Sunday, August 28, 2016

Brighton College Al Ain, and a new year has begun

Jack was up extra early on Sunday. Both kids were nervous about school, but also excited. They came downstairs and put their uniforms on. Millie's back pack zipper broke on her new bag when she tried to zip it. As irritating as it was, in the end we decided it was for the best because it was too big anyway. 
Look at our dapper dude and pretty princess. 

I took the kids to school because it was their first day in their new school. As we were getting things in the car I decided I needed something out of my Kia, which I had sold two days before. I couldn't get the automatic lock to work. Yep, the battery was dead. And the date on the one year warranty? August 22, 2015, of course. We were 6 days out of warranty. Beautiful!  
Millie's teacher, Ms. Venter, was a hit from the first moment of the day. 
Here Jack, in his head, is saying 'Mama, take the picture already. You're embarrassing me'. Oh well, that's my right as a Mama. 

Once I dropped them off, I did shed a tear, but had to get on the road and head to school.  I ended up being about 45 minutes late, but my principal was very understanding and accommodating. 

I covered a boy's class and a girl's class. We have a teacher who had a death in the family. So in order to be consistent the principal and I decided it would be best if I covered those 6 periods. We only had about half of our students, so on Sunday it was relatively easy. However, I quickly discovered that I would not be able to do that schedule for 2 weeks as originally intended. It was too much to teach 6 periods and try to do my Head of Faculty position as well. We have 5 new teachers who need my help. They are going to be excellent additions to our staff, but they don't know what they don't know. Those of us who have been here for a few years forget what it's like to be new, and all the questions that go along with newness. Everyone survived the first day, thank goodness. 

Once I was home, I anxiously awaited the kids' arrival to hear about their day. They got home around 2:30 pm. They both claimed they had a great day, but Millie had blisters from her new dress shoes. When your kids don't wear closed toed shoes, blisters are bound to arise from time to time. We decided to go to the mall and return Millie's back pack as well as look for new shoes. Never mind that the ones that gave her blister were Clarks and not cheap. In the end we got some from Payless for half the price, and a half size bigger. We decided that once her blisters healed we would attempt the Clarks again. Otherwise it would be a total waste of money. I'm sure she will still be able to wear them at some stage.  
We stopped at Starbucks for a pre-dinner/first day of school treat. Jack ate the carrot cake but left the icing. Who does that?
And then this is what exhausted from the first day of school looks like. Poor guy. 

We got home, the kids ate and then went to bed. We have tried to get back on a schedule of eating and going to bed at the same time as we did last year during the school year. 

Monday the kids were picked up just before 7 am to go to school. I was late to school, but have come to realize that will be the case for the entire year. Hopefully, once I am no longer in the classroom the entire day, this will not be as stressful. 

Once I was at school I taught grade 4 girls in the morning and grade 4 boys in the afternoon. The boys were out of control in the afternoon so I knew I would need another game plan for Tuesday. 

Monday after school I went to the mall to get treat bags for Millie's birthday party. I got some cut little bags as well as a notepad and a necklace/bracelet combo. Done! I also stopped by the grocery store to pick up a brownie mix. How does the need for a brownie mix produce this?
That is more than a brownie mix. I think I traded one disorder for another one. 

In the evening Stuart had training, but before he went to training he took the cats to the vets. We needed to get their shots and Oreo was getting the ole snip, snip on Tuesday morning. They stayed overnight because they recommended they stay together. They both had ear mites so had to be treated for that as well. These 'free' cats have in no way been free. 

The kids had an early night again and I chilled in front of the television for several hours. It was nice to relax after a reasonably hard day's work. I made dinner for when Stuart was home and fell asleep on the sofa, which is typical. 

Tuesday morning I had a bit of a mental breakdown. I had a falling out with one of the Arabic staff members and ended up having to eat a little crow, as a result. It was a tough day. However, the boys stayed in their seats, raised their hands to speak and were generally attentive. That was nice. 

Fortunately, I was told Monday morning that I would be able to give up teaching the following week, but would have to teach grade 3, for 6 periods a week. The grade 3 will be all girls, and I'm only teaching English so all should be okay. 

By the time school was over Monday, I had had enough. It was time to go home and relax. I decided I was going to either have to get over all the things that were bothering me, or I was sure to go crazy. 

When we were all home, we went to get cats from the vets. Poor Oreo was so lethargic the entire evening. They were both less scratchy, which was good. Oreo laid around for the rest of the evening and Pumpkin wasn't really sure what to do without her playmate.  

Stuart had an emergency committee meeting at the club. So the kids had pasta, watched some television and then went to bed. They seem to be back in a routine, which is nice. My OCD really likes routine. 

Wednesday morning I decided to take on a new attitude. I messaged my teachers and told them I was turning over a new leaf and just getting on with things. Things were a little better on Wednesday, at least in the morning. But in the afternoon the boys were a bit off the wall. However, compared to last year's boys, they are angels. 

We had a short meeting after school. I feel so out of touch with what the senior leadership team was doing because I have been teaching all day. Hopefully that feeling will go away once I am only teaching 6 periods a week. We shall see. 

I got home and the crock pot meal I was planning on eating for dinner had burned up. I, being the one who never wants to waste, decided I would eat it anyway. It was chicken with taco seasoning and cream cheese. It was quite tasty, I thought, but didn't look super yummy. Stuart and the kids opted for something different, which wasn't that shocking to me. 

I also discovered that Jack lost his belt at school. It seems that no matter how many times we tell him he doesn't have to take his belt totally out of the loops when he goes to the bathroom, he still insists on doing so. He hangs it over the large toilet paper dispenser. Well, apparently he left it there on a visit on Wednesday. Super! So, needless to say, he will either be buying himself a new belt, or letting his shorts slide down to his knees each day. It's entirely up to him. 

After calming down from the crock pot mess and the loss of a belt, at 3:30 pm the kids and I headed to the dentist. They were having their 6 month check up, and I wanted to ask the dentist about Millie's loose teeth, one of which should not be loose (the tooth Jack knocked loose last week as they were wrestling). 

Jack went in first and was by himself. He was a brave soul because the last time he hated the cleaning gel. His teeth were perfect!  He made it through and then it was Millie's turn. The doctor looked at her teeth, told me we could root canal that loose top tooth or just let it die and let her have a gap for much, much longer than necessary. We opted for the gap. Poor Millie! Sadly she also had one cavity and another tooth that had potential of a cavity if Millie didn't start brushing better. Because I struggle with her on this issue, the dentist proclaimed that Mama was to brush her teeth at night and Millie could brush them in the morning. Done!

Once we were home from the dentist, the kids showered, ate dinner and went to be. Cathy came over for a chat and a few cups of tea. It's always so nice when she comes over for a chat. Three years into our stay in the UAE and our friendship is as strong as ever. 

Thursday was my last day to teach all six periods of the day. Thank goodness the day went quickly. I had the boys at the end of the day, which is the worst part of the day to have them. I made it through, though, and started to get excited about teaching my grade 3 class starting on Sunday. I will be with them 3 periods on Sunday and Monday, and then khallas (finished). 

Once I was home it was time to relax for the weekend, but they always go too fast. I had a doctor's appointment at 7 pm so left the bedtime routine to Stuart. My doctor said I looked like an entirely different person. I go back to the fact that this 'tool' and decision was the best choice for me, for sure. 

Friday morning the Richardsons came for breakfast. They had invited us for a curry the night before, but Stuart already had dinner in the oven and the kids were settled in for the night, so breakfast at ours only made sense. After breakfast they took Jack for the day and he ended up having a sleepover as well. 

Friday evening was Open Day at the rugby club. The kids had activities and demonstrations. The men and women played a match and the spectators sweat their butts off. The Richardsons and Jack were there and then left just before 7 pm. Millie played with her little friends and then came reporting to me that 'the big kids' had put ice on the bouncy castle. So I marched out there, ready to give the 'big kids' a piece of my mind. As I asked what was going on the big kids pointed the finger at Millie. Apparently SHE had put the ice in the bouncy, but said her friend had told her to do so. Conveniently, said friend was already gone. She was grounded from the bouncy the next time we went to the rugby club. She's a tricky one for sure. 

We finally left the club just after 10 pm, showered Millie, gave her a bite to eat and then went to bed ourselves. Millie's birthday party, and the birthday that never ends, would come too quickly. 

I was up early because at 5 am the cats were reeking havoc on Millie's bedroom. She has so much stuff to play with in her room that it seems to be the perfect playground for 2 five month old kittens. I tried to close her door but she wasn't interested. She went back to sleep for a couple of hours, but I ended up getting up and fixing some coffee. 

She was very excited because Saturday was finally the day of her official birthday party, although during the summer she had about 3 unofficial parties. We went to Fun Block and invited about 9 of her friends. Jack, Henry and May were there as well, but that's because Jack wanted someone to climb with and Millie and her friends are all too short. 

We decided not to hire out the place because it was a lot more expensive that way. Instead we decided we would pay for their entrance, order pizza in the food court and bring brownies for dessert. It was perfect. All of the kids had fun and it didn't break the bank. 

A few of her friends are missing, but this was the ones who were there on time. 
Playing basketball was a popular thing to do. 

After the festivities, we ran to the super market for provisions for dinner. I've decided the only thing worse than taking 2 children to the grocery store is taking 4. Henry and May rode with us so of course they had to go to the store with us as well. 
They did the conga line through the grocery store. It was actually kind of funny. 

I took the Richardsons home, and stayed for a cup of tea. Then it was home ourselves, bathes, Skype with the grandparents, dinner and bed. 

It was a very busy week with great things that happened, and some not so great. Next week will be more of the same, I'm sure. 

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh about your comment on the 'free' kitties. I've always gotten them from shelters and they have been so sick! The only one I got from a friend of a friend was the healthiest. Enjoy their craziness, they grow up and just nap all day. xoxo Marion
