Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The weeks keep flying by

This past week marked the one year anniversary of when we moved into Greenland Compound and out of the hotel life. 

School is starting to get busy, which just means Winter break will be here before we know it. We are heading to Australia for that two week break, so we are getting excited. 

Jack was moved up a level in his leveled reader this week. He is so excited and really learning to read quite well. 

After school on Sunday Jack had basketball and rugby practice. We all went to rugby as we always do. Millie ran around as Jack played. They scrimmaged the age group below them so Jack was able to play against Louie, which he loved. I chatted, as I always do, with some of the other rugby moms. Sunday night was the first night this fall that I have felt a bit of coolness in the air. It was a delightful change for sure. 

Monday was training for Stuart and myself and I committed to actually playing on November 21. Stay tuned for pictures. 

Tuesday was Kayleigh's birthday so we skipped rugby for Jack and all went bowling. We had a great time. Kayleigh broke a nail, which was terribly upsetting to her, but she got over it. We ate dinner in the food court, as you do when you have two teenagers, two under 6s and 4 adults (Cathy's friend, Mandy, came with her) who all have different tastes. We shopped around a bit before getting frozen yogurt and then heading home. Both kids were asleep by the time we got home, so baths were not happening. However, Millie woke up just after 5 am because she had wet the bed. Therefore I gave her a bath. And because he heard the bath running, Jack came in as well and decided he needed a bath. Suited me just fine. 
Bowling with the bumpers up?  Really the only way. 

This week has been full of more illness in the Telford household. Jack went to the doctor on Wednesday and tested positive for strep, which could only mean I would soon follow in his footsteps. Sure enough, I coughed all night on Wednesday and ended up going to the doctor on Thursday morning and having the day off from school. Hopefully we will all be well after this round of antibiotics. Millie has finished her medication from last week, although she is still coughing in the evenings. We all blame Millie because she is bringing home all the toddler germs from school. 

Earlier in the week Millie had received a party invitation. The writing was a bit broken English but I assessed it was a birthday invitation for one of her classmates.  I was so excited because it was the first birthday party that Millie was invited to, without Jack. 

Thursday after school we headed to the little girl's house. There was a bouncy castle that had a water slide attached. The kids had so much fun. About an hour into the party I asked how old the birthday girl was. Her mother, who is Muslim (significant to the story), responded by saying,"Oh, it's not her birthday." Huh?  I said I assumed it was and that we brought her a present. 
The 'unbirthday girl is right in front of Millie'. She's a very sweet girl. 
It certainly seemed like a birthday party to me. 

Shortly after we were informed this wasn't actually a birthday party, the hostess began to ask the mothers how much we knew about Islam. Now, let me assure you I have been nothing but respectful towards this culture and the religion. I even, from time to time, ask questions of the Muslims I work with. But when I feel I have been tricked into coming somewhere to hear about someone's beliefs that I have no intention of ever agreeing with, then I'm irritated to say the least. 

I was respectful, but exited quickly. Prior to exiting, I prayed, 'Dear Lord, please let Millie have a meltdown right now.'  God answers prayers, because when she asked for some chocolates from her goodie bag and I said no, she fell apart. Well done, my baby girl!  As I tried to exit gracefully, thanking the hostess for having us, she asked if I would like to take some literature about Islam. I politely decline and left just a bit miffed. I just felt like this lady did a 'bait and switch' on us. She invited us to a 'party', but really she was looking to convert us. She is originally from India but lived in the states for three years. I have never had anyone here do something like that before now. It was odd for sure. 

After we got home from the 'not' birthday party with KFC, I went to a Stella and Dot party (jewelry) at a friend of Gina's house. Gina showed up there as well. Stuart had made hummus for me to take and it was a hit. 

Friday morning we got up and got ready for the Halloween party at Jack's school. 
My beauty and the two beasts are ready to party!
Millie couldn't decide between the Fleminco dancer costume and the Snow White costume. We compromised and wore one for the day time and one in the evening. Easy!

The school party had games and activities for the kids. They also had a trick or treating session around the school. While at the party the teacher's assistant in Jack's classroom, Raina, asked me if I was playing in the exhibition  game that afternoon. I hadn't really thought about it, but she urged me to do so. She plays as well and is one of the ladies who really encourages me. I decided I would play. 

When we got home from the Sunflower party, both Stuart and I got ready for rugby. He had a full match, whereas I would be lucky to play 5 of the 15 minute exhibition game.  

We traveled to the rugby club and I basically just stood around and waited to be told what to do. I was super nervous because it was unfamiliar to me and I knew it would be full on tackling. Yikes!

We got our jerseys and warmed up. By the time we played I was a sweaty mess. I sat out most of the game but did get in right at the end. There were a couple of times someone could have passed the ball to me, but didn't. Then, the last play of the match the ball was passed to me. I ran forward right into the coaches daughter who is a maniac on the field. It was awesome. I continued to resist her tackle and push forward. She finally did tackle me and the whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. I was so glad that I got to participate at all. It was so fun! Although I know I said earlier in this post that November 21 would be my first match, it seems I already played my first match. The only differences are that we won't be playing each other and we will be hit harder. 
Okay, try not to concentrate on the big 'can' of #24. Ironically enough, this is the number my brother had on his basketball uniforms throughout his career. Ha!
An action shot!

After the match the kids and I headed home to get ready for the trick or treating in the Village. Stuart made chili and we went to the Murff's house (DeDe and Craig), sat outside their villa, and passed out candy, while Claire (Cathy's daughter) and her friend walked out kids around. It was so nice and relaxing. Halloween was a success. 

Saturday morning we got up and the weather was so nice we went for a bike ride. The kids really enjoyed that. We headed to the grocery story after the bike ride for some much needed food. We then went to the mall for hair cuts and lunch. 

Once we left the mall we went down to Scott and Clare's (Henry's parents) and visited for a bit longer than was intended. They are such wonderful people. Clare ended up feeding my two along with hers, as we chatted some more. 

We left there around 6 pm, bathed and went to bed, but only after a treat from the Halloween stash. 

Once the kids were in bed Stuart and I sat down for a little relaxation. Stuart obviously dipped into the kids' stash as well. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Training, training, and more training

When 2 of your 5 days of school are training days that only last half of the day, how can that be bad?

I went to a training on Sunday for our grading computer program. I learned one thing in 4 hours, and one of those hours we sat waiting for the trainer. We were fed lunch and were finished by noon. 

After school I took Jack to basketball practice but rugby had been canceled for that day. They figured since the kids had a long tournament day the previous Friday, they could have a break on Sunday. 

When I got home from basketball practice with Jack, Stuart left to help a family whose house had caught on fire over the weekend. The fire was contained to their son's bedroom, but Stuart said their was soot all over the house. The pictures very quite scary. Needless to say, later in the week, we went out and bought smoke alarms for our apartment. Nope, they are not standard in every place. 

Sunday night Millie had spiked a fever. She had a bad cold and couldn't breath out of her nose. Both kids were in bed by 6:30 pm. 

While the kids were sleeping and Stuart was helping clean up the damage from the fire, Cathy came over for tea and biscuits. We don't see Cathy as much now that rugby is in full swing so it was nice to have her come by. 

After Stuart got home and Cathy left, that's when the fun began. Stuart came running into the living room telling me to come back to the bedroom. When I got there I saw the result of a busted water pipe. Because the water is so horrible and hard here, pipes bust all the time. They just separate from where they are supposed to be connected to the wall. It seems there should be a solution for this considering we are living in the year 2014, but what do I know. 

Stuart cut the water off, but then heard a leak in the kids' bathroom, which he suspected was coming from the upstairs apartment. When we called the maintenance man at 10:30 pm at night, naturally his phone was turned off. Once the kids' bathroom seemed to have stopped leaking we went to bed and knew we would just have to deal with it the following day. 

Stuart called to have the pipe fixed on Monday, but no one came. The kids fell asleep really early. Millie was asleep at 5 pm, still quite ill, but being mother of the year, I just cranked her full of Tylenol and continued to send her to school each day. 

Stuart and I went to training Monday night and I nearly died. I still am in pretty horrible shape. I really need to carve out more time to workout, but I'd rather hang out with Jack and Millie, and by the time they go to bed I am too tired to do anything. Let's face it, I'm lazy. Anyway, after training one of our coaches bought us pizza. So it looked like the enchiladas I had made on Sunday evening would have to wait another evening. 

Tuesday morning at school it was decided we should take the grade 5 boys to the canteen to practice the way we want them to behave in the canteen. It took the majority of the morning, but things did get better toward the end of the week. After canteen I covered a grade 5 boy's class. They were so terrible I thought I was going to cry. They are by far the most disrespectful group of children I have even been around. There are many factors that create and perpetuate this behavior, but I am not in charge so I can't change it completely. I continue to do what I can to help out. Then I go home and enjoy my family. Stuart and I always remind each other why we came here, and it was not to make a name for ourselves in this society. 

As if my coverage class wasn't enough to make me have a nervous breakdown, at the end of the day, as students were going to the buses, one of our special needs students was fighting with another boy. I stepped in and tried to pull them apart, but couldn't. The special needs student was huge and has an unusually large amount of strength, freakishly strong. In the end they both went to the social worker and the boy who continued to bother the special needs boy was actually suspended from coming to school the next day. I will have to hand it to our social workers. They are starting to follow policy and send kids home when it is appropriate. 

Tuesday afternoon Stuart took both of the kids to rugby practice and I went to 'Ladies coffee' at my friend DeDe's house. She lives in a place called The Village. We have wanted to move there since we came here, but were told that because  we don't have three kids we can't move there. Anyway, it was a nice time of getting together with some other ladies and just relaxing. And it made me want to live in that complex all over again. DeDe told me there were two empty places on her street because just recently two families had 'run' (fled the country). 

Stuart and I had training on Wednesday so we were able to take the kids to school. Millie still wasn't feeling well and she cried when we left her. It made me so sad. 

After our training we went to housing at the Zone. We had talked about it, and although we had been to housing a few times since school started and were told we could not move until December of 2015, we thought we would give it one more try. The way things work here is that the squeaky wheel really does get the grease. There are no set rules. It all depends on who you talk to and what mood they are in. 

Well, it seems we caught Mr. Ibrahim on a good day. We told him all of our woes of where we currently live, mainly that kids play outside of our window until all hours of the night, interrupting our sleep. We told him of the two places we knew of in The Village that were empty. After about ten minutes of conversation, he told Stuart to put in a Termination of Housing Lease on the school portal and in a few days, Inshallah, it would be accepted. We may be moving into a villa in The Village. Hot dog!  

Once we left the Zone, we picked  the kids up. Millie was asleep and burning up. I took her to the doctor, therefore Jack had to skip basketball. The doctor said she had an upper respiratory infection and gave her a breathing treatment in the hospital. He then sent home meds for a nebulizer, which we had to go and buy. Instantly she was better. It made me feel badly that I had waited for so long to take her to the doctor. 

Millie and I ran errands after the doctor visit. We had to get a pink t-shirt for Jack in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Of course since he had to have one, she did as well. It was quite a challenge to find him a shirt, and in the end I had to buy him a shirt that was too big, but it was the only pink shirt I could find. 
This was what they looked like on Thursday morning before school. 

Wednesday evening I didn't go to rugby training because of Millie being sick. When she went to sleep she could actually breath out of her nose. Thursday morning she woke up acting like her old self, defiant and sassy. The downside of the steroid in her breathing treatment is it gave her a bit of a rash, but we can live with that for 7 days. 

Thursday evening Stuart and I went out on a date. We hadn't done that in a few months, probably since we were home in the summer. We decided that going out on a date is way more trouble than we care for. We could put the kids to bed, order curry to be delivered, probably spend more quality time together, and save a lot of money. The good thing is that we were able to let Santa know which bike Millie wanted him to bring to her for Christmas, and it was on sale. Apparently last year Santa waited too late and ended up missing the bike sale for the bike he brought to Jack. He paid dearly for that bike. Silly Santa. Needless to say, Santa was grateful for the heads-up on the savings. Jack is still not sure what he wants from Santa. Since we told him Santa wouldn't be buying him his own iPad, he's at a loss. 

Friday morning we were up by 6 am and heading to Dubai for Jack's rugby game. We do really get our money's worth with rugby. 

The team only played 3 games, but they really started to look like a wonderful team. Jack, once again, scored several tries. He loves any sport and gives it his all. I am so happy he loves to be active. 
After the games we spent time at Murdiff City Centre, which is yet another large mall in Dubai. We had lunch at Texas Roadhouse. It felt like we were back in Arizona except that they didn't have sweet potatoes as a side. Shameful!  Jack and Millie ate as if they hadn't eaten in weeks. Jack had three rolls, a huge chicken tender, mashed potatoes and a lot of peanuts. Millie ate almost all of her mac 'n cheese, a roll, mashed potatoes, and lots of peanuts. Once in a while they both, especially Millie, shock me at how much they eat. Millie is starting to broaden her food horizon, which is a real relief. 

While at the mall we discovered that Jack liked the Trash Pack. Have you seen these? Stuart and I said we could think of a toy that stupid. Those inventors are raking in the dough for something so ridiculous, but so loved by kids. So it seems Santa has some ideas now. 
Millie was asleep when we bought the small Trash Pack for Jack, so of course we had to buy one for her, otherwise we would not hear the end of it. 

When we got back to the car I opened up the toy and Jack's manipulative skills rose to a whole new level. He began trying to convince Millie she wanted to trade one of hers for one of his. At least he was trying to trade rather than just flat out scamming her out of one. 

When we left the mall we took Stuart to Dubai Sports City. He had a match there, which is why we decided to stay in Dubai and shop around. Otherwise he would have had to drive home and get on a bus and go right back to Dubai. 

We ended up driving home, getting our swim suits and heading to the Richardson's for dinner and a dip in the pool. Stuart ended up with another try in his match and this time he was awarded Man of the Match, but didn't have to share it with anyone. He was super pleased with his efforts and so am I. He loves the game so much. 

We got up Saturday morning and went to the Murffs house for a Halloween party. It was full on with crafts and food. It was so fun. DeDe Murff is my hero. She put so much effort into the activities and the entire morning. She and her family go to the same church as we do, but we also know them through the Rouvis. They all came here at the same time 3 years ago. When you enter the country with a group of people you are often bonded for life. That seems to be the case with the Rouvis and the Murffs. 
This is an owl made of an apple slice with Nutella spread for the head, Oreos for the eyes and eyebrows, candy corn for the nose, and sugar eyes. Millie's took on a much different look than Jack's. 
The kids painted a fall tree, using their hands as the 'leaves', and their fingertips made the dots. 
Here Craig Murff was helping the kids make their painting. 
We also carved pumpkins. DeDe had stations for everything and we all rotated through each one. She was so organized. It was so great and the kids had a blast. 
We left the Murffs and went to the Rugby Club for lunch. While we were there theRouvis  showed up, as did the Richardsons. The kids played outside for a bit, then off to the pool we went. We only stayed for an hour because we were having dinner with our Irish friends, the O'Riellys. They were in the group that came over with us last year. We hadn't really had a chance to catch up this year as of yet, so decided it was about time. 

We had a lovely evening and meal. We left much later than intended, but had an absolute blast just catching up. They are great people and their kids are lovely. 

We had a fun filled weekend, yet again, here in the UAE. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The school shenanigans start up again! And teeth, they are a flyin'!

The boys in our school are so incredibly challenging. It seems just when we feel they are settled, they pull the fire alarm 4 time in one day. I kid you not. If I wasn't living it, I wouldn't believe it. Make your own judgements when I give this information to you.  Every student has settled in and the honeymoon phase is over, if you can believe there ever was a honeymoon phase. 

The fire alarm issue started Sunday and continued until Tuesday, when jumping down the stairs from the second story began. Really!  School was interesting this week, to say the least. We are just getting ready to implement a discipline policy that Gina actually created with one of her staffs here. Oh, have I mentioned that Gina has now been moved to her third school since arriving here?  I told her she needed to stop being good and they wouldn't move her. She has worked so hard to get her schools where they need to be and she has been so kind to share their discipline system that was set up at her previous school. So we are going to use it. 

Sunday was our normal routine of basketball and rugby. At rugby practice parents were talking about what hotel they were staying in over the weekend in Abu Dhabi. The kids have a tournament in Abu Dhabi so we decided to make a weekend getaway out of it. We decided on the cheaper option, as you would guess. While others went with a fancier option. We just wanted a pool and a place where some of our friends would be, and that's what we got. 

After rugby I had to stay at the rugby club for a meeting with other Heads of Faculty in regards to a Math Bowl competition we are doing amongst the schools. The schools are trying to have more academic competitions in order to encourage the students to work harder in school. The boys, especially, are very competitive and want to be the center of attention. 

We hired a cleaner and she came for the first time on Monday. She did a nice job, but we are still looking for someone to be at the house during the day. Getting the kids out the door at twenty past six each morning continues to be no fun at all. 

Monday after school I started feeling feverish and sick to my stomach. Lovely! So I decided to stay home and not go to rugby practice. Stuart went ahead and I put the kids to bed. Shortly after, I retired as well. I think I was in bed by 8 pm. I slept the night away just alternating between sweating and freezing. With a restless sleep, I wasn't sure how I would make it through the day at work. In the end, I didn't. Tuesday I went home around 10:30 am and then had to go to the doctor to get a doctor's note as not to get docked pay. The stomach flu doesn't need a professional diagnosis, but ADEC does, otherwise no pay. I got home and slept, but still felt yucky. 

Tuesday afternoon the kids got home and I was still not 100%.  Jack had rugby practice and Millie and I stayed home, as to have our 'Mama, Millie' evening.  However, Mama was missing in the fun department.  I did muster up the energy to make these little treats below before Jack went to rugby practice.  I posted them on Facebook stated that our lifestyle here affords me the opportunity to do silly things like this to make Jack and Millie laugh.  When you get home just after 2 pm every day and you have very little, if any, work to do at home, there is time for 'extras'.  

Tuesday evening Millie was asleep by 6 pm so I decided to try my hand at these chicken pot pies.  They are not very lovely, but oh my were they delicious!  Even Jack ate one.  I am usually not the one who tries something new, especially because I really don't enjoy cooking, but this recipe looked wonderful, and it was.
I was sick on Wednesday as well, but went to school anyway.  I ended up coming home again.  I slept for a while, which was the best thing for me.  I arrayed for Mr. Andrew to bring the kids to our house after school rather than taking them to Kayleigh's.  When Millie got home from school on Wednesday this is what she came with. 
I'm not really sure what this was about, but Mr. Andrew said he saw some other students in her class with the same look. All I could get out of Millie was that she was a pirate at school today. I asked if they read a story about a pirate, but her answer was 'No, I was just a pirate'. Okay. 

Wednesday evening I had decided, once again, I would not attend rugby training.  So instead of telling Millie she couldn't go to rugby training with Stuart, but Jack was going to get to go, I put her to bed before it was time for training.  Is that wrong?  I just avoided the pain of her whining.  Jack went with Stuart to rugby training.  He loves to run around with his buddies from school, and that is fine with me.

Before they left for training, we were watching something on television.  The show mentioned something about girlfriends, I think.  Jack just piped up and said, 'Having girl friends is hard.'  Stuart and I kind of stared at him.  Stuart said, 'Why do you say that, buddy?'  To which Jack responded, " I can't decide which one to chose.'  Oh to have his issues.

While Jack and Stuart were gone to rugby training, I started packing us for our weekend in Abu Dhabi.  Jack had a tournament there on Saturday, but we decided to make a weekend of it.  

When Jack got home from school on Thursday I heard him say, 'Mama, I'm sad.'  I asked home what happened. He told him that at school that day he was playing football (soccer) and his friend Henry kicked him in the face. The below picture was the result of the kick in the face. Just so you know, it was wobbly anyway so no real harm occurred. 
Thursday after school we traveled to Abu Dhabi and checked in at the Premier Inn.  It was actually really clean and quite nice.  The pool was lovely and the restaurant was good and convenient.  

When we arrived we saw several players from the Al Ain teams.  We checked in and went to the mall to get a bite to eat.  When we got back we put our swimmers and headed to the pool.  It was just before 7 pm and the kids were having a blast.  Sadly we took over the place and two guys who were in the hot tub weren't very amused by the millions of kids with us, who were also in the hot tub.  They were nice about it when we kept apologizing, but I am sure they didn't bargain for this when they checked in to the hotel.  Oh well.

Friday morning we got up and had a leisurely breakfast.  We then decided to go to the rugby pitch and watch Henry, Jack's friend, play in his tournament.  He is only 8 years old, but is playing with the Under 10s.  They tackle at that age.  I hate that they are so young when tackling starts.  When that game was over, there was a Bad News Bears feeling amongst the team.  One boy had a bloody nose, Henry had a hurt elbow that he was nursing with ice, another boy had ice on his head, and there were scratches and bruises over some of the other players.  They were a wreck, but they loved it and were gearing up for the next game.

We didn't stay for the next game.  Instead we headed back to the hotel for a bite to eat.  We had brought snacks so we just ate on those before heading to the pool.  All of the families who had games on Friday joined us at the pool just after noon.  Around 2 pm, the men who were playing rugby that evening, in Dubai, left for their match.  It's strange because the organizers of these tournaments had initially told the little boy coaches they would attempt to have tournaments in the same city the men would have matches so it wouldn't be as difficult for the men playing.  Most men who coach the kids' teams, also play on the men's teams.  Unfortunately, we think they must have forgotten this promise.  So the men headed out and the moms stayed behind with the kids.
Gina had come to the pool to hang out with us.  We must have been at the pool for almost 4 hours.  It was great fun.  The kids had a blast and the pool, for the most part, was shaded so the sun burning was not an issue.

I ended up with two extra kids with me from about 3 pm until about 5 pm.  Rochelle had taken her kids up for a nap around 3 pm.  She called me shortly after that saying her youngest, Evie, was screaming in pain about her ears.  In the end, I took her other two kids, Emerson and Louie, and she took Evie to the hospital to discover she had double ear infections.  Ugh!  We all just take care of each other and think nothing of it.  It's the next best thing to family, and comforting to know that people are more than willing to help when you are in need.

Evie had a full recovery and was happy as a clam the rest of the weekend. Here she is with Millie. They are really good friends, and I think most likely they will get into trouble together at some stage. 
The guys returned at about 9:30 pm, but I was out by that time.  We had forgotten to put Jack's tooth under his pillow on Thirsday evening, but remembered on Friday night, thank goodness. The tooth fairy came, even though Millie insisted she didn't want him to come. She didn't want the tooth fairy to take her coins. I finally convinced her that the tooth fairy only gave money to the child that had lost the tooth, she was a bit better. I had to promise her that the tooth fairy would totally ignore her and only come to visit Jack. Oh, and by the way, a 50 dirham note, what the tooth fairy left for Jack, looks much different in the dark than a 10 dirham note, which is what the tooth fairy intended to leave for Jack. Oops!

We had an early start Saturday morning because Jack's first match was at 8 am. So we chose to get up early, get our stuff in the car, eat breakfast, check out of the hotel and then head to the rugby pitches. 

They played a total of four games, the last one being at 11:30 am. Gina came to watch the last two games, the first of which Jack didn't even play in so that everyone had equal playing time. But she stuck around anyway. 
You can tell how interested Millie was in the tournament. It was quite hot on the pitch and very little shade to be had, except for the canopies some of the parents brought. She had about a 45 minute nap while we waited for the last match. 

They only won 1 of the 4 games, which happened to be the last game. And guess who scored the try to give them the victory? Yep, it was Jack. He was so pleased with himself. I actually got it on video. As you would guess, I was the foolish voice in the video yelling 'Go Baby, Go Baby!'  They won't let me near a sport's field or arena in a few years.  I already know this. Poor kid!
Stuart and the team, pictured above, had an excellent tournament. The try Jack got caused them to win the Shield. It is an award that is given to the team that comes second from the last. Really? But of course, Jack doesn't know that. As far as he is concerned they won the whole tournament. He was so proud of himself. 

After the medals were given we headed down the road to Al Ain. We stopped and had a bite to eat. We got home just before 2 pm. The kids showered, laundry was started, kids watched some television and had an apple. By 4:30 pm Jack was out so we put him in his bed at 5 pm. Millie was still up and playing, but still went to bed at 6 pm. Our kids play hard and then crash even harder. 

We shall see if they both sleep through the night. I would venture to say they will. We ran them pretty hard this weekend and their little bodies need the recovery of sleep. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A 4 day weekend for some, turns into a 9 day holiday for others.

Sunday the kids slept in. Friday and Saturday nights were rather late nights so the sleep was much needed. I had told Jack that if he woke up to go to the bathroom, and we were not out of bed, he needed to go back and lay down for a bit. Not to worry, he didn't wake up to go to the bathroom and still slept until 9 am. Millie slept in until just after 9. Yahoo!

We were invited, once again for a cookout. This time it was at Wade and Karen's. We got there just after 4 pm and the kids played outside. I do miss outdoor space for our kids to play. 

We ate some amazing lamb, chicken kabobs, and kofta meat, which is ground meat mixed with spices and onions, very similar to meatballs. You form it around a skewer and grill it. Yummy! 

On Monday morning we decided to go to the Dubai Outlet Mall so I could get some rugby boots. I decided if I was really going to do this I would have to commit to getting the correct equipment, thus the need for the cleats. 

We got a pleasant surprise via Facebook when we woke up Monday morning. When we left Arizona a year ago we had to prepare by selling items, cleaning out cupboards and finding a new home for our dogs. When we called Arizona Beagle Rescue they found a home for Bonnie and Clyde almost immediately. We were sad, but so thrilled there would be a place for them to live and be loved. It was with a family who had two kids, a Bassett hound and a cat. We took them to Scottsdale one afternoon and said our goodbyes, which was most difficult for Jack. It broke my heart watching him bend down, cuddling the dogs and telling them goodbye and crying. I just bawled. A few days later we were called by the family and told they would not be able to keep them after all. They had a reason, but I really can't remember what it was. They asked if we could come and get them and keep them until AZBR could find them another place to live. We decided we couldn't put our kids through that, so we never told anyone that the dogs were in limbo with no home. That was how we left it and I have always felt weird not knowing where they were. 

Now for the pleasant surprise. We got a message and friend request from a gal named Nikki who said she and her husband were the ones who had adopted Bonnie and Clyde. She said they were getting ready to move to North Carolina and she wanted to find us to tell us the dogs were well loved and just fine. The correspondence we have had since her first message has been so great. When I read her first message I cried for about 20 minutes because I was so happy Bonnie and Clyde were well and very loved. Since that first message she has sent all kinds of pictures and even a video. Bonnie and Clyde have lost weight and look wonderful. I am so happy for them and so appreciative of the fact that Nikki took the time to find us. 

We got back from the outlet mall just before supper. We had a relaxed evening and prepared for our next day at school. After a holiday it is a total guess as to how many kids will be at school. On the school calendar we were to have Tuesday off as well, so we assumed there would be few students there. Many of our teachers would not be there because of prearranged travel plans. Unfortunately those people were docked a day's wage. Don't ask me! It doesn't make sense to me either. 

Tuesday, out of about 1400, my school only had about 200 kids in school. Wednesday was worse with about 120, and Thursday no students showed up. Those three days teachers were able to plan and the senior leadership team was able to meet and trouble shoot about different challenges we are still facing. It was useful time for us, but children didn't benefit a great deal. 
Tuesday evening we had Millie and Mama night again, which was a total success. Jack had rugby practice and afterwards Stuart had a meeting at the rugby club about student competitions we have started to introduce to schools. These competitions involve many schools and are supposed to promote healthy competition between schools. We shall see how it goes. He and Jack didn't get home until about 7:30, which is about an hour past Jack's bedtime. So once he was home he jumped in the shower, ate something and then went to bed. 

Wednesday I got a call around 9 am that Millie had a low grade fever. They didn't need me to come and get her, but said they would call if she didn't feel better. They gave her some Tylenol and she seemed to rebound, staying at school for the rest of the day. 

Wednesday after school I took Jack to basketball practice. I have been walking around the private schools by Jack's school while he is practicing, although it is still terribly hot at 3:30 pm.  I was living on the edge by wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  There seemed to be many more people around than normal. All of a sudden I felt very self conscious about wearing shorts. It was weird. 

Rugby practice was upon us and what I dreaded most was about to come true. I was about to start tackling grown women. Ugh!  It turns out that some of our best players were still suffering from injuries from the tournament (I know this is not encouraging) so full tackling did not take place. Still yet it was pretty rough and I actually withstood the challenge. We did do some drills where we tackled the dummie bags. There were 4 tackle bags in a row. We tackled, popped back up, me not as fast as others, and then shuffled backwards and all went together. It seemed that the third bag was the hardest for me. Every time I hit it I thought I would die. Let's just put it this way, if I had fake boobs one would have popped by now. Ouch!

I did run much better on Wednesday. It seems with a week off my hamstring was better. The only thing that hurt me Thursday was my neck. I really need to concentrate on tackling while leading with my shoulders. I still may be too old for this sport, but I am going to continue to go to training because I love it. 

When we got home from training on Wednesday night Jack was complaining of a headache. I felt sure vomiting was in our future. However, after some Tylenol he seemed fine and when he woke up Thursday  morning, initially, he seemed fine. But when he wouldn't eat breakfast I knew school was not in his future for that day. Stuart had already left, so I took Jack with me to school and called
Stuart so he could pick him up. Stuart was not very sad to take the day off considering we had very few students. 

I had dropped Millie off at Kayleigh's and taken Jack with me to school. When Andrew dropped Millie off at school, he called to say she had a fever. Since she had a fever the day before, I knew she was fighting something off. I told him to bring her back to our house because Stuart was on his way home with Jack. My sick kids!  I hate it when they are sick because I feel so helpless. 

Since there were no kids in school on Thursday, our Arabic administrators decided it would be a good time for some team building. So they ordered in food and we all celebrated Teacher's Day. It was great. They go all out for the smallest of celebrations. It is something I love about being here. 
Decorations were simple but noticeable. 
Food was presented elaborately. 
Our administrative staff spoke and offered up thanks for all the teachers do. 
We all filled out a card thanking someone for something they have done that we appreciated. 
Although the food was good and I love lamb on most given days, I draw the line at eating lamb when it is staring back at me. Look closely at the top left quadren of this picture and you can make out the sheep's head. No thank you!  Of course Stuart asked me to bring him home a doggie back. When I asked my Arabic Head of Falculty she told me that was fine and insisted I take him the head. She raved about it being the best part. I do know that the most distinguished guest gets the head at most feasts. Please, Lord, continue to see me as a lowly person! Yuck!

We had a very calm Thursday evening. We did finally get our washer back after a nine day absence. And wouldn't you know it, it reeks of cigarette smoke. So, either there is someone in there puffing on a swilac at every turn of the drum, or it sat in a nicotine infested warehouse while it was being repaired. Either way, don't you know I made the call and, Inshallah, someone will be by to look at it next week. 

Both kids were feeling better Thursday evening and both had taken naps earlier in the day, so were rested. We had dinner at Cathy's that evening. The kids watched cartoons and we ate pork chops. Yum!

Friday morning we all slept in a bit, and Stuart made us breakfast, which would be considered haram (sinful) to this culture we live in, but it was oh so delicious. 
Around noon we took Stuart to the rugby club to get on the team bus to go to Sharjah for his rugby match. Jack, Millie and I then went to the mall, met up with Cathy, had lunch, and bought our weekly donuts for the kids. 

We had a birthday party to go to around 4 pm. So we planned to leave the mall at 3:30 pm to get there on time. As we were starting to exit the mall, I could see out the doors that it was pouring! It was so great because it so seldom rains here. 
Here is Jack standing just on the other side of this outdoor food court area. It flooded immediately. 

Jack was all worried we would be late to the party, which we were, but I was not getting out in that rain with all of those people that have no idea how to drive in the rain. So we waited. The rain stopped about 30 minutes later. Jack told me he told God to make it stop and He did because God didn't want Jack to be late to the party. Fortunately Jack can't tell time yet. 

After the party we headed home for showers and supper. Dream time came shortly after the other priorities. 

Stuart rolled in just after 11 pm. They hadn't won their match, which sadly was not terribly surprising. But he had fun and it is something he loves. There was never really something he 'loved' to do in Arizona, besides shooting a gun, and that wasn't very often. So I am quite chuffed (English phrase for 'thrilled') that he has a hobby here. 

Saturday we headed down to Clare and Scott's house. Clare had brought home Jack's homework folder since he was sick on Thursday. Have I mentioned how stupid I think homework is? Always have, always will!  Anyway, we got the folder, had a cup of tea, then went to LuLu's to do our weekly grocery shopping. Since we were there and since there was a KFC there and since it was lunchtime, naturally we had to eat. 

After the brutal task of grocery shopping was complete, we headed back home and then to the pool to meet up with the Turners and the Richardsons. We swam for a while, came home and fed the kids, put them to bed, and then Stuartade chicken curry for us. Cathy and her girls came over. It was a nice, peaceful evening. Livin' the dream in the Middle East .....of all places.