Saturday, August 30, 2014

School begins for our second year.

It is really hard to believe that we are beginning our second year on this adventurous ride. Time has flown by sometimes and other times, the more stressful ones of course, it has crept along. But either way, it has been a fun ride to this point, and we are hopeful for more of the same this coming year.

Sunday, Stuart and I did as we were told. We showed up to our previous schools and did a whole lot of nothing. Actually, I went out and bought fabric for the teachers for their bulletin boards, so that at least that made the teachers happy. 

Sunday after we got home from work, we headed for our appointment to meet with the director of Millie's school. We just wanted to speak with her about how young Millie is and how small she is. We wanted to make sure we were putting her in the right setting. When she told us that Millie's teacher would be Ms Maria, the same one Jack had at the beginning of last year but went on maternity leave halfway through, we were thrilled. 

Monday after school we reported to the Zone and were told since we were changing positions we would have to go through another background check and only when that was completed would our pay increase kick in. However, it would be retroactive. So basically when it does finally get to us it will be a chunk of change. I do so love my job here.

Stuart has been placed at a boys' school about 10 minutes past his old school. I have been placed at a school in a place called Al Yahar. The school is called Reafa'a School. Ironically enough, I already know the Vice Principal. She is friends with Gina and I have had the opportunity to hang out with her at the beach. I'm so super excited, although I will miss my Ahmed bin Zayed friends.

Once we were all home on Monday, we went to the mall to get school supplies for Jack.  We were told we would be receiving a letter from Millie's school and assumed it would be asking for more supplies for her, but in the meantime we decided to get Jack sorted out.  Had we known the list before we left Arizona we could have purchased everything a little cheaper, but we really didn't think about it.  Since we were at the mall anyway, we fed the kids the ever so lovely McDonalds.  Healthy, we know!

Once we got home, we labeled and placed it in a bag.  Jack was set for school.  Jack's extra set of clothes for school were put in a gallon ziplock bag, whereas Millie's fit in a sandwich bag. 
Because work for me was so very stressful this week, full of tea and coffee, I told Cathy I would go with her to collect Kayleigh, early Tuesday morning, from the 2:30 am.  So I went to sleep on Monday evening for a few hours, set my alarm and got up to travel to Dubai.  I stayed awake the entire journey.  We got Kayleigh and got home just after 5 am, just in time to get ready for work.  Needless to say, Cathy and I were not at our best on Tuesday.  I had a Head of Faculty meeting that day, as did Stuart.  We actually sat next to each other at the meeting.  At one point he was talking to me and I think I fell asleep.  Oops!

After school on Tuesday I picked up Miss Janet and she came to our place to meet with Rochelle (Louie's mum and who she will live with this year), Jamie (another friend who needs care for her kids in the morning), and myself, so we could discuss her duties this year.  Miss Janet could not sit down and enjoy herself.  I could tell she wanted to clean something.  Finally we had to insist she sit down and have her cup of tea.  When she finished her tea, she got up, went to the sink and started washing the dishes.  I had to stop her.  This is the lady we are dealing with.  She is a dream.  I am so thrilled this arrangement is working out.

We have tried to get the kids back on their regular sleep schedule this week.  Once they were in bed on Tuesday evening and we had eaten, I fell asleep on the sofa.  Once I did get up and go to bed, I didn't move the entire night, which is HIGHLY unusual for me.  I was wiped out from the Dubai trip.

Wednesday after school we went to the Rugby Club to have a swim.  We didn't stay long because someone was coming to service our air conditioning units.  Each room has a different unit.  They are operated by their own individual electrical panel.  Although the complex maintenance will fix them when they break, they do not clean them, so we have to have someone come to do that for us.  Some husbands here have become handymen and do things such as this.  When we got home from the Rugby Club the guy's business card was stuck in our door.  You see, I scheduled him while we were in Spain.  I put it in my iPhone calendar for the 4:30 pm time slot he told me, but when we got back to the UAE, which is two hours ahead of Spain, my phone calendar automatically set the appointment for 6:30 pm.  That is a definite flaw in the iPhone if you ask me.  I apologized all over myself and rescheduled. 

Both kids had Open Houses at their school on Thursday morning. Jack and Millie had been staying at Karen and Wade's all week with either Claire or Kayleigh babysitting. However, on Thursday morning we made different arrangements. Jack went to Wade and Karen's and then went to the Open House with them. I picked Millie up just before 9:30 am and we went to Jack's school. When I got there Jack was running all over the place like a mad man. He was with Henry (who belongs to Scott and Clare, and Clare is Jack's teacher this year). I asked Jack where his room was and he showed me where Clare's room was last year. The classes moved because of growth. I told him that was not his class and then I proceeded to show him where he would need to take his backpack on Sunday morning. He is such a nut. So glad I went by to check in on him. 

Jack went home with Henry and Millie and I traveled on to her school. I couldn't find it. I decided to go to the Nursery at the college, which is where we had met the director earlier in the week. I spoke with her again and she told me the school was having electricity issues. Millie was able to meet her teacher and teacher's assistant. That made me feel better for sure. We ended up going to her school and what we saw was dirt, dirt, and more dirt. They were still putting furniture together and cleaning up, but I am sure by Sunday things will be ready to go. 
Here Millie is in her element. Can you see the dirt on the floor?  Millie wanted to clean it up. She is a helper for sure. 

Thursday around 2:30 pm, Stuart received his email that stated he was to begin his duties at his new school.  The new Head of Faculty at Ahmed bin Zayed got her email as well, but I still hadn't heard anything.  So, I waited.  Finally at about 4 pm I got it.  So, Sunday, as kids are filing into the new school, I will be like a deer in the headlights, not having a clue as to what I should be doing.  I know that feeling because I had it last year about this time, so nothing new there.

Thursday evening, we were invited to my previous principal's house for a get together.  She told me long ago that she looked forward to me not being a teacher so we could be friends.  I really do like her and know she has helped to get me into an administrative position.  We had a great time and actually knew some of the people at the party.  This is truly a very small town in so many ways.  You have to really be careful what you say to who, or at least I do!

Friday Stuart went golfing at oh dark thirty.  The kids and I went to church and then to the grocery store.  I hate going to the grocery store here.  I am not sure why I dislike it so much, but I do.  After the grocery store we headed home for lunch.  Millie fell asleep on the way so I just put her to bed for a nap.  I do believe once she starts school we will have to reintroduce naps.  Knowing we would be going to the Rugby Club in the evening for the Family Night, a nap was actually a good idea.

I also took a bit of a nap, which is always a bad idea for me.  I am not a person who can nap during the day and be of any use afterward.  We left for the pool at half past three.  Once we were there, a huge dust storm blew up and it started raining.  We really don't experience that type of weather very often, but this summer it seems to be more prevalent.

The weather did clear a bit before the Family Night activities started, but resumed once the evening was underway.  There was popcorn, cotton candy, horse rides, a bounce house, and face painting for the kids.  Our kids, as usual, were running around all over the place.  Jack was kicking a soccer ball into a goal and got smacked on the face.  Just another day at the Rugby Club.

Saturday morning the kids were up earlier than I like. We lazed around until about half past ten. We decided to go to the mall because I needed some pictures printed, one Jack needed for school. We did some other incidental shopping and then, like you do, ate at the food court. 

Once we got home we decided to go to the rugby club to swim. We swam for a little over an hour and then back to the apartment. The kids got ready for bed and then off they went. 

I can hardly believe Millie will be in preschool and Jack will be in year 1 (which is the equivalent to Kindergarten). I think what really makes me sad is that I can't take them on their first day. I have to be at school before 7 am and Millie can't be at school before 8 am. So, Mr. Andrew, who is a wonderful, caring soul, will be taking Millie the first day. I really think she will be fine. When, for about the tenth time, I told her that Mr. Andrew would be taking her to school on Sunday, she said, 'Yeah, Mom, I know!'  Yep, she'll be just fine. 

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