Friday, September 13, 2013

One week down, 35 to go!

That introduction sounds a bit negative, but really it was quite a good week for the beginning of the school year, language barrier being all around us (students, parents and other teachers), and not having a full staff to begin the year. 

Everyone has been really nice to us. The locals love our kids and are guinuine towards them. Most of the hotel staff know our kids names and greet them each time they see us. It's not creepy or weird. It makes me wish my own country had more of the human kindness we have found here. 

The end of the week brought tired legs (haven't stood that much since I was last a classroom teacher and that was 5 years ago), tired brain (thinking of many different ways of relaying the same information to non-English speaking children), and two adults and two children ready for a weekend together. Our weekend is Friday and Saturday. We go to school Sunday through Thursday which will take some getting used to. 

Thursday night we were invited to the Golf Club by Stuart's head of faculty. We had a great time being around of group of ex-patriots from many countries. We also were able to talk more about what school Jack would attend. Stuart is going to visit Sunflower School on Tuesday. I am hoping to get to go with him, but if not I will have to trust his decision. Everything we have heard about is very positive.  And although Millie would be at a different place this year, she could go with him to school next year.  Admitting that Jack could be in school this year as a pre-Kindergarten student was tough for me. I really don't want my baby to grow up even though I try to instill a great deal if independence in him. Now I get why moms cry when they leave their first born the first day of school. However, he is beyond excited. So we are anxious to get him settled and into some sort of routine. 

Today we spent the day at the mall. We were going to go an Anglican church this morning, but we didn't set an alarm and didn't wake up in time to go. We will make it next week (promise, Grammie and Pop). We went to see the movie Planes while at the mall and both of the kids loved it. Jack wants Dusty, the crop duster, for his birthday. His new little friend, Dylan, got one for his birthday earlier this month, so naturally now Jack wants one. Easy for us!

We continue to learn more about our surroundings as the days pass by. I even drove last night. There is a large ex pat support group here who have a great deal of experience and knowledge of where to go and who to contact for the different needs of the newbies coming I to town. It is so comforting to know that total strangers will help out when it's needed. There is no hidden agenda and no expectations for any kind of payback, rather an expectation that each recipient will pay it forward when the opportunity arises. It's wonderful and has been pleasantly unexpected and appreciated. 

We still haven't received word about where we will be living but we did receive our furniture allowance yesterday. So tomorrow we are going to go to some of the recommended places for furniture.  Then it's back to work on Sunday. We shall see what week two brings. Hopefully it brings more teachers to my school. 

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