Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Still in the hotel, you ask?

Why, yes, we are! Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks in hotels. Finally we have a set up that is at least tolerable. We have been placed in two rooms that adjoin! Thank goodness. The kids were having trouble going to sleep when we had to do work in the evening, once school started. So I had to get on email and remind the travel company that both of us were working for the government, therefore we were entitled to two rooms. Voila! They agreed!

It's been great. We have two of everything and now we even have a microwave. This has allowed us to be more diverse in our food, especially since we don't get paid until tomorrow, have now been paid for 3 months now, and are getting tired of eating out. But tomorrow is supposed to be payday so we shall see. 

Jack is still loving school, turned 5 years old on Sunday, and on Saturday after his nap woke up and announced his bottom two teeth were loose. What? Stuart and I both asked if he hit his mouth on something. We were so shocked and thought for sure he was too young to lose any teeth yet, but what do we know?  I asked him if he knew what the tooth fairy brought when he lost a tooth. He said, 'I don't know. I'm not the tooth fairy.'  Is it wrong to tell him the tooth fairy brings toothpaste?

Our English babysitters will be starting school on Sunday so it is vital we find a place for Millie. We think we have something worked out, but still pray all falls into place. We are taking her to a co-workers house tomorrow to meet her possible new daycare provider. I will let you all know how it goes. 

We are feeling more settled here. School is fine for me, more difficult for Stuart. But routines are started to set in with my students and that beginning of the school year stress is starting to subside. Today my second class came in with cakes and soda. When asked what it was for, they responded, 'Miss, its for you!'  Apparently the Emiratees love parties....and at school. I wasn't sure what was supposed to be allowed in this regard. In my previous experience this would not be allowed, but apparently this is allowed here. It seems that this builds community between the locals and the westerners. Cake? I'm in!  We are doing the best we can, but once school is out our life begins. We are enjoying the experience for sure. We are working fewer hours and making a LOT (or will) more money. How is that bad?

There is not much else to share. We are hoping to hear about housing sometime before the end of the week. Again, another thing we will let you know about when it happens. 

Love to you all!

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