Sunday, January 4, 2015

Back to the grind, so to speak

Our day started out too early. The kids were up at 3:45 am, but I made them go back to bed. Stuart was up just before 5 am and he made coffee and toast for himself, while I continued to sleep. We didn't have to be out the door as early as normal because the teachers are all in training this week. So I did my best to sleep until 6 am. 

There were no kids at school this week, but teachers were involved in professional development, which I thought was a repeat of what the western staff have been trained on previously. There was nothing new or innovating about the week, but no one really asked my opinion. 

After school on Sunday we took the kids out for a bike ride. Millie was a star on her new little princess bicycle. 
Sunday evening we had a bit of a 'catch up' with Cathy and her girls as well as Gemma, Fechin and their kids (our friends from Ireland). We ordered in curry and enjoyed recounting the holiday events. 

I hadn't been feeling well since our return from Australia. So I got up early Monday and went to try to buy some antibiotics. Most pharmacies will sell you antibiotics over the counter, except for the 24 hour pharmacies which are attached to the hospitals. Of course that was where I went. I ended up having to see an emergency room doctor. 

I had to practically beg the doctor to do strep culture. He said he knew I didn't have strep because I didn't have a fever. I told him I was pretty sure I did have strep because I felt like I did every time I have had strep before. He finally relented and did a culture, which turned out positive. Surprise!  It was all I could do to not say 'neener, neener, neener'. So antibiotics purchased and I was on my way to feeling better. 

I got home in time to go to work. I could have had a day off but since I was a facilitator and was needed at school, I decided to go to work. In the end I let school early, which was nice. 

I was not well enough to go to rugby training on Monday evening. I stayed home with the kids. I would have sent Jack with Stuart but the guys were running a 2.6 K outside of the club and I didn't want Jack to be alone. So the kids had an early night to catch up on sleep. They needed that. 

Tuesday Stuart went to housing to see what our status was regarding moving. We had supplied the housing people with two places where people had 'run'. Even with that in mind Stuart was told they would have to house the people in the hotels now and then they would consider moving us. Sometimes the frustrations that come to us now are the decisions that make no logical sense. Time will tell if we actually get to move this year. 

Tuesday afternoon we went to visit the Rouvis and have another little mini reunion with friends we hadn't seen in a few weeks. Jack's friend, Louie, wasn't there but he played with the Rouvis girls so he was fine. 

When we left there we ran by the mall just to look around and grab a bite to eat. We ended up shopping and getting Jack some more rubber bands for his loom band kit. We may have a crafty child in him after all. 

Wednesday afternoon the Rouvis came to our house for tea and so Louie and Jack could play together. After they left we got ready for rugby training. I wasn't super excited because I was sure I would barf during practice. The conditioning training is really no fun. I told Stuart I would really like to just play in the matches and not have to go to training. He said people might frown on that. So I sucked it up and carried on to practice. 
It is always a bit chilly on the rugby pitch so the kids were able to wear their warm up suits Grammie and Pop brought them last April. Look at my little sporty kids. 

When we got to the club the Turners and the Richardsons were there. Jack was beyond excited to see Henry and Henry was so polite to me and asked how our holidays were. He has great parents. He's a good boy and someone I am so thrilled Jack has become friends with, although he is three years older which can have its challenges for sure. At any rate the kids were able to play together for an hour or so while we all trained. 

I am happy to report that I did not barf, although I was close several times. I was also given many compliments (or at least I took them as compliments) when it was pointed out that I just took the ball and ran straight towards the other players, making it more difficult to be tackled. Then our captain said that if anyone needed to practice tackling, I was the one they should go for. She said if they could tackle me they could probably tackle anyone in the league. It is the first time in my life I was kind of happy to be as big as I am. I knew my siW would come in handy one day. Now if I could get my knee to stop hurting that would be great. I am still LOVING rugby. It's crazy!

Thursday we had a ceremony for this of us who facilitated and we received a plaque for our contribution. I would have rather received money, but again, no one asked my opinion. 

Thursday evening we headed to the Richardsons for dinner. It was a chilled night because the ladies were going up Jebel Hafeet the following morning. It is the highest spot in all of Abu Dhabi. It is almost 12 kilometers from where we started. 

We were up before dawn and started up the mountain just after 6 am. Karen and Clare ran the majority of it, whereas I basically crawled my way up. It was a little like the 10K, I've done it and now it is checked off the list. 
The view from the bottom at 6 am. The top of the stringent of lights was our goal.
This was at the beginning of the trek.  
The log and winding road that passed through a cloud. 

Once I finished, 2 hours and 20 minutes after I started, Scott picked us up and we headed back down the mountain to the Richardsons for some breakfast. Stuart had made an egg casserole and brought croissants. 

Millie and I had to exit for a birthday party at the park so Jack and Stuart stayed for a bit longer at the Richardsons. Jack actually ended up staying all day and they brought him to the rugby club for Stuart's match. 

Stuart was a star again and scored a try. I, of course, was in the bathroom when that happened so I missed it. Wife of the year! Everyone told Stuart I saw it, but I fessed up and told him I didn't. He was still a star!

Saturday morning we got up and went to look at a dune bashing vehicle. Stuart really wants something we can take out into the desert and ride in the dunes. It would mean we would have to get rid of one of our cars, but then we would have something to use for camping as well. He had seen this really old Nissan Patrol so I inquired about it via Facebook. In the end, although I arranged to go and see it, I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to make any decision without him. So I ended up telling him we had an appointment to see it. It wasn't worth what they were asking for it.  So the search continues. Who knows if we will ever get a dune bashing vehicle, but Stuart will enjoy looking for one. 

We went out to the Farmer's Market that is held each week at the golf course where our church meets, but it was a little lame. Right before Christmas is the best time to go because there are a lot more vendors. A couple that came in our group, a year and a half ago, have a food booth there. I think they do rather well. 

We ended up going to the rugby club to have lunch and let the kids play around for a bit. Then we headed home for the afternoon. We lazed around, the kids watched a movie and played with their toys. Then by 6:30, they were out like a light. Back to shook they go!

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