Sunday, May 5, 2019

Mr Milnes does not disappoint

Sunday was the first day for Millie’s new teacher, Mr Milnes. Let’s just say, she loves her new teacher. He seems to be a bit more strict than her previous teacher, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It was his first day, but according to Millie he is the best teacher ever. 

The school day was long. But I had my new workout regime to look forward to.....Not! I started this dreaded new program with my co-social Secretary, Hannah. She’s a fit little gal and is going to help me get back into shape a bit. Over the last three years, since my surgery, I have let a few pounds creep their way back onto my ass. So I figured I had better get serious about getting it off so that I didn’t let it get further out of control. 

When I got home from the club, after the workout that nearly killed me, I  showered while Stuart made dinner. After dinner, the kids went to bed, and Stuart followed shortly after. I went to bed around 11 pm, which is a bit early for  me, sadly. 

Monday went fairly quickly. After school we went to Jack’s last swim gala. He got 1st in the freestyle swim, 2nd in the butterfly and he was the third leg in his relays. They didn’t win their relays, but in both races he surpassed the other teams on his third leg. 

Long and lean and ready to swim. 

He has to be the third leg in the relay because he’s the best diver off the blocks. 

After the gala, I stopped at the supermarket to get some ground beef. The kids had McDonalds, because we were too lazy to make them dinner.  I showered and ate dinner. The kids went to bed, and Stuart finished off his treasurer’s report for the Annual General Meeting and then went to put his last monies into the safe at the club. I know he is excited about his new role as Co-Chairman. 

I fell asleep on the sofa and got up to go to bed at half ten. I then woke up at 1:15 am and felt as if I’d had a full night’s sleep. How excited was I to find out I got to sleep four more hours?

Tuesday, school was busy as usual. Tuesdays, as I may have mentioned a time or two or ten, is my toughest teaching day. Yet I find myself to be most productive on this day, which is nice. When I left school I went to work out with Hannah. I thought I was going to cry. She’s a machine! 

I left the gym with wobbly legs and went to pick Millie up from dance. When we got home dinner was ready. I watched television for the evening, which is my way to have brainless input after a long day. 

Wednesday after school, we went to the pool to swim. I thought this would help me to work out some sore muscles. We decided to eat at the club. During the session at the pool, we found out that all our friends who work for Abu Dhabi Education Council will have new contracts next year at a lot less money. It’s so sad to see this happen. Private schools seem to be fine st the moment. And although this is still a very lucrative gig, the cuts are happening and will continue to happen. 

Thursday after school we went to the club around 5 for the AGM (Annual General Meeting). The kids swam during the meeting. The new committee was elected and the new Chairman, our friend Sean, immediately got his ducks in a row and started planning for the coming rugby season. We got home around 8 pm and went to Lara and Brian’s for a chat. 

Friday we just lazed around the house. I took the kids to the pool around 2 pm. I worked out while they swam. Jack was there for a birthday party. We left around 5:30 pm to come home and go to Lara and Brian’s for their annual Cinco de Mayo party. We had a great time with friends. We planned for future outings with our friend Jane who is returning to New Zealand this summer.  At the end of every school year we all start to load up our social calendar with those who are returning to their home country for good. This year I feel there will be an extra few leaving after the new contracts came out. It makes me sad, but I totally understand their reasoning. 

Kiwi friend Jane, and Lara photo bombing in the background. 

Saturday morning we got up and went to test drive a Ford Ranger. Stuart loves buying new cars. Sean went with us and while he was driving a dog ran out in front of us and he hit it. Ugh! Not nice. Sadly it didn’t kill the dog because we drove by on the other side of the road and the dog was kind of sitting up, but clearly couldn’t move it’s back legs. The good thing is, usually, someone in a truck stops and moves the hit animal to the side of the road. I hate to even see birds get hit. It’s so sad. 

After the unfortunate event of the dog being hit, we headed to the  grocery store for some things we needed for lunch this upcoming week. With Ramadan starting in a few days, the grocery stores are packed. The traffic is a bit like it would be at home on Christmas Eve. Everyone is making that mad rush for those last minute items. It’s manic!

We spent the rest of the day at home. Stuart went to the club to meet with the Chairman, Sean, his bestie, and the Clubhouse Manager. The members decided to change the Clubhouse Manager’s role a bit. He is now in charge of the business side of things and negotiating contracts from sponsors. With that comes extra responsibility, therefore a raise in salary was asked for, and granted. We are already heading in the right direction with this new committee. 

I took Jack to another birthday party at Bounce at 4:15 pm, while Stuart was in his meeting. He, then, had to collect Jack at 6:30 pm. Anyone want to guess what the Saturday evening is like on the roads the two days before Ramadan. The trip home should have taken about 20 minutes, instead it took nearly 45 minutes. Joy! Millie was already in bed, and Jack showered, had some fruit and went to bed. 

The weekend was one social event after another. This time of year, when everything slows down, we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

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