lunchtime I went home to let the dogs go to the bathroom because I knew I wouldn't be home till later in the evening. Once I left school, I dropped Millie at gymnastics and then headed to Sherry's for her retirement party. I knew I wasn't going to be able to stay long, but, she is a very important person in my life and always makes me laugh, so I needed to show my face. It was important to me and I knew it would be important to her as well. She's a very relationship person.
As I said, I didn't stay long because I had to head back to school for our college and career night for parents which was between 5 and 6 PM. I rushed out of school to head to Casteel to watch the semi finals of the state playoffs for volleyball. I was a little bit late, but they won and are heading the to championship. Jack was on cloud 9. He had a good game, got his 100th kill of the season, as a freshman, and was looked at by a Division 3 volleyball coach, which was his highlight for sure.
Friday after school we went to the Hurley house and made posters for the championship game the next day. Millie was picked up from home and taken to her game. We met her there. They won! They were going to the championship as well! A bunch of softball players and a gymnast have formed a team and in two seasons have become a powerhouse. They went undefeated this season.
This was one of the posters made for the team send off from the high school Saturday at 12:45 pm.
Poster making and baked potatoes at Chris and Tom's.
We got up on Saturday morning and ran errands, washed cars and decorated them, took Jack to his morning practice, picked him up and tried to stay busy until 12:00, when we would head to Casteel High to send the boys off on their way to Skyline High.
Jack was nervous and afraid he wouldn't be playing much in the championship game. This is the first time in his life he hasn't dominated a sport and been on the court/pitch the entire game. It has been a humbling experience for him, and much needed.
Jack had the biggest cheering section. Included us and my parents, he had 22 people there just to watch him. It was so touching to know we have a friend base that is so supportive. They didn't win, but not for lack of effort from Jack. He played his best game of the season. He was torn up and cried when the game was over. Especially because of the controversy that surrounded the whole tournament.
One of his club coaches, Kendall McCall, came to support him.
He wanted to go back to the 6A championship but we weren't willing to take him so he was mad at me. He ended up going to play beach volleyball with some of his buddies. That seemed to please him. We spent the evening sitting on the front porch, in true white trash fashion, visiting with our neighbors for the evening.
Sunday morning we were up early. I showered and changed our sheets. Stuart made breakfast and my mom and dad came down. It was Mother's Day. We had a lovely brunch and then Stuart and I left for Gallup around noon. We left Grammie and Pop in charge for a few days. We drove straight through and had dinner at the Hilton. When we got to Stuart's apartment, we went upstairs to Matt and Keri's to sit around the fire pit. These are his landlords. We came back to the apartment and played music trivia. We absolutely love that on YouTube! It's quite entertaining.
Monday I conducted Logic of English testing all day long. It was exhausting! After school we stopped at Family Dollar and bought some cheap snacks. We then met Robin, the principal of Tohatchi Elementary, and her husband, Dwayne, at Fratelli's for dinner. They picked up the tab, which was unexpected but much appreciated. We got back to the apartment and finished watching the new Doctor Who episodes. If you have never seen this series, you are missing out! It's science fiction, but super entertaining.
Monday evening, my mom took Jack to his awards ceremony for volleyball. I had missed this memo, otherwise I would have likely canceled my Gallup trip. He got his letter. I asked if letter jackets were a thing these days and it was reported that is really not done anymore. At any rate, I made him go to my closet and look at mine. He wasn't impressed.
Tuesday I finished up LOE testing and entering data just in time to get to the airport and fly home. We saw this when we were leaving school.
And the mama.
This was the plane that took me back to Phoenix.
I landed about an hour after I took off. That was such a LONG hour! There was turbulence and all yucky things. I won't be doing that again anytime soon. My dad picked me up at the airport and had a heck of a time getting to the north side of terminal 3. I finally got home around 5:30 pm. For all the trouble, it might have been easier to drive, but the thought of driving made me nervous, so flying was my only
Choice. My mom had washed all of our dirty clothes and pretty much cleaned our house. She does things like that. She and my dad also volunteered to pick Millie up from gymnastics, which I gladly let them. Elise came over for a chat and I made dinner for Millie. Jack said he wasn't hungry so just had toast.
Wednesday was a half day and I had to finalize my report cards for our awards ceremony on Friday. We had a 60's/70's themed kickball game against the 6th graders. I got to pitch to Millie in my 70's dress.
It was hot but it was fun and the teachers won. Millie is that spot of red on the far left, getting ready to kick.
Millie had her tryouts for the talent show after school and I took Jack to the 8th grade volleyball championship at Cooley Middle School. That school feeds into Williams Field High School so we really wanted Casteel to win. Unfortunately, they didn't win. But the Williams Field team was there and held the trophy. That is likely the only trophy they will hold for a few years. Rumor has it the AIA is going to ban them from tournament play for at least the next two seasons because of their actions. Dummies!
When we got home, I fixed Jack food and Elise came over for a chat. Later in the evening I went upstairs and the kids and I played the Wii. Then Jack peppered the volleyball with Millie and complemented her form. I think she may actually switch to volleyball. We shall see after the camps she attends this summer.
Millie ditched school on Thursday. She thought she was so grown up, but in the end she was super bored! Jack went home with Tatum after school and I met Kristi for dinner after I took Millie to gymnastics. I picked up Jack from Tatum's around 7:30 pm and then we went to get McDonalds and picked up Millie.
Friday my class threw me a retirement party. It was so sweet and I got a lot of good loot. It made me cry. This is collectively the best class I have ever had. What a great way to end my public school career. However, I think the best is yet to come.
After school on Friday, Jack went to try out for High Performance, a volleyball team that competes against the other region teams around the country. I think there are about 40 teams. Stuart met us in Tempe, for dinner, and the three families whose kids were trying out (Owen, Carter and Jack). My mom and dad picked Millie up from gymnastics and Stuart met them at the house while I brought Jack home from tryouts.
Saturday morning we got up and started our day with chores and fixing the wall in the kitchen.
He had to buy a huge amount of insulation for the small amount we needed. Boo!
Jack had tryouts again on Saturday for three hours. He felt pretty good about the tryouts. We try to stay neutral with him for a few reasons; we don't want to be THOSE parents, we don't want him to get a big ego, and we don't want him to be devastated should he not make the team. I don't know if this is the right approach, but it seems to work for Jack.
Here is the finished dry wall! Now to get some sort of cabinetry in there. Dear lord, when will this be complete?
Sunday Stuart left around 1:30 pm. Jack had his last high performance practice and Millie and I went shopping. I ended up going to ASU for the last hour of the tryouts where I discovered a boy with a hurt knee, sitting out and icing it.
He was quite discouraged but has been told countless times that if he doesn't do as he is told in regard to taking care of his knee, then he won't be playing volleyball very long. I'm not sure when this advice will sink in. Once we were home, we all just chilled for the rest of the evening.
Monday Jack started club volleyball again. They have two tournaments this summer so have to get ready. Millie had gymnastics and I met my friend Debi for dinner. On the way to meet Debi, I picked up Stuart's brakes. His plan was to save us a few bucks and do his own brakes on his car. That was fine by me.
Tuesday I took Millie to gymnastics and came home to make baked potatoes for dinner. Once Millie and I were home, my parents came over to say goodbye as they were leaving for Branson early morning on Thursday and would be there until at least the last of September.
Wednesday after school Jack went home with Tatum. Millie went home with the Hills and I ran to Costco to get Stuart his much needed pork for the English sausage he planned to make with the sausage machine attachment he got for his birthday. I went to pick Jack up around 7 pm.
Thursday was the last day of 6th, 9th and all grades for me!

This was Millie's 6th grade clap out. She was in tears, but also irritated with me for videoing her. That made it easier for me not to be sad for sure. Weston is one of Millie's besties and we are so thrilled he has decided to go to Casteel next year, even though his brother goes to Crismon.
Millie's twin besties. Ava and Bella have been a life saver for Millie. They are tomboys and totally get Millie. I was privileged enough to have them in my classroom the last half of the year. Amazing girls! Millie will miss them in 7th grade. They are going to Crismon. Both kids had successful academic years. They were both thrilled. Millie made honor roll the last two quarters and Jack ended the year with all A's. He was quite pleased with himself.

Friday evening we drove the Bronco over to a neighborhood in Chandler. Stuart works with ladies who are neighbors and they invited us to their block party. Millie is friends with the kids, so we went. This is the evidence of an epic water balloon fight! My arm was sure to be sore the next day.

At the end of each school year we usually give the kids a gift of some sort. This year it was a gift card and a college t-shirt. Millie states she wants to go to Penn State. I think it has something to do with a TikTok influencer, but not sure. Jack got a Long Beach State shirt, but didn't have the energy to put it on. Poor boy! He wants to play volleyball at Long Beach State. I would be totally fine with that!

This was my retirement gift from Chris! She presented it to me at Hayden's party. I know I didn't have a retirement party, which was actually just fine. I would have wanted to plan it myself, and I didn't have the energy. I just request that when I finally do 'retire', through a party and bring gifts and money to my children. They will need it. Ha!
This was Millie's 6th grade clap out. She was in tears, but also irritated with me for videoing her. That made it easier for me not to be sad for sure. Weston is one of Millie's besties and we are so thrilled he has decided to go to Casteel next year, even though his brother goes to Crismon.
Millie's twin besties. Ava and Bella have been a life saver for Millie. They are tomboys and totally get Millie. I was privileged enough to have them in my classroom the last half of the year. Amazing girls! Millie will miss them in 7th grade. They are going to Crismon. Both kids had successful academic years. They were both thrilled. Millie made honor roll the last two quarters and Jack ended the year with all A's. He was quite pleased with himself.
Millie went to gymnastics and hurt a little friend's feelings. I spoke to her coach and she cried. She feels her coaches are not nice to her. We have decided she will take June off from gymnastics. I would guess this is the beginning of the end. She was so sad on Thursday evening, because I think she knows this is the beginning of the end. This change will be tough, but she will make it through and I think she will find happiness doing school sports.
I drove the boys to volleyball. When practice ended, both Carter and Jack got calls to participate in the high performance U17 team in July. They were both very excited to be selected as one of twelve players for this regional team.
Friday morning I was up and driving Jack to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth taken out. Poor kid! On Thursday he ends the school year with a 4.0, get selected to play for the high performance volleyball team for the region and then the next day has his wisdom teeth taken out. Once his teeth were removed, we rushed home so I could get back to school. I kind of forgot I had to be at school that day. I thought Thursday was my last day. Oh well! I went back to school and was lamely recognized for my retirement. It made it so easy for me to get out of there.
Friday evening we drove the Bronco over to a neighborhood in Chandler. Stuart works with ladies who are neighbors and they invited us to their block party. Millie is friends with the kids, so we went. This is the evidence of an epic water balloon fight! My arm was sure to be sore the next day.
At the end of each school year we usually give the kids a gift of some sort. This year it was a gift card and a college t-shirt. Millie states she wants to go to Penn State. I think it has something to do with a TikTok influencer, but not sure. Jack got a Long Beach State shirt, but didn't have the energy to put it on. Poor boy! He wants to play volleyball at Long Beach State. I would be totally fine with that!
Saturday morning Stuart was supposed to get up and start grinding the 16 pounds of pork I had purchased at Costco. Well, wouldn't you know that the grinder I bought him was a bit of a piece of crap. So once I was downstairs he was cussing the thing out. He then decided he would freeze the meat for a bit longer and try again. In the meantime, he decided he would start changing out his car brakes. The $365 on parts was a lot better than taking the car to a shop and paying $2100 for a new brake system. I'm so fortunate he is able to do things like this.
I headed to Discount Tire to get a tire repaired and have my tires rotated and balanced. I got there at 7:30 am, with the recommendation from the previous day of a guy who works there. He said if you get there at 7:30, when they open at 8 you will likely be the first customer. Well, I was the second customer. It turns out that they don't balance and rotate tires, so I made an appointment with our mechanic for the following Wednesday. Stuart made English sausages.
In the afternoon we went to Hayden's grad party.
Sunday the Bunco Babes decided to have a gathering at the game show battle room in Tempe. Elise came along as my guest. We ate lunch before the event. It was so much fun.
Monday we went out to get gear for Millie for her volleyball camp. It was Memorial Day and we had little going on. Stuart left for Gallup around 2 o'clock.
We decided Millie also didn't have to go to gym this last week in May. She really didn't have the energy for it and was quite discouraged about gymnastics anyway. Her first day of volleyball camp was a success. However, she had made the statement that she would never wear kneepads. It turns out that girls are required to wear kneepads.
Tuesday was another day of volleyball and we had very little going on. I had put a crockpot meal in the crockpot and the kids just laid around the house to relax. Jack cheeks were still a little bit swollen, so he just needed the rest.
Wednesday was Millie's last day at the Perry camp. She seemed to have a really good time and was looking forward to the camp at Casteel the following week. I got bad news on the car. It seems that it needed about $3900 worth of work. Since my car is a reclaimed title, it's not even worth $3900. So we decided not to do the work and started looking for used cars around town. I had dinner with Kristi. We walked into Skippy's, and they served us our beers. That might be an indicator that you are there too often.
Thursday I was pleasantly surprised to see my bank account had already been credited with my first retirement payment. And it's actually more than I made every month this last year. That's because it's based on my three highest years, which were when I was an assistant principal. Jack had club practice so I took him to Owen's house to be picked up. Millie had her friend Brinley over for a sleepover. The girls had all kinds of snacks and played upstairs. They went swimming and just had a really good time. I picked Jack up at 7:30 from Starbucks and brought him home and fed him. I seem to feed him all the time.
Friday I went to look at some cars. Ick! First of all, I've decided you cannot buy cars on a corner lot that doesn't do inspection on cars. I spoke with Stuart. We decided that the following day we would go to some dealers that were selling used cars. I took Jack, Asher and Tatum to Carter's around noon for a day on the lake. I took Brinley home around 1:30 pm and got into my pool for the first time all year. It was delightful. Jack ended up having a sleepover at Carter's. Stuart got home around 6 PM. The neighbors came over for swimming and the parents just hung out and talked.
Saturday morning we were supposed to pick Jack up at Skippy's. He had ended up spending the night at Carter's. Prior to that, we decided to go to Kia and Subaru dealerships because they each had a Ford expedition that we were interested in. The one at Kia was a little bit older and had a lot more miles on it. I really liked it but they wouldn't let us put a hold on it even with a deposit. And in the end it wasn't as nice as the one at Subaru. The one we found at Subaru was a 2015 with 31,000 miles on it. It had been driven by a retired fireman. It was pristine and only the front two seat appeared to have been sat in. We immediately said we wanted to buy it. So then we had to figure out what we were going to do with my piece of junk sitting in my driveway. We looked at a website called and started to move forward in selling it to them. We didn't make it to breakfast so Jeremy brought Jack home.
In the afternoon, Jack went to Asher's house. We had Todd and Mary and their kids, the neighbors and their kids, and Ken and Maytee over for a cookout. It was a great afternoon and everyone had a blast. I like the impromptu parties.
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