Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 days before a break! Whew!

Sunday I had my formal observation. I ran guided reading groups, which I find to be boring, but I received positive feedback so I guess I know what I’m doing after 27 years. 

Millie had a bench ball match after school. She is actually more athletically inclined than I knew. She can throw and catch a ball really well, which is key to bench ball. 

Sunday evening we had a meeting at the club regarding the men’s and women’s tournament in November. We wanted it to be a huge success so we wanted a lot of things planned. We got home just before 8 pm and the kids showered and went to bed. We had fed them before we went to the club which was a good call in the end. 

Monday was a normal, everyday school day. After school I had basketball practice with our Year 5 and 6 girls. They really started to improve their skills. We got home and changed for Jack and Millie’s rugby practice. We drove two cars as Jack had touch rugby training after his contact practice and I didn’t want Millie to be at the club that late. She and I came home. She showered and I made her pasta and butter. After she ate she laid on the sofa and fell asleep. Lara came over for a chat. Since I hurt my hip, walking hasn’t been on my agenda so I haven’t spoken to Lara in a while. The prank door bell ringer struck again. I ran outside and yelled, ‘The next time you do that I will call the police.’  I’m hoping that will be enough to scare them, but who knows. 

Tuesday morning Millie was her cheerful self and just yelled at me because it was my fault that she didn’t get ready in a timely manner and therefore I didn’t have time to do space buns in her hair. I can hardly wait until she is a teenager.  After school we had a staff briefing about becoming an Apple teacher. Wow! I’m too old for this stuff, but I will comply and do my best. 

Millie and I stayed home Tuesday evening and let Stuart take Jack to Touch Rugby. We are at the club most every night so being home for one night in the week was nice. I decided to leave the porch light on to deter the prank doorbell kid. It worked. Stuart was home with Jack around 8 pm and the three of us ate dinner. 

Wednesday I had a basketball game after school at a different school. Jack had a football (soccer) match at yet another school so Stuart went with him and Millie was to have swim squad, but it was canceled. She ended up going home with Alice. Stuart brought Tommy to the club from the football match and Joan brought Millie in exchange. It was a game of musical kids. My girls won three of their four basketball games. Stuart stayed for training and I brought the kids home for dinner and bed. 

Thursday we left school as soon as we could. We were ready for a holiday. We finished getting things prepared at the house for the Vallillo family. We went to the store and then went to the club for a guest Scottish team that came to play our Under 19 girls’ tackle team. When we got home, the kids showered and went to bed. I took a nap on the sofa and then headed to the airport at 10:30 pm. Amber, Addison and Grayson arrived and were through customs just after midnight. We got home just after 2 am and all went to bed. 

Millie came into our room around 5 am because she had a bad dream. I Couldn’t be bothered to take her back to her room. Since she got her bunk bed it’s hard for me to put her back in her bed if she ends up in ours. I finally got up around 7:30 and had some coffee. 

Mike Vallillo arrived just after 8 am because he was coming to Abu Dhabi from a business trip in South Korea. Amber, the little girls and myself headed to the mall around 9:30 to see if we could get her a SIM card for her phone. I forgot it was Friday and that the phone store would be closed. We wandered around the store for a bit and then headed back to the house, but not before going to the pork shop so Amber could see what it was all about. 

We went to eat at the newly renovated 101 Cafeteria just up the road from our house. After lunch we headed to the zoo. It was super hot. We stayed for about 2 and a half hours. 

The entrance selfie. 

Shade was welcomed. 

The lion exhibit is always a favorite. 

The splash pad was a hit. 

After the zoo, we went back to the house to get our swim suits. We swam at the club for about an hour and then went over to the pitch side to watch the men’s match. 

We had dinner there and the kids played. I think Amber and Mike and their kids really enjoyed the evening. We came back to our house at about 8 pm and the Vallillos decided to change their hotel reservations and stay with us until Sunday. We were so thrilled! I really do love how friendships sometimes blossom out of no where. 

Saturday morning we got up and went to the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. It’s changed so much since the first time I was there. It now has a shopping center attached to it. It kind of cheapened the entire experience for me. It’s all about the money it seems. The Mosque is still amazing, but a little too commercialized now. 

I absolutely love the abaya I had to wear.....not!
When we left the Mosque we went to the Corniche. I really thought it would be miserable, but in the end it was a nice dip in the water. 

The kids loved playing in the gulf. 

The beach was virtually empty. I suppose 100 degrees isn’t the best beach weather. 

We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get stuff for a bbq. Cathy came over and brought dessert. She brought the makings for banana splits. It was a huge hit with the kids. 

We played rummy for a few hours and then the kids went to bed. Cathy left and we ended up playing Heads Up on the iPhone. We laughed and laughed until 2 am. It’s the latest I’ve been up in forever. It was an epic evening. 

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